
20-22 March - 20-22 April

Imaginary Aries Constellation

The symbol of Aries constellation is depicted as a Ram or a Lamb. It marks the lambing season. It also relates to the Paschal Lamb that is resurrected during the Easter holiday. In Babylonia the constellation referred to a start of the agrarian year. In Greek myth it is the golden ram a reminder of the Golden Fleece, known from the story of Jason and the Argonauts, and it marked a start season to undertake a journey.

Western astrology does not relate to the zodiacal constellations. They are only a convenient way to divide the sky into equal parts. The path of the Sun through the year and the processes in nature are the main focus. 

Aries Time

Aries kick-starts the Spring with Spring Equinox around the 21st of March. On this day the Sun rises exactly in the East, and from this day the days are getting longer (in the Northern Hemisphere). For many centuries it was considered as a start of a new year, and it is traditionally the first sign of the Zodiac

The key words "I am", or "I am that I am" is a biblical phrase in the Old Testament. Astrologers believe that it was created and promoted during the age of Aries, when rivalling civilisation started to emerge, between 4500 and 6000 years ago.

Aries time covers the months of early Spring, March and April, where nature 'wakes up' from the winter slumber, resurrecting itself to a new cycle of life. Sometimes the 'waking up' involved burning out the fields to the ground, a practise now forbidden, common in the agrarian societies that invented and followed the calendar. 

The word 'aries' is similar to 'arise' - for the purpose - it relates to the rising path of the Sun, the renewal of daylight and the rebirth of nature. The landscape is mostly still pretty rough and raw but the new greenery lifts a spirit to a vigorous start. The Easter holiday with its resurrection theme falls always during the time of Aries and is a reminiscent of the joyous first feast of the year.

Aries corresponds to new beginnings, a fresh start, renewal, survival instinct,  stamina and innocence. 

Aries - 20-23 March to 20-23 April

Aries Character

From the primordial character of the season comes the nature of people born around this time of the year. The symbol for Aries is traditionally the Ram - strong energy, war and combat. This energy involves much struggle, pushing, shoving, jostling - to get forward.  Yet, Aries is  often more like a sheep, rather than a ram, in a positive sense of innocence, and rather as gentle and shy as a lamb. Aries is the kid of the Zodiac. 

A growing sense of identity and of self-discovery, the innocence, the independence and stamina that accompany Aries makes the character often unique and/or inadequate. 

All kids need to feel unique, to the point of being self-centred, they are adventurous, to the point of being eccentric, and they have a sweet lack of reflection, to the point of foolishness. 

Aries needs to stand out from the crowd. This is the way to define oneself and own territorial boundaries. It has the inborn sense of independence. Having own strong views to the point of being head-strong, for example. 

Sense of identity can be a difficult lesson for Aries people. The need for a self-identity, the needs to prove oneself may manifest as 'I am thus - me first. If not an attention seeker, he/she may find quiet ways to be unique - extensive privacy, solitude. 

Aries can be a little tardy. It needs to gain respect through the fight of life. There is an issue with shyness in Aries and unless it is filled with a considerable amount of self-love, it will continue to be so.

The Lamb may turn into the Ram - a more nasty creature. It can be quite provocative and angry - in speaking, behaviour, opinion, appearance. Sprawly, quirky, rough and rowdy, headlong, rather challenging to others, with an awkward sense of humour. Aries does not care what others think, most of the time, disregarding the feedback, immune to criticism.    

The ramifications of such rampant energy indicates that people having Sun here may lack empathy. Their self-hood is what drives them. Many Aries Sun natives are downright blunt. Tact is lacking.

Aries energy has luck in life in general. Forceful luck. The vital force of life is pushing it up, allowing it to grow, presenting with new possibilities. A lucky devil or a whizz-kid, usually with sound health and a stout physical constitution.

It is a very raw energy. Its influence merely means a very dynamic and powerful start. Perhaps the trouble with Aries is - life makes them whatever the circumstances. Aries keeps MARCHing on, whatever the weather, making oneself sometimes the APRIL's FOOL.

Aries 'life purpose' according to astrology is: Learning through discovering oneself.

Aries Keywords:

Independence. Individualism. Freedom. Uniqueness. Territorialism. 
Instinct. Strength. Stamina. Rawness. Novelty. Bravado. Cheekiness.
Innocence. Simplicity. Sincerity. Spontaneity. Playfulness. 

Aries Shadow:

Self-interest. Narcissism. Vanity. Impatience. Intolerance.
Primitivity. Parochialism. Coarseness. Impulsiveness. 
Ignorance. Naivety. Foolishness.