Let's contemplate...
There are times when we have very little time and very low energy. We need a boost ( and peace).
Here is a cycle of visual meditations (or - meditative visualisations).
It follows the eternal (so it seems) life-cycle (of the European Northern Hemisphere. I appreciate that somewhere else it looks completely different, but Nature is always what it is - Nature.)
Enjoy, and feel inspired and uplifted.
Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere is about balance.
Forces of the Dark and Light meet at the point of equilibrium.
Spring can bring quite a forceful energy,
confronting the dark and light in the most spectacular way.
As it reaches its balance and is barren,
it become more calming and productive.
The flower show starts, suddenly, overnightly, overmighty, ostentatiously.
Pink and white...
Spring is climbing up the walls.
Rhododendrons and other flowery little friends.
The regular trees take the blooms in less spectacular way.
More and more to come...