Tarot Practice - State Pensions - Checking out how does Tarot work

 Reading the current news and checking them against beforehand laid out Tarot spread can be a very useful tool. Adapting Tarot's ancient language and images to modern-day conditions deepens the understanding. Here are a few clues and examples of how Tarot can be translated to the knowledge and demands of current affairs. 

The question was about a piece of information on a news website - what is it going to be about?

The tarot spread looked like this:

The first card was the Knight of Swords, followed by King of Pentacles, and two additional cards below - to expand the meaning of the above figures - Four of Cups and Four of Pentacles. A beautiful and comprehensive spread.

Now, Knight of Swords 'on its own' would be a situation/person charging ahead with some intellectual battle in mind, a mental confrontation. However 'he' is clearly softened and held back by the emotional stagnation of the Four of Cups fellow. So, not so much of charging ahead and attacking anybody. He is here rather on a patrolsurveying, inspecting, reporting, checking out

The two other cards on the left, relate in a most direct manner to money, there is no doubt about it. Kings in Tarot are the providers as well as the safeguards of the set. They are guarantors of the future because of the well-established past. Fours in Tarot (here present in two below cards) concern with material stability. We've got the picture. 

Here is the piece of news the above spread was supposed to reflect:

State pension UK: How do pensions compare to rest of Europe? How much other Europeans get?
STATE PENSION payments are something which many people will rely on during their later years. In the UK, the payments can be claimed once a person has reached state pension age. How does the amount compare to other countries in the European Union (EU)?

Reading the piece of news, it reinforces, even more, the cards the Tarot had smartly chosen. Knights are on a mission - to deliver, to attack, to find out, to prevent. They are well-equipped soldiers to provide us with specific information - as it used to be in the centuries gone by. 

Adjusted is Four of Cups, saying a bit more about the Knight's expedition - finding out something about a 'dull' experience, an unpleasant situation one would rather like to forget - because even what is on offer - is not enough. We also know straight away this is about some distant and confined expenditure or rather - hoarding (Four of Pentacles) of money and its long-in-the-future safeguarding by a mighty figure (King of Pentacles). 

King of Pentacles is a representative of big financial institutions, a wealth of nations, among other things, relating to secure financial investment. This is how Tarot decided to picture the idea of 'state pensions'. Brilliant.