US Presidential Inauguration 2021 - Tarot Spread

Tarot Spread for 2021 US Presidential Inauguration, the 'energies' surrounding the event. 

At the Core of the matter is reversed Justice. Sense of Injustice.
At the Root of the matter is King of Swords with Eight of Swords. Restriction in Communication. Judgement blinded by self-imposed restrictions. 
At the Shine of the matter is Tower. Upheaval. Crashing a structure. 
At the Rise of the matter is Page of Wands. Proclamation (of Inauguration)
At the Harvest of the matter is reversed Knight of Wands and Three of Pentacles. Reaction to Revolt.

The sense of injustice, unfairness, blame, criticism dominates the day of US Presidential Inauguration. In more depth, reversed Justice means a sense of dishonesty, questioning or hiding evidence. This is what many American citizens firmly believe - with Donald Trump's stepping down. 
Page of Wands is the messenger that brought the news about - the US Presidential 2020 election result. 

The Tower shows what has been looming over the event - one of the most challenging cards in Tarot. It denotes huge, ground-breaking, often harmful and usually unexpected change; a turmoil, an event that shakes to the core. It creates a necessity for a different approach. It also says that something isn't right and serves as a warning about safety. Those were the Washington riots around and in the Capitol Building that took place on the 6th of January 2021.

Knight of Wands could be the police force fighting back the working-class (Three of Pentacles) rioters, as well as the rioters themselves. 

The root of the situation, King of Swords with Eight of Swords relates directly to the reversed Justice. Basically, it is similar, if not the same energy. A public authority (King) declaration that brings restrictions, punishment, malady. King of Swords stands for fair judgement, clarity, truth, ethical principles. But he is paralysed, imprisoned, held back by the Eight of Swords - by his own short-sightedness. 

The whole spread suggests that the Inauguration is called into question by many because the elections' result seemed to be not fair, concealed or inhibited - many did not want to accept the results.