What is astrology?
Possibly the best explanation, relating to astrology as a form of psychology, was given by Georgij Gurdzijew, a Russian adventurer and esoteric teacher. He was walking with his students in a park and one of them asked - What is astrology?
Instead of answering, Gurdzijew dropped his walking stick on to the ground.
One of the students came up, lifted the stick and gave it back to Gurdzijew. It was a matter of seconds, yet Gurdzijew asked everybody what they were thinking when the stick dropped. What was their reaction?
One of them said it must have been the wind, which blew the stick out of Gurdzijew's hand. The other was wondering why Gurdzijew dropped the stick. Another one did not notice the stick falling. The next, found himself lifting it and giving it back, without any particular thoughts.
'This is astrology, you see' - said Gurdzijew. Each one of you in the same circumstances reacted differently. So, this is astrology.'
The most important thing is to see that every Zodiac Sign has its positive and negative traits, but every one is valuable and good in its essence. The very worst we can do - if we are interested in astrology - is to have preconceptions about certain signs.
It is usually because we have met people who we dislike and we project this notion to the whole zodiac sign. This is only our shadow self, showing us traits that we dislike in ourselves. It is particularly worth studying if we have a preconception of any Zodiac Signs.
Every sign is neutral and has both - good and bad range of qualities. And let’s have it always in mind.