When most astrological objects are in any particular part of the Zodiac Wheel, its influence is more dominant.
Quarter Influences
Spring Quarter - SELF
Aries-Taurus-GeminiRole: Identity - being yourself to the best of your abilities
This quarter relates to Health - physical, emotional, and mental. Planet in this quarter tell that this is an important part of life. If there is a lot of objects here, a person will be very self-orientated, taking perhaps excessive interest in one's own well-being.
Positive traits: Focus on oneself: self-development, self-sustenance and self-expression. Self-contained personality, very much in control of one's own destiny, outward focused, placing faith in one's own abilities, and less inclined to trust others. Being the centre of attention is natural. Feels that can do better than others. There is friendliness towards those who they like and accepts. Others will hardly be noticed. Leadership quality. Charm and charisma. Strong self-worth.
Negative traits: Highly subjective in one's own opinions, forcing one's will upon others. Feeling important. Superiority complex.
Summer Quarter - HOME
Role: Independence - drawing the best from a familiar environment to move forward
This quarter relates to Shelter, a fundamental feeling of safety, security, sense of belonging, family, home environemnt on physical, emotional and mental level. A person with many aspects here will put a lot of attention to any endevours relating to securing one's own needs within the close circle of relatives, friends or objects.
Positive traits: Focus on the background and surround where from one's own independence can be drawn. Family ties and connections are present throughout life, and often are the driving force as a pursuit of self-worth. They feel they need to prove their worth and they like to rule in the immediate environment. They like to play and have fun according to their rules.
They are rather mistrustful towards strangers, and somewhat hostile - unless they know them better, and accept them in their close circle - or not. Because they absorb the energy of others for their own growth, they need to know whether it is useful and beneficial for them or harmful. They need as much familiarity as possible, and use it for one's own advantage. A significant amount of pride arises from such a familiar emotional base - to facilitate the feelings of safety and security, to be playful and creative, and to perfectly know what to do.
Negative traits: Feeling better because of one's own background. Boxing off from what is perceived as unfamiliar. Hoarding stuff as a fear of losing. Siege mentality. Nationalism. Low self-worth that needs compensation.
Autumn Quarter - OTHERS
Role: Influence - having relationships that matter and allow growth
This quarter relates to Relations outside the close circle of family and friends. Aquintances, partners, collegaues, co-workers - people and events we encounter pursuing love - be it a person or what brings us fun. This a a qurter that forms opinions, and a person needs a lot of different social backgrounds and experiences if there is a lot of planets here. He or she may lose oneself in helping others, forgeting about one's own well-being, for example.
Positive traits: The 'others' come from a completely different tribe than our own. By perceiving others in life situations, the personality develops through a variety of relations - with people, topics and things. It is often a clash between what is known from a family background and what is presented by other cultures, and even - dimensions. Thus - there has to be a fulfilment through sharing with others, cooperation, mutual understanding and respect. Success is measured not so much by own standards, but by what opinion others may hold. Activities are very much a matter of broad public attention and consideration. They are apt to be influenced by others, what is in the larger social network, and especially in marriage and partnership. They need to face the differences and diversity, even the opposites, and incorporate those ideas into their own personality. Thus - a deeper understanding, diplomacy, tolerance and acceptance may occur on all levels.
Those people tend to make some form of popularity, however forming close partnerships is important. They have a strong sense of justice, and really dislike when life goes awry or unfair. They need a certain amount of time-off in a relationship to figure out who they are on their own, to digest the different influences they meet during the day.
Often they are drawn to mysteries or like to be mysterious. There is an aura of immunity, distance that raises when there is too much overwhelm. They may fantasises about secret powers, tend to be unreal at some point in life as a coping mechanism from inner anxiety. They are indeed able to transform life of others if properly managed, and if sensing and sending love especially to the past and ancestral lines.
Negative traits: If they do not resonate well with the significant others, suffering occurs in disguise as a victim mentality or control freak. Becoming strongly reactive - to people and events. They may become aggressive activists in one field or another, dismissing and discriminating whatever they think is unlawful.
Role: Innovation - connecting with others to develop ideas
This quarter relates to our Growth, be it a career we want follow, larger interest in world affairs, or spiritual development - anything that goes out of the immediate environment. Strong quarter may indicate that someone is 'away with the fairies' because of a strong urge and interest to go beyound the known, to explore unfamiliar possibilities, to dream big, to understand life and its mysteries. On a physical level this will be almost an obsession with work or charity, philantropy, spirituality or ideas - well-being of the whole world - and little interest in family matters, needs of others and one's own. People tend to be workaholics or intenesly chasing global outlook. People who have no planets or objects here tend to not understand such people, prefering to live a simple life, not asking questions, being comfortable where they are - there is a sense of lack of development in them.
This quarter relates to our Growth, be it a career we want follow, larger interest in world affairs, or spiritual development - anything that goes out of the immediate environment. Strong quarter may indicate that someone is 'away with the fairies' because of a strong urge and interest to go beyound the known, to explore unfamiliar possibilities, to dream big, to understand life and its mysteries. On a physical level this will be almost an obsession with work or charity, philantropy, spirituality or ideas - well-being of the whole world - and little interest in family matters, needs of others and one's own. People tend to be workaholics or intenesly chasing global outlook. People who have no planets or objects here tend to not understand such people, prefering to live a simple life, not asking questions, being comfortable where they are - there is a sense of lack of development in them.
Positive traits: These are the people who have more distance, perspective, and detachment to the affairs of Self, family, friends, and the world at large. This does not mean they are dis-engaged or shy, quite the contrary. Their actions are exposed to the world, with a sense of mission. As part of their development, they have some tasks in relation to the outside world. They seek reward by collaborations on a larger scale.
Because they can naturally distance themselves from their surrounds, they often are less-emotional and present traits of coldness, toughness, determination, some surrealism, eccentricity, extravagance, transcendence and creative dreaminess. For they see the world from a different angle, they develop themselves through changing patterns of time and space.
They adopt well in any environment, make friends everywhere, as they don't see any reason why to treat others differently for what they actually are. However they can treat people as means to their success with no regret or bad conscience as this is a natural part of life in their eyes. Thus, they are not perfect in close relationships, as they do not know how to respond intimately for the emotional needs of others. They seem to be aloof or concerned with some worldly or otherworldly issues (usually their careers), rather than psychological well-being of oneself, family and friends. Yet, they often may count on the help of others.
Negative traits: Being overly concerned with one's work and mission. Workaholics. Being 'out there', too eccentric, too pushy - to the point of frightening others. Feeling misunderstood by the world. Pessimism and melancholy may kick in, hidden behind a masquerade mask. Wanting to rule the world or despising it and escaping (in addiction, drugs, particular hobbies that do not serve greater good).
Axel Rose, Billie Eilish, Brad Pitt, Brian Cox,
Politics in the Four Quarters
To better understand the Querters let's have a look at politicians. They are everywhere, they influence the world, and we can see how they differ more clearly.
A politician having strong First Quarter (Self) will be motivated by his/her own self-interest. Those people have strong leadership qualities, unfortunately for all the wrong reasons. They are charismatic, easily gaining followers, but little do they care about others and the world - of course unless the other quarters are well placed. They simply like to shine, wherever they are.
A politician with strong Second Querter (Home) will do the politics because of family backround or because it will help his own family. They are not so much involved in what politics is all about, much more of the position and privileges it brings. However they may bo good at local affairs as it touches directly their home. They are best in local authorities, loving to invite other important people to their home and talk about imprving local life.
A poliitician with strong Third Quarter (Others) will be motivated by the people he meets, by peers, loving to be in an environment when variety of opinions emerge. They may be fierely competetive or cooperative, depanding on the particualr planet placements. Anyway, the love to have infuence on others and love to be inspired by others. They are usually the middle line of political party, the activists, organizing events for leaders.
A politician with a strong Fourth Quarter (World) is sincerely involved with politics as a tool for improving the country or the whole world. These are the world leaders, not neceserialy the one's we see most. They do their work because of strong conviction and principles that they can solve problems or find solutions, they are the idealists in politics, the true politicians.
Hemisphere Influences
When the Sun, Moon and most planets are in the upper or lower half of the Zodiac wheel.
Southern (Upper)
Extrovert - Yang
Self-centred, self-certain, ambitious, visible, wanting fame and recognition, pro-active, enjoys working with others in a competitive way, having tangible material values and goals in mind, sincere, honest, transparent, yet provocative, mocking, sneering, challenging; sense of uniqueness, pride, nonchalance, vigour, acting skills.
Self-centred, self-certain, ambitious, visible, wanting fame and recognition, pro-active, enjoys working with others in a competitive way, having tangible material values and goals in mind, sincere, honest, transparent, yet provocative, mocking, sneering, challenging; sense of uniqueness, pride, nonchalance, vigour, acting skills.
Northern (Lower)
Introvert - Yin
Imaginative, introspective, reflective, having 'wild' ideas, uncommon behaviour, surprising, startling, baffling, shocking, out-there, curious, complicated, in service to others; privacy is noted as important, preferring working alone or in a certain cooperative way, raising strong reactions in others - favourable or unfavourable, having quite a strong stance and opinions themselves, resolve, firmness, sturdiness to the point of being authoritarian.
Imaginative, introspective, reflective, having 'wild' ideas, uncommon behaviour, surprising, startling, baffling, shocking, out-there, curious, complicated, in service to others; privacy is noted as important, preferring working alone or in a certain cooperative way, raising strong reactions in others - favourable or unfavourable, having quite a strong stance and opinions themselves, resolve, firmness, sturdiness to the point of being authoritarian.
When the Sun, Moon and most planets are in Eastern (ascending) or Western (descending) half of the Zodiac wheel.
Eastern (Left)
Adaptable, somewhat dependent on others, more passive or subtle, more reclusive, seeking privacy, philosophical attitude, musing, best in a partnership or group arrangements, having others involved; they usually have a sudden sparkling success that is baffling their close environment, as they come from humble background, working hard to the top, with austerity, simplicity.
Adaptable, somewhat dependent on others, more passive or subtle, more reclusive, seeking privacy, philosophical attitude, musing, best in a partnership or group arrangements, having others involved; they usually have a sudden sparkling success that is baffling their close environment, as they come from humble background, working hard to the top, with austerity, simplicity.
Western (Right)
Likely to be more independent, strong-willed, and more individualistic, standing out of the crowd; leadership ability, a self-starter, self-motivated, self-employed; a risk-taker, author of one's own destiny; having natural charm, spellbound influence on others, they like to have a direct impact on others, to stir emotions, to add some spice to relations, interested in others and affairs, pulling power.
Likely to be more independent, strong-willed, and more individualistic, standing out of the crowd; leadership ability, a self-starter, self-motivated, self-employed; a risk-taker, author of one's own destiny; having natural charm, spellbound influence on others, they like to have a direct impact on others, to stir emotions, to add some spice to relations, interested in others and affairs, pulling power.