As you probably live long enough you notice that there are two kinds of people.
There are those whose minds are orientated on facts based evidence, material and tangible, or if invisible - scientifically proven by repeatable experiences, and/or used in the service of humanity. Let's name those as having the Scientific Mind.
There are people whose minds are orientated on beliefs of the spiritual, that there is more to life that meets the eye, that there is a vast, mysterious, intelligent energy that organizes the world, and it can inspire to take action, make discoveries and works of art.
Let's name those as having the Poetic Mind.
It does fit in nicely to what we know about our brain.
Our left half of the brain is intellectual, reasoning, logical, time-bound, down-to-earth.
Our right half of the brain is feeling, imaginative, timeless, playful, creative, away with the fairies.
We use both, but we identify with one or the other more. As we can observe, most of our worldview operates on the Scientific Mind - to see and believe only what the five senses tell us. To discredit everything that the senses or lenses do not show us.
The funny thing is that discoveries of science show us that what our five senses can see is only one tiny option in the world. As Max Planck said - Matter is only a tiny dot on the ocean of energy. There are some mysterious forces and forms of matter that are beyond our visible Universe, beyond our comprehension, and they make 90 per cent or more of what we cannot detect. They are called the Dark Matter and Dark Energy.
The particles on a quantum level behave illogically. They can be a particle or a wave. Our view of atoms changed completely, as they are not stable elements but vibrating vortexes. The epigenetics tells us that our DNA can change overtime, and we are not doomed by it.
Most of the scientific studies are funded by a very particular aim in mind (the Scientific Mind) that has to be visibly useful and make money. Whoever wants to study the woo-woo disciplines of Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP) such as telepathy, clairvoyance, self-healing, distant healing, precognition, strange apparitions - can do it after-hours or after retiring. It will not be accepted in any University as a line of academic teaching.
As the Scientific Mind lost its open curiosity, and became more dogmatic, the open-to-all-possibilities Poetic Mind has to step in.
And whoever has the time to study the paranormal disciplines, will tell you straight away that there is the Sixths Sense, and beyond, that there is a subtle energy that we can tap in, that there are different ways of communicating with the world, not only through speech and writing.
So, if you want to understand at least a bit of whatever relates to Astrology, Tarot and divination, Crystal healing, Sacred Geometry, etc, you have to activate your Poetic Mind.
Treat those subjects more like art than science, or more like poetic science, because it has its own rules and procedures to follow. Then, we can at least have some platform to start the recognition that there is something more that meets the eye, and it has its validation in our world.