Healing Visualisation Meditation - AUTUMN

 Autumn has a magical feeling...

It seems we are always surprised when it comes, after the short Summer, in the Northern Hemisphere. Are you already here? - we ask. We haven't yet been preparing for you... but you are so beautiful, we don't mind :)

Do you like the first signs of Autumn?

As with Spring - the magnificent colours appear just for a few days. 

The leaves on many trees turn golden-yellow, 

and than they suddenly drop! Without warning!

But before it drastically happens, in Autumn there is a display of colour like in no other season.

And the berries! Who does not like the berries? Certainly birds do. And some of the humans ;)

Happy Harvest, every year!

Not all is humanly edible ;)

The sunsets used to be quite dramatic during Autumn time.

Are you ready for the Winter?