This is a moderated transript of one of the session that took place in the Monroe Institute.
An Explorer taking part in the Gateway Program is sending her consiousness beyond known space and time. She encounters other non-physical entites - on an evolved level of consciousness - and reports back what they are exactly saying, what they are communicating and what they are putting into words.
The aim is to help us understand our own consciousness, how it operates and how we can influence and change our perception to become more full, integrated, and evolved - ourselves.
There is much doubt. Doubt is the one thing that can prevent each individual from going further.
Doubt is something that is used from your normal awareness in order to not pay attention to other things that you have been trained to perceive.
Doubt is a defense live mechanism to keep order.
Doubt can be trained to stay away and to allow these new information to come forth.
Great impact upon the individual as well as upon others in your world is very much involved with words. You think in words, you put everything together in words.
There are other ways of communicating - working within the probabilities and utilizing the energies around - to create states of awareness that will bring about those things that you decided to contemplate or goals that you wish to accomplish.
Take yourself into an environment (state) that tells you that you are worthy and wonderful. Be able to dismiss doubts and negative thoughts and to build and change your internal environment (state).
First step would be - to begin to see yourself open to the Universe, to feel the energy flow through the entire self. Once this begins and once the person becomes more aware of energy flowing, then the foreign aspect (installation) will not be quite so strong.
The individual will be able to visualize and to create. The ability for this nonphysical experience to be in flow is just as the energy when you find yourself on the path, and you keep going. This is what you can look forward - to be more of a CoCreator, to be much more aware of what it is that you desire to have before you.
This for each individual is of course quite different. The abilities are all latent but are now becoming more uncovered by the joining of physical and nonphysical energies. This should be felt on all planes: the physical, the mental, the emotional, the psychological - on all levels. You would then be working in a very conscious way to develop those attitudes, those physical realities and those psychological States that you so desire.
The world where every individual is a channel, this will someday be quite anordinary thing. That each individual will be quite aware and in constant communication with their nonphysical reality as well as with the physical - this will simply be taught and will be accepted as part of everyday life.
This tends to be the direction on which the evolutionary process is now taking. New sources of energy through minerals and the understanding of sound waves will be important, and everyday part of existence will be quite different from the way that you now experience yourself - as being totally separate.
To create my future would involve my knowing what I want the future to be. I don't know really what I want it to be. I don't think I understand enough of the big picture, but I want future to be something right. I have this desire to shape tomorrow for healing and happiness of myself and everybody else.
How can we best put that sort of thing into our daily lives, as we walk around in our practical affairs.
The most effective way of bringing those things you most desire is to hold them within your mind and to charge them with feeling.
The overall ideas such as love, such as healing that you mention are excellent to hold within your frame of Consciousness. To add to this your desire - the emotional response - is the energy you give to your direction.
There is really no way of influencing another except through the process of energy that includes accepting and loving that individual without condition. That is really the most spectacular way of making that influence felt, the most effective way of being the leader of the entire self including all possible aspects.
The individual portion of the personality that says I love you all, you are all equal, you are all good, I love you all - this brings all of the aspects, all portions of the personality drawn into receiving this love. And then will reveal themelves to the personality without fear of rejection. The trust is automatically there.
Love is indeed the main, the most beneficial, the most practical way of achieving anything you desire.
It is very good to hold that idea for all involved. To hold the idea that there is plenty around for everyone. That everyone can indeed live in abundance.
Also - keep focused on spontaneity within the present moment, and keep focused on total trust in the process. This would result in a state of mind of allowing everything to be as it is and at the same time open up to new possibilities.
These are very important elements of the creation in every moment. There is the spontaneity that is quite the factor that is involved with every moment. Things are not planned, they occur according to all those involved at the moment of creation. Trust is an essential portion of living and of experiencing
the feeling, the desire, the actual being of wellbeing of Love within this physical universe as well as in the nonphysical.
It seems to me that any individual who desires then to join this kind of state that you describe, can do it if he/she is totally or almost totally free from fear, from doubt and from judgment. If those three things or any of them are present - it seems they block the ability to join the stream of Evolution.
Those are three things that are always great barriers when creating any given moment. Harsh judgment is quite detrimental to bringing about anything more than what is currently happening. Ideas are very much always in a process of creation. Freedom to change ideas, your perceptions, to allow them to change and unfold - is exceptionally important.
What did I take from this?
Reduce your fears, your doubts, your judgement (especially fierce and negative one).
Become aware that ideas you hold about yourself and reality are only an ever evolving flows - they are not constant or constrain. You can change the reality and yourself in reality when you allow more loving thoughts, attitudes, and feeling towards whatever you feel and see and do.