When I read, in the early 1990s, the sci-fi book Mind Parasites by Collin Wilson, an English modern philosopher, little I know how this subject will be such a significant undercurrent of my life. These were my first concepts of esoterism - a sort of fantasy that I liked to engage with.
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Mind Parasites editions, by Collin Wilson |
There are many examples in literature and films of a hidden danger, an unseen invasion of a parasitic entities that affects the human mind / brain and thus our whole behaviour. One of the best films - in my opinion - is the Dreamcatcher, based on the novel by Stephen King. It portrays perfectly how the alien slimy invader / predator functions, after entering the body and psyche of one of the characters. It all goes down to a very strange internal dialogue.
Bearing in mind that we all have 'an internal dialogue' or 'constant internal chatter' - in an unsettled mind - with many conflicting ideas and opinions, mostly critical and negative - it raises the question where this internal activity of thought-forms comes from?
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Dreamcatcher has a profound plot and ending |
Coming back to Wilson's Mind Parasites, here are a few insightful comment on the subject, from the linked website, Reality Studio:
Colin Wilson comes closest to understanding what Carlos Castaneda called our energy predator which gives us what he called the foreign installation, which is what we call our internal dialogue. The internal dialogue is what controls us and keeps us in a low state of awareness since the energy predator feeds on our emotions — favoring fear, doubt, depression, negative emotions, obsession, compulsion, and most of all self-importance (self importance and self pity are two sides of the same coin). We unfortunately consider this our mind. The energy predator consumes our outer luminous shell of awareness down to toe level. Once we become aware of this predator, we can free ourselves from it. Wilson really got this. Once we’re aware that we are being parasitized, we can free ourselves and enlarge our perception.
I believe the ‘bogey man’ that young children see at a certain age are the predator attaching the “foreign installation.” They give us their minds – a back and forth energy – and with it duality.
Edgar Allan Poe was the first writer to describe an earworm, or brainworm, which are early forms of word/language viruses, and can be extremely destructive.
The 'bogey man' that scares children - in the night and dark - is something that we can relate to as demonic entities of the folklore and religion that invoke, first and foremost - fear. There have always been a vast array of rituals to ward off evil, in every culture. People always instinctively have felt there is something lurking on and around, something that can take possession of a human mind and body, and cause severe damage, distortion and destruction, and thus - a lot of suffering.
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Boogeyman - dark, damp, dump, dumb and damn, another character in Stephen King's early book |
Up until now the concept of mind parasites and evil spirits have been present in legends, science fiction, esoteric and spiritual knowledge - which for many is mambo-jambo - a mere fantasy. It has not been taken into consideration by the majority of the population, apart from 'zombie movies' attracting mass attention.
As an enthusiast of naturopaty, history, philosophy and many other subjects, I have come to understanding that those old rituals were a primitive forms of cleansing the bad air and space from germs, mould and viruses - in their physical form. Burning herbs or incense does do that, to some extent
Yet - we have discovered germs, and know how to handle them, how to live a protective and hygienic life - so why is there an increase of mental health disturbances ? It all comes down to stress and trauma - they say. True, but why stress and trauma are so omnipresent? Why do we behave the way we do - that we do not really like, sometimes or oftentimes? Why is it so hard to crack old bad habits and install new ones? Why is it so tough, harsh and extremely difficult to be the best version of yourself - at least most of the time if not all the time? Is it the way it should be?
This all may change, if the new scientific data will become more widely published, acknowledged, and fully embraced - if we all be able to connect the dots on a very deep and wide level of our understanding. Because all those concepts of dark entities invading human bodies and minds actually come to be true.
Here is one of the breakthrough research studies on:
Only recently science has taken similar topics on board. There is more to be researched and scientifically proven, yet it clearly states that this kind of parasite can be a cause for many behaviours related to chronic anxiety and many complex difficulties in living a healthy social life (schizophrenia, ADHD, autism, depression and many others).
If you can digest a bit of conspiracy aura, this video may bring more food for thought, and hopefully this will be a healthy, organic food for your mind:
In summary, this video explains in a very cognitive way, how physiological parasites control our needs, behaviour, thoughts, decisions etc.
They get what they want, not what we want.
Not what we would choose - if being in a 'sane mind' ('sane' as in sanitary - clean - of any parasites or bacteria), if we would be aware of our choices and have conscious control over them. One of the most vivid examples is how the parasites make a person want to look sexy - in order to have sex with a stranger and spread itself to another person.
Some medical doctors also, since recently, talk about how yeast fungus in our bodies makes us crave for carbohydrates and sugars. What damage it causes not only to our internal organs but also to our mental processes is becoming more and more obvious. We have this rush of energy, and become sluggish, fatigued, zombie-like, for a few hours. Then the procedure repeats, keeping us in a low mood, low energy levels. Something eats our energy out.
I have also recently encountered a few ideas that take the topic further into explaining the state of affairs with 'our' 'parasites'. Dolores Cannon, a well known hypnotherapist, of whom I was sceptic for many years, but become somewhat more attuned to, describes an event in the far past of the Earth, when a comet supposedly struck its surface and brought alien types of germs, viruses and so-the-likes. This relates to the myth of the Pandora box, from which many calamities crawled out to make life on Earth more miserable for humans.
From different, unrelated to each other, sources - I gathered - that Earth is in some state of 'quarantine', since time immemorial, or since our knowledge of history and prehistory is reaching from - because of this 'infection'.
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A canon of Dolores' many books |
This infection not only comes to the human body and mind - most of the living creatures are 'hosts' to those entities (cats - in the case of toxoplasmosis, for example). Our environment is infested with those invisible beings, and some quite visible - all those pests that eat our crops and damage it in so many ways, so we dont get healthy food we need, to combat the mind parasites. Think slugs as one of them, and a perfect example, a symbol really, a point of reference and analogy - of how this thing work - to make us sluggish - in thinking, feeling and behaviour. To make us hate ourselves and/or each other.
Another author that deals with the problem is Paul Levy and his book series on Wetiko - the mind parasites. He takes the subject out of sci-fi and shows it as real as it can be, and how to deal with it.
The most important 'take', is to be aware of what many advanced human beings have said over the decades and centuries - you are not your thoughts, concepts, opinions, beliefs, convictions etc. To put it another way round - what we used to perceive as 'our thoughts' - is not ours.
Thoughts come from the subconscious mind, that has been hijacked by parasites living in our bodies. Not some phantomnable creature, a real physical one. If a person has a lot of negative thoughts, over time they translate to emotions and disruptive behaviour. A person becomes basically 'possessed' and 'obsessed with something' - as in demonic possession.
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Mind-boggling, disturbing and healing - how the mind parasites infect the mind - a psycho-spiritual theory behind human suffering |
It is also worth mentioning where the term 'hell' comes from in Christianity. It was a place, called Gehenna, on the outskirts of Jerusalem, where all the filth was gathered. So hell is a place where all imaginable and unimaginable filth gathers and spreads from, bringing diseases. This is why Christ was performing healing, but also talked about the necessity of purity of the Soul, of clear conscience and consciousness.
It is worth bearing in mind that not only people in victim-consciousness are subject to parasiting their minds, but also those of predatory mind - those who bear the narcissistic syndrome, of which I put some notes here.
Examining your mind and observing every thought, every concept that comes is of course very difficult. That is the insidious trick of the parasites affecting our minds. This is why mindfulness, meditation and contemplation are suggested - to look into oneself, to see what the mind really contains. Yet very few of us have time to do it, or are unable because there is a rush of negativity that we tend to identify with.
This is where controlling our diet first, and taking real care of our bodies can bring more strength and clarity to dismantle the parasitic constructions, piece by piece.
Herbs are always helpful, especially ginger and other strong antiinflmmatory, antiparasitic plants. Also fasting - to start getting rid of the eggs and other parasitic residue.
Once we know that there might be an issue with our thinking process - we automatically turn our attention to it. Basically, every negative, disruptive thought is infected. We can choose to consciously think more uplifting ones, and when a mocking and scoffing internal voice comes up - we may be sure this is of not our origin. It may seem very daunting, a path for very few brave souls. But Earth and the human mind need a very good and reliable cleaning and disinfecting service. More than ever.
We were supposed to live in a paradise. We ended up with parasites.
Now is the time to unravel the implications and correct the mistake. Purifying oneself on the level of the body, emotions and mind - as much as possible - is of vital importance. And we are not alone in this process.