Bashar Mindfulness Exercise - Transformative Shifting

This is a very exotic and quite challenging mindfulness exercise that should prove how the reality is created. It is taken from Bashar - Daryl Anka - teachings.

Instruction how to use that symbol:

Hold the image at whatever distance from your eyes that is comfortable Imagine the spiral as if it is three-dimensional, as a cube sitting on top of the cluster of spheres. Certain lines are coming towards to you, some are coming away from you.

1. In the morning, while meditating on the image, say 4 times in succession:

I Desire to Define my Dedication to Detachment. 

Go down and up the spiral 4 times.

2. See the spiral in the diagram as a 3D image. 

When you do, it is a perfect time to do the following exercise because you are practicing going from a perception of two dimensions to perceiving 3-dimensions. This will teach you how to be able to perceive higher dimensions such 4D and 5D.

Follow the spiral down to the centre four times: once for each item in the affirmation.


Be open in a state of desire to explore more of who you are. Starting at the top, follow the spiral down to the centre while holding a state of desire and openness within you.

4. Stop at centre. Remain there for a moment. You will feel something, get something, get an idea, get info, a picture, or not. If you don't get something recognizably different, then you will eventually feel that it is time to go back up the spiral. 

5. Whatever it is that you got while you were in the centre, add that to the second trip down the spiral.


Now, we are focusing on the concept of your definition, looking for insight into your beliefs, into your  blueprint. 

Follow the line down again into the centre, again hang there long enough, so that you can feel a slight flicker of information, then take that back up with you. If you get nothing stay there until you feel you've stayed there long enough, and then go back up.


If you got something, then add that to the concept of dedication and dedicate yourself to go back down the spiral to be given more information, to clarify the vision, to make it more precise, make it easier to understand, to get another titbit, hear a sound, a smell, feeling or touch. Go down the spiral down with the concept of dedication.


Whatever you got, take it with you down the spiral the fourth time, now with the intention to detach from that which does not serve. 

PART 2: Now use the circles diagram:

Read final affirmation (once out loud): 

From the inner being, through sight, sound, touch and feeling are manifested the path, windows and doors to the unknown, which always lead back to the inner being.

(this amplifies, colours, spices what you did in previous exercise in a way that is tailored specifically for you in your imagination, your method of absorbing information.)

Buy a small journal. 

All day, for the next 24 hours:

1. Write down any synchronicities
2. Note your dreams

In 30-90 days you will see an expanded increase in synchronicity, and more information, and awareness and inspiration coming to you about your core beliefs. And you will discover ways and techniques that will allow you the best possible way and the most powerful way to transform them and to transform your reality into that which is more aligned with what you prefer it to be. 

This is an exceptionally powerful tool. 

Do it ONCE a day, not twice.

Have fun, let it be powerful. Really sit with it, really mean it, really WANT to change. Take this technique to heart, and remember that as you do this, every day:

1. Feel yourself expanding.
2. See synchronicity increasing.
3. Notice your dreams magnifying, amplifying, and inspiring you.
4. Act on your highest joy.
5. Keep your body clear.
6. Collect "proof" that you need of the changes inside.

The journey from 3D to 4D: each word in the affirmation starts with “D”--together they form “4D”—4D is the bridge to manifesting – in other words, an inspiration from upper 4D has to pass through the lower 4D dimension of emotions to manifest on the physical plane.