Eucalyptus Oil - Practical, Useful, Helpful, Beneficial

I have a long relationship with this essential oil, as probably many of us, because it is so widely available and cherished for its qualities.  

Eucalyptus oil is one of the most widely used essential oils in aromatherapy. It is obtained from eucalyptus leaves: a plant that comes from Tasmania and Southeast Australia and grows primarily in tropical and subtropical climates. This evergreen tree grows up to 130 meters.

Its ripe leaves - the only food source for the lovely Australian koalas - have a characteristic blue-greenish colour. They have a hard, "leathery" structure. The oil is obtained from the glands in the leaves in the process of steam distillation. It is a long and expensive process and in order to obtain a small amount of oil a lot of plants have to be used. Bear it in mind while using any essential oil. 

Treat it with respect and care, also because it has very strong qualities, and when overdosed - can become toxic. Never use essential oils internally. It is strong medicine even for skin applications, so always dilute it in water or based oil. 

Bear also in mind that there are many synthetic essential oils on the market. These I would only recommend for refreshing the air, and no other purpose. Check the label - if it says 100% natural essential oil - it is good for many of the aromatherapy applications. If it says that it contains natural essential oil and other ingredients - consider not buying it. I know, the price of authentic oil is high but believe me - it is worth investing in natural products

The smell of eucalyptus oil is very characteristic - intense, refreshing, and sharp. 

There are many benefits of using it in your health, cosmetic and domestic care:  

Eucalyptus Oil - Remedy for runny nose and cough

It has strong antibacterial properties, with refreshing, cooling and soothing effects. You can use it during colds and flu. It should also help with other minor conditions of the upper respiratory tract (see the contraindications below). 

Often, it is an excellent remedy for a stuffy nose. To do this, simply bring an open bottle of oil close to your nostril, put a finger on one the nostril to block it up. Take a breath in through the open nostril, slowly and deeply. Change nostrils. Repeat 2-3 times and repeat this short and simple treatment every 15 minutes, if needed. Have your handkerchiefs ready for plenty of snot! This way it comes down quicker, and clears your nose from residual mucus. 

If you feel a burning sensation in your nasal cavity during the inhalation - stop immediately. Too much of the healing vapor has entered your body. Remember - everything in too much dose can be harmful. See and feel your body's reaction to any new substances. 

If the burning sensation occurs, you can apply under the bridge of the nose a tiny bit of a thick natural oil, preferably virgin and organic, such as coconut oil, linseed oil, or any other cold-pressed oil you have at hand. They will release their coating properties, and will help the skin restore its natural moisture.  

You can sprinkle 4-6 drops of eucalyptus oil on your pillow, to make it easier to breathe during the night. Mix the drops in a spray bottle filled with half a cup (125 ml) of lukewarm water. Don’t use all of it at one go, otherwise your pillow will get rather too wet! ;) Keep the mixture for another night, or simply use less of the ingredients with the right proportions. 

You can use the same spray in the morning to apply it into your mouth cavity, after you brushed your teeth and had breakfast. Sprinkle once or twice, wait a few seconds, and rinse with cold water. Or you can open the bottle and take a small sip and gargle your mouth and throat. Do not swallow under any circumstances. Do not drink or eat anything for at least half an hour after having essential oil in your mouth. This method not only helps to kill off cold or flu microbes, it freshens your breath and prevents tooth decay.

Aromatize your bedroom before going to bed. It will cleanse the air from harmful bacteria and viruses. In some hospitals essential oils are used for that purpose. Not only it makes a space safe to breathe, it gives a wonderful soothing aroma that sedates the senses. 

You can use the same methods in case of coughing. The volatile substances contained in eucalyptus oil have a strong disinfecting and astringent effect - on anything they can come in contact with. Your body membranes react well to it, and this relaxes the bronchi, thus clearing the respiratory tract from any intruders. 

In case of inflammation and irritation of the throat, try a gargle (recommended even by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration) - half a glass of warm or lukewarm, boiled water, 3-4 drops of eucalyptus oil. Rinse and gargle your throat, especially in the morning and evening. Do not swallow, drink or eat anything for at least half an hour after the procedure. 

Compress for swollen legs

Prepare a bowl of cool water, about one cup. Add 10-15 drops of eucalyptus oil. Dampen a clean cloth, preferably natural fabric, in the mixture. Apply it to the ankles and other places as required, leave for a while until it becomes warm. Place the cloth back in the cold water. 

You can imagine that with the warmth taken, the puffiness of your ankles disappears in the bowl and is transformed into a healing agent. Repeat the process several times. Relax yourself and make this time and space a bit special. You so need this self-care and certainly deserve it. 

At the end give your legs a light massage: Wipe up your skin with slight pressure, with the still cool damp cloth - from your toes up to the knees, around your leg. Always move from the bottom up.

Eucalyptus oil for excessive sweating

Its cooling and soothing properties can be used in excessive sweating, especially in the armpits. It is best to use it with distilled water or rose water. Have an empty container and a suitable dose of eucalyptus oil in a spray bottle. 

Choose the proportions depending on the container and your own needs, but remember not to overdo it. 20-25 drops maximum for 250 ml. Start with lower amounts - 10 drops for 250 ml. 

After washing, sprinkle this mixture on the armpits and wait for it to be absorbed. The effects are often quite quick. After a few days of use, the strains of bacteria responsible for excessive sweating will be reduced. This homemade deodorant also eliminates the bad smell of sweat. You can spray it on your whole body on sizzling days. It has a really nice, refreshing and cooling effect. 

For sweaty feet, prepare a refreshing and disinfecting bath in the evenings. Wash your feet in warm or even hot water with natural soap. It is important that the soap does not contain any moisturizes. 

Our skin may not tolerate some commercial hygiene products, which are often overloaded with various synthetic substances. Some of them may adversely affect our skin and its natural protective barriers. It is worth choosing the most neutral and natural soaps and bath lotions. If you don't have one at hand, add a teaspoon of baking soda to the warm water. While still warm, dip your feet in a bowl of cold water with 15-20 drops of eucalyptus oil. Soak for 5 minutes, then let dry.

Eucalyptus Oil against insects

We can use eucalyptus oil it in various ways in the fight against unpleasant insects. Stronger concentrations for this is needed. First of all, aromatize the rooms with this oil on a regular basis - it not only disinfects the air against viruses, bacteria and moulds, but also repels insects, especially mosquitoes.

Ointment against mosquito and tick : Prepare a large tablespoon of base oil and 15-20 drops of eucalyptus oil. Warm your hands by rubbing them quickly, apply some of the ointment: Successively - rub the forehead, neck, hands, legs, feet and other areas of the exposed skin, if necessary. If you have a flea problem, you can also use this ointment, all over your body. 

This ointment also helps to reduce itching and swelling from insect bites. It also heals and relieves the skin from extensive sunburn.

Eucalyptus Oil to Improve Your Mood

There are reports that this essential oil also improves mood. Check if this may work for you. 

Put one drop on your fingertip and place it under your nose. Another two rub gently onto both temples, on the sides of your forehead. Breathe deeply while doing it. 

Eucalyptus oil is colourless and quite oily, so it can be used on its own - in tiny doses. Try it as a once-a-day-routine, and no more. 

If any undesirable side-effects may happen, such as slight headache, nausea, difficulties breathing, stop using it. Please, do not think aromatherapy is not for you. Other essential oils can treat you in a more suitable way. All of them have many different components, and sometimes some of them are not well-fitting to our needs. 

First of all you have to really like the scent. Do not use it when it feels in any way uncomfortable, for example bringing some bad memories.   

Eucalyptus oil for physical and mental fatigue

I often use this oil in my workplace. It is amazing how the aura in the office room had changed thanks to the constantly emitted aroma from the diffuser. Eucalyptus scent stimulates our brain grey cells, making any mind-work more effective and pleasant. I also recommend this aroma to students. Just make sure that there is always a diffuser and a bottle of this oil in the place of your mental effort. 

For a faster effect, pour hot water from the kettle immediately into the diffuser. This will heat the dish up and the aroma will instantly spread throughout the room. You can also use an organic coconut oil as base in a diffuser, for stronger effect. 


The amazing effects of its refreshing volatile oils is noticeable every time we enter the room once again while we’d been away, for example to make coffee or go to the loo. A return to such a fresh interior is instantaneously uplifting. This is especially useful when we live in a city with heavy car traffic. Airing the room is rather impossible. Thanks to the presence of this essential oil, we can create wonderful working atmosphere.

Contraindications to the use of Eucalyptus Oil

Although eucalyptus oil has valuable healing properties, not everyone can benefit from it. It should not be used for children under 3 years of age. Do not even aromatize the room where your baby is present. It should not be used by pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers (should I perhaps state:  breast-feeders, and pregnant people - as those terms‘ imply a gender ‘women’? ;), as well as people suffering from chronic respiratory diseases, without consulting a knowledgeable doctor or medical specialists.