Crystal Stones - Introduction

The use of semiprecious stones and crystals has been valued for ages. Crystal healing is of course regarded as pseudo-scientific but I would suggest that the stones' natural beauty would rather have a positive effect on our psyche. Read the text on Scientific and Poetic Mind.

Many people claim that by wearing precious and semiprecious stones, they benefit from their subtle influence. These little natural gems are dug out from the belly of the Earth, they are minerals and have some electromagnetic weight to them.

Lithotherapists believe in those subtle effects. They say the energy of stones works on many mental levels: removing stress, calming down, soothing or invigorating, stimulating, giving confidence. 

You can try the magic of crystals, precious and semi-precious stones by wearing them in your pocket or purse like a talisman. You can put them under the pillow, on your desk, or use them as a beautiful piece of protective or enhancing jewellery.

We all know how bad plastic is. When you look around - it's almost everywhere. Have o look into your jewellery box. Are there any cheap plastic pieces that are sold en masse, in every high-street store? It would be better to invest some money in semi-precious stones jewellery, and have additional benefits.

Below are old descriptions of the nature of some of the crystal stones and their 'powers'. 

Have fun reading it and forgive the ancient language. 

A-Z Crystals and their Charms


Agates are protective stones, helping in difficult life situations, grounding inner balance, harmony and peace. They are also believed to strengthen self-confidence and vitality. While feeling anxious, it is good to hold two agates in both hands. 

Good for those who are often dealing with many people at once. Some agates encourage a healthy attitude to finance, attracting prosperity. 


A stone of prosperity, brings luck in gambling, helps in business ventures, attracts customers. Resolves inner conflicts, dissolves negative energy. Protects against unfairness in a workplace. 

To make a luck-charm, take three amazonites with a handful of lavender, basil or mint dried leaves and put it in a bowl on the most Eastern or South East windowsill. Leave there for a while and see if magic happens.


It has a calming and soothing effect on the heart and head. Harmonises, cleanses  our aura. Removes inner blockages, helps with headaches. It positively affects the entire head. Removes tension and stress. Balances the mind, enhancing both imagination and rational thinking. It also attracts creative and prophetic dreams, develops intuitions and protects against negative energy and addictions.


Good for inflammation of the eyes, eyesight weakness, skin diseases, allergies, all complaints related to teeth and gums.

In esoteric terms it gives courage, clarity of thought, makes you happy without a reason, brings hope, brightness and light. 


Supports self-healing and immune system. Good for breathing problems, earache, toothache, thyroid ailments. A longer necklace helps with stomach ulcers. Helps fight hypertension. Bracelets are recommended to wear when under stress. It also helps to prevent memory loss, strengthens creative forces. 

A piece of amber washed in a cool water relieves pain, fever, swelling - just put it in the right place. It is said that smoke from amber incense removes viruses and bacteria in the room. It produces negative ions - very beneficial to humans, which have a toning and calming effect on the body. 

The effects of amber intensify if it is exposed to sunlight. 


Brings positive effects in nervousness, irritability - has calming and soothing effect. Put this stone on sb's heart to calm down. Additionally, it strengthens the spleen and lungs, improves thyroid function, heals weakness, exhaustion. Good for pregnant women. Men carrying this stone in pockets have good relationships with women. 

It is a stone of public speakers and negotiations: it helps the flow of words, eloquence and self-expression, helps with the right choice of arguments; facilitates good contacts with other people.


It transmits positive vibrations, introducing order and love in the family. It should lie in a prominent place to promotes peacefulness. It affects our attitude towards others, increasing respect and compassion. It radiates to the entire room in which we are, harmonizing and silencing the mood. Holding it in your hand - de-stress and relaxes.
Positively affects the hormonal balance of the body. Women should benefit from its beneficial properties during menopause and menstrual and reproductive system disorders. It improves the condition of bones, hair and skin. Regular use of its energy prevents greying of the hair. Arranged on the stomach, it eliminates intestinal colic.


It stabilizes circulation, helps with stiff joints, has a general calming effect. It provides mental sobriety, clearing the subconscious from bad patterns and allowing new positive thought patterns to emerge. Prepares for a new approach to life, helping to regain self-confidence. Fights nightmares.


Used in diabetes, endocrine glands, kidneys and liver, as well as in the case of depression. Bestows confidence and optimism. It is helpful in stressful situations, especially during exams. It cleanses the solar plexus of accumulated emotions, eliminating anxiety and irritability. It helps to achieve financial success.


Effective in hypertension, liver, gall bladder and intestines ailments; prevents depression. Protects against injury. Gives courage. It facilitates concentration and develops creative potential. Allows focusing on what is most important at the moment. 


Perfect protection against negative vibrations - apparently it reflects all negative thoughts. It gives clarity and purity of thought, brings perfection and deepens meditation. It helps to deal with the dark side, with flaws, weaknesses, and disabilities. Prevents the ageing process. It intensifies every action in a positive and magical way.


Helpful in heart conditions, circulatory disorders, impotence, coldness, rheumatism, arthritis, skin diseases, and mental discomforts. Gives confidence. It helps in financial negotiations, gives more persuasion powers. Brings joy and cheerfulness. Strengthens the willpower and courage. Creates surges of passion. It is especially useful in awakening sexual energy. Encourages action and helps bring a project to an end.


Should be avoided by women who want to remain faithful -  it increase female erotic temperament. Besides it refreshes, rejuvenates, improves mood. It is a stone of growth and development, showing the best way to choose. Opens contact with the spirits of nature, teaches harmony with nature. It is also a stone of wealth, showing how to open up to abundance. Promotes development of intuition, clairvoyance, precognition.


Teaches responsibility. Stimulates towards spiritual development. Clears the mind, helps with meditation. Supports all types of mental work. Prevents mental illnesses, regulates brain processes. Helps to focus energy on work, finding a new job, improves living conditions, getting a promotion.


Prevents circulatory problems, promotes mental strength. It represents durability, dedication, but also attractiveness and ability to achieve goals. This is a wonderful grounding stone. It adds self-esteem and helps overcome everyday difficulties. Very helpful in balancing the energy of our body and spirit. Increases awareness. It will ensure success in court proceedings. It attracts prophetic dreams.. Can help cure palpitations,  muscle spasms, tension in the neck, insomnia. Supports oxygenation of the body.


Helps in insomnia, infertility, lack of patience, depression. Has a positive effect on bones, kidneys, bladder, heart, spleen and digestive system. It also helps with shingles and colds. Harmonizes and fills with joy. Teaches how to develop gratitude. It improves the quality of emotional life. It allows to feel the needs of other people and respond to them in the most appropriate way. Provides comfortable sleep. It eliminates tension, stress and nightmares. Connects us with beauty, helping to discover one's own beauty. Used in love magic.


Helps in women's diseases, relieves pregnancy ailments. Has a positive effect on the pancreas and thymus. Strengthens the immune system. It teaches modesty and selflessness, strengthens compassion and the will to do good. Clears thoughts of wrong ideas and a sense of guilt. Warms up body and soul, so it is used in love magic.


Gives courage, determination and boldness. Opens the third eye, accelerates the development of paranormal abilities. Facilitates contact with positive entities. Brings about unexpected opportunities to make money.

Lapis Lazuli

Helps in anaemia, asthma, insomnia, depression, shortness of breath, fever. It cleanses the blood, reduces hypertension, strengthens the eyes, strengthens the hair. Its harmonizing effect brings sense of community and favours relationships. Recommended for melancholy. Useful for anyone looking for a rich partner. Helps to work with other people. It is a stone of wisdom that gives deep insight, brings clarity of thought. Supports the process of meditation. Gives protection during sleep.


Facilitates mental concentration and meditation, promotes deep thinking. Stone of philosophers. Helps to recognize and remove defects and weaknesses. It draws away negative energies. Helps to know oneself. Used in the magic of power and healing.

Moon Stone

Especially recommended for women with climacteric disorders, spleen and pancreas diseases, gastric and duodenal ulcers. Has a positive effect on unspecified fears, internal anxiety and susceptibility to stress as well as sexual stress. It promotes abundance and prosperity. Calms down, gives sensitivity and tenderness. It attracts beautiful dreams, strengthens intuitions and imagination. Good for artists.


Helps to find oneself in the realities of everyday life, has down-to-earth energy. Good when we get too involved in spiritual pursuits. Provides concentration and resistance to external influences. Breaks emotional blocks and cleanses life path from external problems. Helps with anxiety.


Black onyx has the greatest power. It carries vibrations of knowledge and intellect. Protects from disgrace. Helps learning process and deepen knowledge. Onyx is called the sorcerer's stone. It is worn by people who understand the dark side of life. Stone of leaders and rulers - emanates energy that facilitates obtaining more power, allows reading the intentions of others. Adds authority.


It is a very tricky stone because it reveals the naked truth. It opens awareness to new, unknown areas of life. Only for advanced people. Increases contact with the afterlife, intuition, prophetic dreams.


It has a very positive effect on thyroid related diseases and mental disorders. It increases the feeling of love for other people, balances internally, introduces peace, and sharpens spiritual sensitivity. It helps in finding the right path to self-realization. Helps in friendly relationships and in spiritual development.


Harmonizes the material and spiritual world. Stone of love in all manifestations: from sexuality to cosmic, universal love. Has connections to the source of primordial energy and vitality. Gives courage and protection. Good for the heart chakra, cardiovascular problems, menstrual ailments, eyesight problems, fever, infections. Used in love and fertility magic.


Defends women's chastity and virtue. Helps in spiritual pursuits, intuition, telepathic abilities. Helps to connect with other dimensions. Removes doubt, eliminates mental chaos. Teaches loyalty, peace of mind. Allows to access higher knowledge and enlightenment.


Promotes logical thinking, reason, balance. Supports realism, teaches how to stay firmly on the ground. It calms down and restores damaged nerves. Teaches independence. Has positive effects on the endocrine glands; regulates metabolism, strengthens the immune system. Carried around the heart - reduces high blood pressure. Put for several minutes between the eyebrows - it adds confidence and promotes logical thinking, removes fatigue. Placed under the pillow - gives peaceful sleep.

Quartz Crystal

Restores the state of internal balance, strengthens intuition and helps in all spiritual activities. It brightens up the mind and connects with the positive forces of life. Removes energy blockages, cleanses the aura, helps to fill with new clean energy. Absorbs negative vibrations, neutralizes geopathic disturbances, protects from negative energy. It is excellent in any protection and is the most universal stone.

Pink Quartz

It helps to preserve youthfulness, innocence. Heals from emotional blockages, gives gentle vibrations of softness, warmth and tenderness. It favours all emotional desires, attracting true love and fulfilment in the matters of heart. Opens up soul to beauty and artism. Heals a broken heart. Supports every love and healing magic.

Smoke Quartz

It is said it can be helpful in cancer treatment. Most healing properties affect the lower abdomen and genitals. Stimulates fertility and the work of kidneys. Strengthens every action on the material plane, allowing to realize potential. Very helpful in skin diseases. Enhances and stimulates creativity, optimism and self-control. Good for meditation. Gives the power to realize dreams and plans. Allows to unite the material world in harmony with spiritual needs.

Tiger Eye

Good for a respiratory ailment. It helps in mindfulness, attentiveness and alertness. Enhances sensitivity to other people, brings tolerance. It allows to appreciate more abundance and wealth. Strengthens character, helps in cases of separation, giving a sense of independence. Promotes material success.

Cat Eye

Gambling players should always have this stone with them.

Bulls Eye

Renews vitality, stimulates action. Helps with inhaling air deeply and with ease. Useful for bronchitis, asthma and colds. Can be used to treat chronic diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis, also with stomach cramps and pain around the body. Strengthens self-confidence.

Falcon Eye

Helps with excessive emotions, tantrums. Protects against slander, enemies and all kinds of unfortunate accidents. Suitable for children to wear due to the very delicate nature of its energy.


Helps with insomnia, depression, nervous conditions. Impulsive people should wear it as it stops anger. Strengthens calmness, optimism. Called a stone of joy, it gives a good mood, serenity and helps to free from worries and sorrows. Revitalizes and stimulates the whole body.


It is the strongest stone transforming old patterns into new ones. Allows to open up to new fresh energies. Raises energy vibrations, helps establish a connection between matter and spirit. Black coloured - gives inspiration and self-confidence. Pink - refines the energy of the heart. Green - improves contacts with other people and perseverance in sticking to the goal. Blue - gives inspiration. protects against negative thinking.


Prevents respiratory problems, relieves sadness, especially caused by unhappy relationship. A protective stone that surrounds us with a protective energy field. Absorbs negative vibrations. Attracts positive and creative forces. Stimulates the power of creation, friendship, sense of beauty. Very strong amulet.

Please note: Information on this web site is no way a substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information are related to traditional knowledge that has not gain any scientific acclamation. Please see your doctor or health care professional first regarding your health conditions.