'Holistic' means working with the whole of any given system. It is also often a combination of knowledge and experience from many disciplines. 'Holistic' takes into a picture 'you' as a whole, not as an individual of disjointed pieces.
I invite you to join in to learn more about yourself, and to learn how to function better on and intellectual, emotional and physical level. Different fields of metaphysical dealings and healings can help us understand the bigger picture behind your life.
Using tools such as Astrology and Tarot - where you can learn about your mental 'blueprint' and how to manage it; Herbs, Aromatherapy, Nutrition and Body Work (Breathing, Accupressure, Massage)- to improve your well being; and other complimentary therapies such as Colour and Crystals, Mindfulness, Meditation, and Lightwork (Subtle Energy, Reiki) - to connect the different parts - so you can have a wholesome life.
Underlying each session are techniques of relaxation, based upon discoveries of modern neuroscience, and biology especially of Dr. Joe Dispenza, Andrew Huberman and Bruce Lipton.
It is especially helpful to know those techniques in the era of information overload, passive consumerism and general over-stimulation of the outer senses that create such mental health imbalances.
The sessions are made to your individual needs.