Dusting Away Bad Energy and Rough Thoughts

There is number of methods aiming to get rid off of sluggish, vicious energy in our place of living. First, let's explain why it is useful.

Thought-Forms Pollution

You may have probably noticed how sometimes thoughts circulate in the air rather then in our heads, and when one person in the room expresses them, we are astonished because this is exactly what we wanted to say (without the topic being voiced before, at all). If you pay attention, you'll get the impression of those thoughts lurking around our heads and popping into them, from time to time.

If the thoughts can hang around before they are picked up by somebody, they surely can stay where they are, and if expressed strongly, they can stick in the room's atmosphere. The corners are especially full of old, used thoughts; if they are good thoughts, then – no problem. We feel the light vibrations and have a happy ride with them.

But sometimes we do quarrel or have bad days and those thoughts and their vibrational equivalent - moods, emotions - fly around for a little while until another bad companion kicks in. A cluster of negative energy will grow and spread unless it is sucked away. Magically. 

In rooms where energy cleaning hasn't ever been performed bad happenings and unpleasant discussion occur more and more often. The range is wide and you may guess that half of the divorces would be avoided if the partners would bother with some energy dusting.

Cleaning Space with Incense

Now, the methods are many; one of the mostly practiced, (because it’s easy and quick) is with smoke. The best time to perform overall household cleaning is in February (lots of reasons) and if you saved some dried twigs from Yule celebration, they would be perfect. They give a lot of aromatic smoke which will disperse any energy stagnation or violation.

If you have fire-smoke alarm installed we would advice not to use spruce or pine twigs, obviously. An incense will do the job, if you consecrate/concentrate on it enough to have a meaningful effect. Say a light prayer. 

Go around your house - anticlockwise and when the Moon is waning, allowing the smoke to fill the space especially in corners and under the ceiling. After that, open all windows for a while, to bring in fresh energy or spread the aroma of an essential oil. And of course, before you do any of that, tidy up your home-space and do the cleaning and washing. Lighting up candles during the cleaning or shortly after that will add extra transforming power.