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Below are some of the most known essential oils and their properties. They have many similar properties but what is most important is to know the precautions and safe use for each individual oil.
The general rules of aromatherapy are:
Never apply essential oils undiluted.
Use small doses: 2-3 drops of essential oil / teaspoon of carrier oil.
Children, pregnant and breastfeeding women should not use essential oils treatment.
Aromatherapy treatment means regular use of an essential oil or blend of essential oils for a specific healing purpose. Once in a while applications are safe for most people unless there are allergies.
Allspice Essential Oil
Also known as pimento essential oil. Rich, spicy aroma with top-middle note.
Properties: Analgesic. Carminative. Stimulating. Rejuvenating. Strengthening. Aphrodisiac.
Safe use: Can be irritant to the skin and mucous membrane. Best to blend at a low ratio - 1-2 drops before topical application and inhalation.
Inhalation: Chest infections. Depression. Nervous tension. Fatigue.
Massage: Pain relief. Muscle stiffness. Chills. Indigestion. Stomach cramps. Bloating. Flatulence. Nausea. Arthritis. Rheumatism. Exhaustion. Stress. Neuralgia.
Skin: Antiseptic, antifungal, antiparasitic, dermatitis. Easing toothache.
Spiritual: Grounding. Energy blockages in lower chakras. Healing Inner Child, emotional wounds. Encourages practical action. Helps with shyness.
Anise Essential Oil
Rich, sweet, herbal scent with a top note. Anise and Star Anise Essential Oils are sometimes grouped together, and have similar aroma and properties.
Properties: Antispasmodic, topically analgesic, sedative, relaxing, warming, antimicrobial, cleansing. Strengthens properties of other essential oils.
Safe use: Caution is required. Very low ratio: 1-2 drops for 10 ml. Only in occasional treatment. It can slow down circulation too much. May lead to sunburn. May cause dermatitis. Always check for an allergic reaction before the first application. Best not to use it in direct inhalations. May lead to nausea and headaches. May interact with some medications. Can make birth control pills less effective. Do not use in a room diffuser where there are children and pets. Solidifies at low temperatures, should be warmed up in hands.
Diffuser: Reducing stress. Relaxing. Insomnia. Calming. Asthma. Migraines. Sneezing. Anxiety.
Massage: Abdominal pain, cramps. Intestinal colic. Flatulence. Stimulates appetite. Menstrual pain. May stimulate menstruation. Muscle and joint pain. Persistent cough. Nervousness. Panic attacks. Hangover.
Skin: Smoothing the skin. Anti-wrinkle. Antifungal. Lice and scabies. Mouth-wash to get rid of harmful bacteria, toothache, to freshen breath.
Household: Room spray to get rid of insects, also mosquitoes.
Spiritual: Strong calming effect. Letting go of anger.
Basil Essential Oil
It has a sweet, herbaceous and somewhat licorice-like scent on the top note. The oil is very valuable but may very in the quality and quantity of active ingredients. Look for one having a significant amount of linalool and reduced in methyl chavicol, a possible carcinogen. Basil oil higher in linalool has a more appealing aroma.
Properties: Antiseptic, antibacterial, antispasmodic, regulating,
Safe use: Inhalation should not exceed 10 minutes. It should be discontinued when you notice a disturbing reaction in your body. Irritation, swelling or itching are a clear signal to stop using the product. It is also not recommended to use basil oil on infants and the elderly. May irritate sensitive skin. Used in excess can cause grogginess.
Inhalation: Highly effective in stimulating the mind, improving focus, alertness, cognition, memory. Energizing and refreshing qualities. Clears a foggy mind. Anti-viral. Respiratory infections.
Massage: Headaches. Tiredness, weariness. Abdominal aches, muscle aches, rheumatism. Prevents spasms, e.g. during menstruation, migraines. Improves metabolism. Accelerates regenerative processes, supports the body in fever. Improves blood circulation. Regulates blood pressure.
Skin: Deeply penetrating and cleansing effect. Unblocks pores, clears off impurities, make-up residues, microorganisms and dead epidermis. Valuable as an addition to a home-made peeling. Disinfects and supports wound healing. Soothes itching. Insect bites and insect repellent. Strengthens hair from the roots. Stimulates hair to grow and protects against hair loss.
Household: Good insect repellent.
Spiritual: Brings positive energy, uplifts the spirit and is supporting in spiritual bonding. Soothe tempers, deepens harmony and intimacy. Helps in expanding the heart chakra, increases cheerfulness, promotes integrity and trust. Offers protection. Helps connect with angels or spirit guides. For wealth and good luck in money, try adding a few drops to your wallet or purse.
Bay Laurel Essential Oil
It has a camphorous, spicy, fruity scent with a top note. It is sometimes known as laurel leaf essential oil. Bay essential oil is a different product.
Properties: Strong antiseptic, disinfecting, cleansing, antibacterial, regenerative, anti-inflammatory, diastolic, antiviral, antifungal and fungicidal.
Safe use: May cause skin irritation. Use with extreme care and in extremely low dilutions for topical applications. Not recommended for children. Before use, warm a closed bottle of oil in warm water to melt it.
Inhalation: Respiratory viral infections. Sore throat and chest. Inflammation, edema and puffiness. Fatigue and nervous imbalance.
Massage: Relief from chronic pain. Rheumatism and arthritis. Reduces swelling. Strengthens joints and bones. Stimulates appetite. Helps in intestinal infections. Can speed up menstruation.
Skin: Applied in acne, on single blemishes. Mouth sores. Helps heal wounds and skin inflammations. Dandruff, greasy, brittle hair and nails, and hair loss. Stimulates hair growth. Antifungal.
Household: Insect repellent, also against mosquitoes. Protects the area from the creatures carrying pathogens.
Spiritual: Boosts confidence, perseverance, integrity, fortitude, sense of protection. Gives inspiration, direction, focus.
Bergamot Essential Oil
One of the most beautiful and powerful fragrances in the essential oil family. Fresh, citrusy, floral and tart just-right, with a top note. Its ability to create an uplifting and relaxed environment is highly regarded in aromatherapy, perfume making and cosmetics.
Properties: Regulating (relaxing or stimulating), antispasmodic, antibacterial, antidepressant, refreshing, aromatic.
Safe use: Phototoxic - may cause sunburns - avoid exposure to the direct sunlight or UV rays. Do not use for children. Potential allergens.
Inhalation: Brightens up the mind and invigorates the senses. Light aphrodisiac. Depression, melancholy, stress, anxiety, panic attacks, chronic fatigue, attention deficit. Regular use helps to regulate blood pressure and heart rate. A component in the treatment of the lungs.
Massage: Lowers down cortisol levels - the stress hormone. Chronic tension and stiffness. Digestive difficulties. Stimulates appetite. Improves circulation. May help in decreasing urinary tract infections, fever, cramps, painful menstruation, cystitis. Clears blocked sinuses. Reduces activity of parasitic organisms, candidiasis.
Skin: Due to phototoxicity, not recommended for facial applications. Cellulite, fungal infections and other skin problems. Reduces itching and sweating. Antiseptic mouthwash prevents tooth decay. Wound healing, reducing scars. Hair loss prevention.
Household: Great air freshener, room fragrance. Insect repellent. Not successful with wasps and bees.
Spiritual: Wards off heavy, dark, evil energy. Clears the mind and spirit, enhances the feeling of well-being. Its refreshing and uplifting abilities are ideal for healing negative emotions and bad memories. It deepens breathing, increasing a willingness to live but also relieves excessive excitement.
Black Pepper Essential Oil
Its scent is warm, woody, peppery, with the middle note.
Properties: Warming, antiseptic, analgesic, antioxidant, stimulating, arousing.
Safe Use: Use small amounts. Can cause skin irritation. Avoid contact with the eyes. In excess it can cause over-urination and even kidney damage. Should not be used during pregnancy and in hypertension.
Inhalation: Enhances alertness, aliveness, cognition, vitality, joy. Avoid before bedtime. Chest infection. Supports immunity. Relieves internal tension and sexual frigidity. Reduces nicotine cravings.
Massage: Warming and penetrating effect is good for muscle and joints pain-relief. Stimulates circulation and digestion. Removes toxins from the body. Has a diuretic effect. Recommended for depression in blends. Considered as aphrodisiac.
Skin: In anti-aging mixtures. Fights off free radicals. Toothache. Improves hair conditions.
Spiritual: Stimulates the mind, increases concentration, visualisation - with a grounding quality. Has cleansing, alleviating, energizing and supportive effect. It is best used in complimentary blends as it strengthens other essential oil properties.
Cajeput Essential Oil
Refreshing, sharp, mint-like scent with a top-middle note. Cajeput is a relative to tea tree oil. Sometimes sold as an eucalyptus oil - they have similar properties but different fragrances. It is a vital ingredient of Olbas and Tiger Ointment.
Properties: Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal.
Safe use: May cause respiratory problems and serious poisoning in young children. Should not be used where infants and toddlers are around. Do not use in severe respiratory conditions. May cause skin irritation.
Household: Effectively clears the air from pathogens, dust particles. A must-have oil during cold and flu season.
Inhalation: Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, cough, sore throat, tonsillitis. Improves breathing. Calming effect on the mind. Alleviates anxiety and stress. Positive effect on neurotransmitters - memory, concentration, mental activity, learning, and for intense intellectual effort, in neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. Alzheimer's). Reduces psychophysical tension. Better sleep.
Massage: Muscle aches, rheumatism symptoms, neuralgia, headache, bladder pain - alone or in combination with other oils. Flatulence. Asthma. Traditional use in the treatment of epilepsy.
Skin: Disinfecting wounds. Oily skin, spots, acne, skin parasites. Toothache. Hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Insect bites.
Spiritual: It has an uplifting quality. Calms down excessive thoughts and improves focus.
Cedarwood Essential Oil
It usually has a forest-like, refreshing or woody scent with a middle or base note, depending on variety. Consistency is thick.
Safe Use: It is generally recognized as safe. Reports of skin irritation are rare.
Properties: Harmonizing, stabilizing, warming, regenerating, calming, soothing, astringent, strong antiseptic, antifungal, bactericidal.
Household: Repels moths and cloth-moths, fleas, ticks, ants and sometimes mosquitoes.
Inhalation: Variety of benefits for mental health, best used in blends. Stabilizing effect on mood, reducing anxiety, mood swings, stress and poor attention. Regulates heart rate, lowers blood pressure and stress levels. Relieves symptoms of respiratory infections. Breaks down mucus. Anti-allergic effects.
Skin: Excellent anti-wrinkle agent. Moisturizing. Reduces acne, redness, itching, dryness and stretch marks. Spot treatment on pimples, blackheads or whiteheads. Frostbite and burns. Prevents infections and accelerates healing. Dandruff therapy. Stimulates hair growth. Antifungal for skin and nails.
Massage: Beneficial effect on the nervous system. Relaxing, with strong antidepressant properties. Improves skin ability to 'breath'. Inflammations of the genito-urinary system, cystis. Joint and muscle pain. Insomnia.
Spiritual: Cedar has been considered a holy wood, used in construction of temples, altars, in religious ceremonies. It clears the mind, calms the spirit. Grounding meditations. Enhances a gentle and deeply relaxing atmosphere. Balancing effect, strengthening the positive qualities of the mind. Focusing attention.
Chamomile Essential Oil
Aromatic, sweet-herbal flavor with
It is an excellent antidote to many health and beauty ailments.
Properties: Anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, antispasmodic, antibiotic, antidepressant, analgesic, antipyretic, sedative, strengthening, diaphoretic, antifungal.
Safe Use: Does not cause side effects unless someone is allergic to chamomile.
Household: Prevents infections.
Inhalation: Elevates the mood. Combats depression, lethargy. Facilitates sleep. Promotes good dreams. Runny nose and sinus pain.
Massage: Menstrual pain. Supports digestive system, liver. Increases sweating, removes toxins and pathogens from the body. Reduces fever, pain in muscles, joints, sinuses, head, teeth, swelling and any injuries. Improves circulation.
Skin: Great antiseptic effect to disinfect wounds. Fights infections. Anti-acne, anti-wrinkle properties. For skin irritations, bruises. Reduces visibility of scars and discolorations. Blocks development of fungi. Anti-lice and mites treatment. Hair strengthening.
Spiritual: Revered for its soothing, humble, positive, pure, uplifting qualities. It is like inviting the energy of the Sun into your space with all the benefits of protective and purifying energy of the plant. Used in prosperity spells. Attracts luck, prophetic dreams, improves chances of winning. Increases happiness, inner peace, and gentle self-love.
Citronella Essential Oil
Very strong grassy-citrus scent, slightly fruity, sometimes sour or bitter with a top note.
Properties: Stimulating, antispasmodic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, refreshing, soothing, toning.
Safe Use: Low ratio as it is very potent oil. Should not be used for children. It is flammable - keep away from heat. Not for direct inhalation. Eye irritation may occur. Not suitable for hand creams. Pets may not tolerate the smell.
Household: Widely known for repelling mosquitos and other insects, including spiders. Refreshing air quality. Effectively neutralizes unpleasant odors. Antibacterial and antifungal: Strong inhibitor of streptococcus pneumoniae, meningitis, septic arthritis, peritonitis, osteomyelitis, head abscesses, candida albicans, aspergillus niger, sporothrix schenckii and m. gypseum. Helpful in the treatment of depression, anxiety and apathy. Boosts energy and vitality. Relief in recurrent headaches.
Massage: Neuralgia, fatigue. Abdominal pains. Helps in overeating. Prevents diarrhea.
Skin: Excessive feet perspiration, fungal and other infections. Insects bites. Feeling of freshness. Perfume. Repels ticks.
Spiritual: Uplifting, refreshing and cleansing. Helpful to work through more severe emotional conditions - shadow work.
Clove Essential Oil
Characteristic strong scent that is spicy, sweet, woody with a middle note.
Clove oil is one of the most popular essential oils, and one of the most powerful.
Properties: Strong analgesic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiallergic and even anti-cancer (antioxidant).
Safe use: Use with utmost caution. Can be very irritating to the skin. Do not use it when there are dogs, cats and other animals in the house. Not recommended for the bath - it leaves brown spots in the tub that are virtually impossible to remove.
Household: Powerful anti-microbial agent (bacteria, viruses, mold, yeast, free radicals). For allergies, asthma, depression, smoking. Worth using it on a regular basis for refreshing the air. Repels insects. The larger the room, the more substance we need.
Inhalation: Antibacterial abilities may be better than some antibiotics. Helps with respiratory ailments, even pneumonia. Clears the respiratory tract. Discourages from smoking cigarettes. Improves brain function. Assisting in treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Stimulating, invigorating, gives energy to act.
Massage: Very helpful in blends to relieve pain, chest infection, cold, tiredness, stomach cramps, nausea. Improves circulation. Reduces itching of various origins. Increases appetite. Supports the urinary tract, prevents its infections. Can increase libido but this is an individual matter. Research shows the oil is able to destroy cancer cells in laboratory conditions.
Skin: Known for its benefits in dental applications, toothache, gum disease. Component of many disinfectants. One of the best antifungal remedies, for viral skin infection, warts, tags, parasitic infections, scabies, ringworm, hemorrhoids.
Useful for the care of mature skin, it has anti-wrinkle and rejuvenating properties. For dry hair.
Spiritual: Grounding, strengthening any intentions.
Household: Repels ants. May be used to inhibit mold growth.
Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Eucalyptus oil is extracted from eucalyptus leaves, an evergreen plant that is native Southeast Australia. The leaves are the source of food for koalas. The scent is intense, fresh, strong and herbal.
Properties: Bactericidal, refreshing, cooling, soothing, disinfecting, astringent, antiviral.
Safe Use: Should be used carefully by people suffering from chronic respiratory diseases. In Australia, eucalyptus oil has been causing poisoning in children due to inappropriate handling of the substance. Severe poisoning occurs after ingesting a teaspoon of eucalyptus oil. It can also be harmful to domestic cats, when accidentally licking a surface or solution with this oil, or being in a room that has been sprayed with it.
Inhalation: Upper respiratory tract conditions, stuffy nose. Can destroy some strains of viruses. Facilitates breathing. Freshens your breath. Improves mood. Reduces headaches. Recommended for people working mentally.
Massage: Compresses for swollen legs. Reduces physical and mental fatigue.
Skin: Excessive sweating
Household: Repels insects, mice. Used as a biopesticide in the garden, and in house cleaning applications. Can be added to washing and laundry.
Fir Essential Oil
There are few species of fir where from the essential oil is obtained and they may differ in scent intensity. Fir is part of the coniferous family and all those oils smell like a forest, clean and crisp.
Safe Use: All coniferous oils are susceptible to oxidation that may cause skin irritations. Best used for direct inhalation or from a newly opened bottle in massage.
Inhalation: Respiratory issues. Reducing anxiety, enhancing confidence.
Massage: Muscular aches and pains.
Spiritual: Calming and balancing. Support emotional balance. Feeling connected and moving forward without fear.
Lavender Essential Oil
It is one of the most versatile and popular essential oils. Praised for its floral, fresh, sweet, and slightly fruity scent it has been in use for millennia. A must-have for a first-aid aromatherapy kit.
Properties: Regulating (sedative-stimulating), analgesic, disinfectant, antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal.
Safe use: When properly diluted, it's amongst the safest of essential oils. If used in higher dilution can act as a stimulant. Considered safe enough to use with children.
Inhalation: Best suited for use in calming anxiety and stress, promoting good sleep.
Great in diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Easing breathing. Improves mental alertness. Elevates positive emotions.
Massage: Great for pain relief in migraine, headaches, menstrual pain, neuralgia.
Regulates the circulatory and nervous system.
Skin: For problematic oily skin with acne, allergies. Athlete's foot, bruises, burns, insect bites, scabies, itching, stretch marks, healing of wounds, eczema, fungal infections. Hand sanitizer to kill germs. Can be used in minimal doses undiluted or in low dilution, except for the face.
Household: Insect repellent: wasps, mosquitoes and moths dislike its smell.
Spiritual: It improves the character. Reduces dissatisfaction, grumpiness. Uplifts the spirit. Helps to achieve a balance between what is important in life.
Lemon Essential Oil
Obtained from citrus fruit peels and has a wonderful healing power. It takes about 1000 lemons to produce one milliliter of lemon oil.
Properties: Refreshing, energizing, regenerating, antidepressant, antibacterial, antiseptic.
Safe use: Cold pressed Lemon Essential Oil is phototoxic. Do not use when exposed to sunlight and UV rays. Best not to use on face and hands.
Inhalation: A very helpful agent in reducing symptoms of depression, apathy, fatigue, anxiety, and mental disorders related to alcoholism.
Massage: Regenerates the body. Supports the immune system. Improves metabolism, cleanses the body of toxins, fights hypertension, varicose veins.
Skin: Inhibits the growth of microorganisms on the skin. For warts, corns, herpes, athlete's foot, chilblains. Acts against dandruff and reduces oily scalp.
Household: A best choice when trying to clear a room of unpleasant aromas. Eliminates harmful bacteria and viruses in the air in a very short time.
Spiritual: Powerfully refreshing, energizing and uplifting.
Peppermint Essential Oil
It has a familiar and refreshingly pleasant aroma to most of us. It is far more concentrated than most other essential oils and needs to be used with caution.
It has diverse health properties.
Properties: Analgesic, cooling, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, diastolic, carminative, choleretic, antiemetic, stimulating
Safe Use: Do not use in excess. It may lead to headache, dizziness, nausea, breathing difficulties, heartburn, and allergic reactions. Protect your eyes (and thus the hands as you may accidentally rub them). Do not use it on damaged skin or exposed to sunlight. Interacts with many drugs. Should be avoided before bedtime.
Inhalation: Its strong vapors may irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes - use low dilution and not direct inhalation. Improves concentration, reduces stress, exhaustion, and nervous tension. Can stimulate like coffee or energy drinks. For upper respiratory tract problems, headache, nausea, vertigo.
Massage: Reduces muscle tension, relieves muscle pain. Perfect for fighting headaches and stomach pain. Prevents flatulence, improving the absorption of nutrients and their digestion. It can be used to relieve irritable bowel syndrome. To get rid of nausea, a small amount can be rubbed behind the ears. Positive effect on nervous systems. Restores vitality, has a stimulating effect, improves focus.
Skin: Famous for its antiseptic effect, used to disinfect the skin, but do not apply directly on wounds. Use at very low dilution. Helps to get rid of persistent itching.
Treatment in case of scabies. Additive to toothpastes, mouthwashes, shampoos, hair conditioners. Relieves pain and reduces swelling after insect bites.
Household: Invaluable as a disinfectant. It leaves a fresh scent for a long time. Effectively repels rodents and insects.
Spiritual: At low dilutions, it is fresh, minty and quite uplifting. In blends intended to enhance alertness and stamina. Considered an aphrodisiac. Stimulates action, adds motivation, courage and optimism.
Sandalwood Essential Oil
It has exotic, balsamic, woody scent of a base note. It is a profoundly versatile and beneficial essential oil, from a tree or a bush that is considered sacred in many cultures. It is highly valued in the perfume industry - one of the most sought-after fragrance ingredients in perfumes. Sandalwood is a base note and helps round out blends with soft, sweet and seductive note.
Properties: Stimulating, aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.
Safe use: Quite safe. It usually does not cause allergies. However, the daily dose of this product should not exceed 1.5 milliliters. For external use 1-2 drops are enough.
Inhalation: Friendly, safe and effective for calming down. Helps reduce insomnia, helps to get rid of excessive worrying, anxiety, and nervous tension. Supports concentration and improves memory. It works as an expectorant. Bronchitis, laryngitis.
Massage: Try in stress, depression or low self esteem. Helps reduce sexual tension. Can be helpful in the treatment of potency and reduced libido. It has a strong stimulating effect, like an aphrodisiac. Relaxes muscles of the internal organs.
Skin: Chapped, sensitive, dry and mature skin, scars and stretch marks. Moisturizes and nourishes. Treating insect bites, dandruff, persistent itching. For depilation purposes.
Household: It is used for disinfestation, and repels insects.
Spiritual: Grounding. It can bring all kinds of benefits in the spiritual zone, improves the vibration of the place, drives away negative energies and invites protective forces. Helps to instill a sense of inner peace.
Tea Tree Essential Oil
Its scent is almost too herbaceous and medicinal for some to treat it for the fragrance purposes. However this oil blends well and it has usually the middle note, giving a boost of sharpness. It is a must-have oil for a wide range of applications.
It has widely proven bactericidal effects.
Properties: Strong antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antipruritic, anti-dandruff effect.
Safe Use: Tea tree oil is poisonous if ingested, so it should be taken with caution in any treatments near the mouth or nose. In some people it can cause swelling as a result of skin irritation. Light, heat, exposure to air and moisture can change the chemical balance. Do not use it in a home with pets. Can be excessively drying to the skin, so it is best to use it in moderation.
Inhalation: Respiratory and sinus infections. Effective in clearing clogged nostrils and whooping cough.
Skin: Wound healing. Supportive in severe infections such as MRSA. Commonly used in cosmetology as a component of many care products and cosmetics designed to combat dermatological problems. The effectiveness of the oil in reducing acne has been well documented. Therapeutic potential in the treatment of ringworm, dandruff, head lice, gingivitis and genital infections. It also soothes allergic skin reactions and neutralizes body odor. Shows some anti-cancer benefits.
Protects against various infections, especially fungal.
Household: Use it as a cleanser. It can remove dirt and dust also in hard-to-reach areas such as drawer corners. Clean natural wood with a carrier oil solution - will penetrate deep and preserve the scent and effect of the oil for longer. Remedy to get rid of mold.
Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
Mainly used for its aroma, but it has many other benefits. Floral, sweet slightly heavy fruity aroma with top or middle note. One of the basic ingredients of macassar oil, and many exclusive perfumes, for example - Chanel No. 5
Properties: Deodorizing, toning, antidepressant, stimulating, antibacterial, antiseborrheic, antidepressant and soothing. Considered an aphrodisiac.
Safe Use: May cause headaches in some individuals.
Inhalation: Reducing stress, palpitations, hypertension. Beneficial effect on the entire nervous system. Soothes the senses and facilitates sleep. Fosters a positive mindset.
Massage: Helpful with frigidity, stress and anxiety. Helps achieve relaxation and stimulates the senses, at the same time. Balances hormone levels and has connections with the reproductive organs.
Skin: Effective in the care of acne and problematic skin. Regulates the production of sebum. Protects against UVA and UVB rays. Accelerates wound healing. Irreplaceable in hair and nail care.
Spiritual: To focus on happiness, positivity. Has an arousing action. Releases the fear of sensuality.
Household: Add a few drops of to your laundry, especially bedding.