Imaginary Taurus Constellation |
Taurus constellation reflects the imagination of the inventors of the Zodiac. The bull was symbol of wealth for many generations. The Golden Calf of biblical fame, Taurus the bull was an object of attention and worship in ancient cultures, symbolising the fecund powers of the Earth in Spring-time.
The Bull of Heaven, according to Greek myth, commemorates the ravishment of Europa, a Phoenician princess, by Zeus, who changed himself into a beautiful white Bull to win her affection. Zeus and Europa came to Crete and became the parents of Minos, the legendary king whose son, Minotaur was a monster with bull's head and was enclosed in a labyrinth.
Taurus Time
Taurus starts at the time of St. George Day, 23rd of April. This military saint was brought to popularity during the Crusades and became a patron to several nations, including England. He is most known from the legend of pre-Christian origins, a hero slaying the dragon to rescue a princess and thus acquiring her land. The motive appeared in many chivalric romances.
Taurus months of April and May are the best in the year for those living in the Northern Hemisphere, the most abundant in the display of colours and the fresh plants. It is blooming. There is blossom. It is a blessing. The heart is signing and sensual smell of love comes from the ground. The months are dedicated to Flora, goddess of the flowers, and aspect of Venus, associated with sensuality and beauty. Festivals of Rosalia, of the roses were upheld in ancient Rome in May, and in ancient Greece the whole month was dedicated to Maia, goddess of volatile prosperity. Special devotions to the Virgin Mary take place in May.
Beltane, the Celtic quarter day of charms, has been a day dedicated to the celebration of the May Day, May bank holidays and picnic festivities.
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20-22 April - 20-22 May |
Taurus Character
Combination of these elements - combativeness and Venusian charm is what makes the Taurus energy so down-to-earth. Drive for personal power is especially geared towards personal resources, personal security, and other material values that make life cosy, comfy; plush and cush. Appreciation for the good things in life is what is natural for Taurus people. Personal wellbeing. Good manners. Kind behaviour.
Many have a talent for landscaping and working with plants. Many have soothing, soft voice, fine singing and speaking talent, usually moved by music - perhaps because of the beautiful singing of the birds at this time of the year. And many are sensible to the senses, mostly touch.
Pleasure-seeking approach to life may turn into a self-indulgent beast. At its best, it is Ferdinand, the bull, a very happy creature to sit in the meadow, smell the flowers and enjoy a cool spring breeze. An individual with very basic needs: good hearty food, good sex, and a suitably luxurious place to live, sticking to the familiar and comfortable.
Expect that things will occasionally grind to a halt in the Taurean time. Taurus personalities need more time to adjust to new ideas and changes. "Let me chew this over" - they would say. They are slow and methodical - in their own eyes; in the eyes of others they may be perceived as slow and phlegmatic.
Good natured and perhaps the most in love with life of the whole Zodiac, Taurean 'bullishness' has two faces. When crossed, reactions are very much like those of the angered bull. Bullish temper, bullying others. Bully. Bitchy. Bossy. Backstabbing.
Taurus 'life purpose' according to astrology is: Learning to recognize the true values in life.
Taurus Keywords:
Sturdiness. Steadiness. Solidity. Stability. Tenacity. Endurance. Deliberation. Patience
Pragmatism. Practicality. Earthiness. Reliability. Regularity. Sensuality.
Gracefulness. Kindness. Politeness. Placidity. Serenity. Composure. Comfort. Pleasure.
Taurus Shadow:
Stubbornness. Bullheadedness. Obstinacy. Obduracy. Passiveness. Dullness. Laziness. Sluggishness.
Materialism. Possessiveness. Indulgence. Carnality. Lust.
Intimidation. Oppression. Abuse. Rage. Brutality. Butchery.