Journey through the Year - the Zodiac Circle

Astrology tells what energies (interpreted as feelings, notions, atmosphere) are present at any particular event, such as birth or establishing a business - and their possible further developments. 

This is due primarily to the placements of Sun and Moon, and planets on any given day and hour. Over centuries, people interested in looking up into the night sky and observing life down-to-earth had noticed that there are some subtle influences of these celestial bodies. They shape our personality and the events - to some extent, and to some extent we may translate it.

The basics of astrology are the Twelve Zodiac Signs. The ancients divided the sky into 12 parts to recognise different occurrences in nature and human life in any particular season.

The astrological months called the Zodiac Sign are a specific regions in the sky of 30 days. They had been parallel with the constellations roughly around 2600 years ago, when the astrological system was formulated in the ancient world. The constellations do not correlate with astrological months anymore, but Western astrology is not about the constellations - it is about the changing seasons here on Earth.

Wheel of the Year and Tree of Life

The Earth 'journey' around the Sun creates the Four Seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. 

There are specific activities in nature, and thus in ancient human activity. 

In the centre of Western astrology is the Wheel of the Year and the Tree of Life:
Tree of Life within the Wheel of the Year

Spring Equinox (21 March) is buzzing with invisible energy. The juices are running, or rather flowing, in all direction through the realm. The ground is soft and wet, yet if there is a will - there is a way. 

Aries (21 March - 21 April) the first sign of Spring, represents the innocent new growth, resurrection of nature (Easter is always during Aries time) and thus the necessity of adaptability, the fight for survival, marking one's own territory, establishing one's own identity. The symbol of Aries relates to the new lambs being born around this time. Aries people have their 'lamb' and 'Ram' nature. They are vulnerable or they take risks.

Taurus (21 April - 21 May) sees the trees in a magnificent and opulent bloom, thus it is fond of material beauty. The plentiful bloom is also a promise of good harvest, and Taurus is quite interested in securing its own livelihood and comfort. Not afraid to work hard for a good outcome - as it is around this time - plenty to do in the gardens and the fields but also enjoying the free time in nature (on May bank holidays). The Bull has been the symbol of fertility, sturdiness, wealth and precious possessions and resources in many cultures. Beltane festival (1 May) relates to fertility and prosperity rites. It is the energy of self-worth. 

(21 May - 21 June) is about meeting and connecting with people, especially peers, exchanging information and trading. This is why there are two guys. The Twins go out and seek a soul-mate to speak to - for whatever purpose comes to their busy mind. It was a time when merchants started their touring business. This is why Gemini is always involved in many short or long trips in their life, in many activities, and have a little cheeky nature - such of an eloquent seller. And they like to know stuff (and be right about it). 

We have reached Summer Solstice (21 June). There is dazzling atmosphere in the air. It also produces some tension that requires constant attention.

(21 June - 21 July) will certainly stir some waters to make sure that its shell-like-house (or fortress) and private family life is safe, taken care of, and well provided for. Why the symbol of Cancer or Crab? Two reasons: it is the start of the hot season - we need more shade. Those creature like to hide in dark corners of river bank and seaside and are easy to catch. The meat is also very tasty and nutritious. Crab people should know - they usually are very interested in food preparation. 

(21 July - 21 August) is the time when harvests is well on - a lot of work to be proud of. Leo is also the main season for Summer holidays and vacation and this is another trait in Leo character. Siesta time is most welcome in their life, as are many forms of entertainment, fun and playfulness. Lion's head is the symbol of the Sun rays - and those are symbol of the warmth and courage of Lion's heart. It also referred to the aristocracy visiting each other or visiting the golden fields like kings to know how much good crops they can expect soon. Lughnasad (1 August) is called after the Celtic god Lugh, the shiny one, and marks the peak of harvest season. 

(21 August - 21 September), depicted as a lovely Maiden - what did the ancients mean by it? It is time when fruits, their seeds, herbs, and root vegetables are harvested and processed in preparation for winter, and grain goes back to the virgin (naked) soil for the next year harvest. And thus there is a need for well organized work, procedures to follow, specific tasks to accomplish. To be of service or to hire yourself to help out as a member of field staff. The more alluring story is that of prudent and modest virgin goddess towards whom the folk would pay respect and in her name they would decorate their households with the early Autumn colourful stock. This is the soul of Virgo.

Autumn Equinox is the time of gathering the resources, profoundly busy in nature but with the promise and pledge of well deserved rest.  

Libra (21 September - 21 October) has always gone for a quiet time, there is more relaxed atmosphere. We can concentrate on pros and cons, on what went good, what went wrong in the past few months. We can matter-of-factly calculate our collection of crops, estimate the next moves, chat with others of similar values, have some wine, and be just fine. In the not so ancient times the Libra time was also about new contracts - marriage was seen as a business and legal deal. That is why Libra has become the symbol of partnership, diplomacy and law. 

(21 October - 21 November) will lead the way towards any desires or aim through hell or high water. With passion, determination and sharp precision, Scorpio means serious business, and is not afraid of any tantalizing, dire, ominous intentions or spooky apparitions. This is the time when the Nature dies, ready for annual transformation. This is the time when we want to sit down around fireplace, wrapped in a cosy blanket and watch zombie movies. This is the time when the ancients put fires around the funeral grounds for connection with the Dead, the ancestors, and the transcendental nature of life. Scorpios know a lot about this stuff, they know a lot about the dark side of life. And they are not afraid of it. This is why Samhain (1 November) has really become a funny Halloween in our times. 

(21 November - 21 December) - now, when the somewhat gloomy and fierce confrontation with Scorpio is over, we can get out and about to see what the pre-Christmas seasons brings. What is happening during the Sagittarius time is a festival in itself, for the whole month, don't you agree? It has always been like this. Preparation, coloration, joviality, jubilance, optimism, exuberance, buoyancy, vivacity, wonderment, revelation, goodwill. However there is a shadow to each Sagittarian, a dual nature - one aims high towards the sky, the other is bound to the ground. Where are the adventures? They are in the kitchen, washing dishes. Melancholy kicks in. And suddenly we all feel a little bit lonely in the vast spectrum of the Universe. This is why Sagittarius seeks answers to find a deeper meaning, and sets off on a long journey - outwards or inwards. It is thus a symbol of long travels. 

Winter Solstice (21 December) when the longest nights give way to the first rays of ascending Sun and the wheel of the year turns again. What a time. Full of surprises and disappointments, of pompous optimism and zealous pessimism. How is it going to be? Are you present? 

Capricorn (21 December - 21 January) its fancy look - a half goat, half fish, relates to the food that the ancient relied on during this time, but also to the fancy carnival traditions that were held to rise the spirit to the point of absurdity. Of all things, Capricorn cares most about reputation and its aspiration, as people are rather bored around the festive season, and in the dry January, they tend to pick on one another in a sarcastically dignified way. Well, Capricorn will not allow a bad word spoken against him/her or towards or - god forbid - behind its back. Well, there will be no fury. Just pure severity of the frozen look. You will feel chill right down and up your spine, several times. 
To keep one's mind in an orderly fashion during this challenging time, we need structure and a plan. Capricorns are very good at long-term planning, organizing, and keeping track of time.   

(21 January - 21 February) - let's get out and have some fresh air. The ball room is full of strange people. A bit of masquerade and surrealism will not do any harm, quite contrary. We may now treat life in a more liberal, open way. Forward looking towards the future, as the first signs of Spring bounce up here and there, and it makes the Aquarian time almost like a blessing (with a small fanfare). There is still solitude (among the crowd) but we prefer it that way. Keep away a safe distance, especially when there is no resonance between us. Imbolc (1 February) and other ceremonies during the month relate to the cleansing properties of the Aquarian water. Let's get rid of old dirt, and start something new. 

Pisces (21 February - 21 March) - now is the time to be most hopeful, most dedicated and faithful - the days are getting longer, there is warmth coming and the prospects look promising and good. There is a hustle and bustle in Nature, in our veins and houses, we are getting ready for something. No one exactly knows what for, because it is not a matter of knowing but feeling. And it is subtle. And it is calm and peaceful. Only sensitive Pisces can pick it up. It is a call of true Love and for true Love. It is a call for forgiveness, acceptance, empathy, and some mysticism that accompanies the daily chores. And after all is done, let's go fishing and have fun. So the new cycle has begun.