In complimentary therapies, Colour Therapy is a method of energizing the mind-body-spirit and the surrounds with the colours of the light prism (a.k.a. the rainbow), that is the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
It is correlated to the Chakra System and the Colour Wheel in the arts.
The colours are different vibrations of the light spectrum (part of the electromagnetic spectrum). In many ways - they affect our bodies, feelings and thoughts.
Colour therapy may be combined with the use of crystal stones, visualisation techniques and art therapy. There is also a long tradition of using Light as a therapeutic instrument in both alternative and official Western medicine.
What is Colour?
Colours are the product of the interaction between light and matter.
The visible spectrum of light that a human eye can perceive is a small part of the whole electromagnetic spectrum, surrounded by ultraviolet and infrared frequencies, as seen below:
Visible light - what we see with our own eyes - ranges its wavelengths roughly between 380 and 780 nm. It relates to the rainbow phenomena with consecutive colours of: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet and their combinations.
Each colour has specific frequency, a specific wavelength.
All seemingly solid objects in our world including our bodies are made up of the electromagnetic energy. Colour therapy considers human body as an electromagnetic system.
Every living thing on Earth depends on light to be able to exist. We live in a sea of energy where vibrations, sometimes interpreted as colours are working within us, within our cells, and all around us.
How Does Colour Therapy Work?
Respective colours - combined with a light source - are applied to a particular part of the body. Practitioners believe they generate tiny electrical impulses and small magnetic fields that activate biochemical and hormonal processes, in the body, in a non-toxic way.
The colours may be applied along the spinal cord where highly concentrated and subtle energy of the nervous system relates to the major organs in the body. Each energy centre (chakra) controls certain organs.
Applying coloured light through skin or eyes stimulate the internal glands. All vital organs have also direct connection with the skin through blood vessels, capillaries, nerve endings - and colour rays can affect the specific area.
Chromotherapy, another name for colour therapy, can be used as a preventive treatment, restoring balance in the energetic (electromagnetic) system in the body, and basically calm the nervous system down, so it may send signals of reparation instead of stress.
Colour therapy concepts had been studied by Russian and Indian scientists, using Kirlian technology. Pictures of the aura - electromagnetic glow around the human body - discovered that an actual disease appears first in the aura - it can be detected weeks or even months prior to appearance in our physical body. It can however dissipate if a preventative treatment is undertaken.
In the aura-chakra system, there are seven hues - from red to violet, as in the electromagnetic spectrum. Of course there are many more color hues, and will explain them below.
Basic Meaning of Colours
According to many studies, the ancient humans named and perceived only two colours - something was either light and bright or dark.
Light Colors
Bright, pastel colours are more uplifting, expanding, subtle. They are good to move and disperse energy in all directions, filling it with lightness, space and airiness. Too much of them leads to levity, carelessness, light-headedness, and complacency.
Dark Colors
Dark hues are more grounding, contracting, heavy. They are good to focus, integrate, and consume energy that needs to be processed. They allow a more down-to-earth approach, however too much of the dark leads to depression, and other negative emotions.
We can also group colours in another two bands of:
Warm Colors
They are stimulating - increasing blood pressure, muscle tone, respiratory movements, frequency of eye blinks, cortical activation and palmar conductance (arousal of the autonomic nervous system).
Cool Colors
They are relaxing - lowering blood pressure, providing relief from tension and anxiety, alleviating muscles movement, reducing eye blink frequency. They proved to be an aid for insomnia.
It is worth considering there are Three Primary Colours:
Red, Yellow and Blue.
From them stem all other colours in the painters palette.
Colours in the Aura and their Use
There are multiple hues to every color and every person has their own preferences. This is why it is difficult to ascribe any particular and strict notions to a specific color. It may be that some days we prefer some colors (especially women), others - we cannot stand them. This is a subjective proof that colors have an impact on our psyche and the overall system.
Do not treat the description below as the 'know-it-all'.
It is rather an invitation to explore your relationship with color.
Although not a colour itself, we have an idea of something being crystal - transparent, flickering, pure. This is the color of glass and quartz crystals. It is often regarded as one of the colors in an auric field.
Crystal color in the aura is usually emanated from empaths - people who are strongly affected by the presence of other people and literally sip in their vibes. Their auras change colours according to the atmosphere of a situation or encounter. As such, those people will display behaviour characteristic to the energy/emotions of other people. They unconsciously absorb their vibes and reflect them back. They act as mirrors.
If the Crystal color is balanced, they can get along well with almost anyone and be perceived as a kindred spirit to different groups of people.
If it is unbalanced, disturbed, or around a lot of heavy, distractive energy - they will suffer symptoms similar to autism or be on autistic spectrum themselves. It is easy to understand that they feel overwhelmed. To protect themselves they cut off from any additional interaction and response.
Even in the calm and harmonious environment this can be quite confusing, both for Crystals and their parents and partners. Inconsistencies in behaviour, puzzling mood swings, and overreactions can be troubling. They subconsciously react to any change in atmosphere and can display it quite visibly. They can react to somebody's thoughts and feelings that are not expressed.
For this reason they need a very stable and reassuring environment of mature people. The more they bond with others, the more their take on the personalities of other people.
These fragile and delicate souls (as glass that can be easily scratched or broken) need extra care and psychic hygiene. Establishing clear boundaries is almost impossible to them, they will reflect anything they put their attention to, so it is basically important what they focus on. Too many things to deal with make their mind-body-spirit system go haywire.
Crystal color is an expert of reconnaissance, resonance, absorption, gathering and passing information.
White is the color of purity and potential. In the auric field it is usually in people who have achieved their purpose or not yet fully formed their purpose. As such, it is in many cultures a color of transition - death, passing away, and also of birth and rebirth.
White balances energies in the bio-rhythm. It stimulates the production of serotonin, a substance which regulates both sleep and the nervous system. It can be used for purification and general regeneration.
Full-spectrum bright white light is also being used in the treatment of some cancers, SAD (seasonal affective disorder - winter depression), anorexia, bulimia, insomnia, jetlag, shift working, alcohol and drug dependency, and to reduce overall levels of medication.
White colour in aura can be a symptom of spirituality, upliftment and potential.
It is a color that absorbs all light and colors and acts as a sort of a black hole - it does not allow anything else to pass through the barrier. Wearing it acts as a protective shield (especially for the Crystals). It can bring rest, deep relaxation and calmness. It is a colour of secrecy and mystery.
It is a beautiful color of depth in its pure form, yet it is also that of grief and mourning. Too much black will devour life energy and the feeling of sadness is a strong indication that black should be avoided.
A lot of black can hinder growth - it can be applied for stopping the growth of something undesirable, but it can also stop growth of good energy, so it is important to be mindful of its role.
Black color in the auric field usually demonstrates a disease, mental health problem, and a possibility of an alien installation that is covered and causes a depression-like states.
Grey tones down and smooths any sudden spikes of energy, and it allows it to be controlled in a more orderly manner. It has a great use in a hectic environment, it allow to concentrate more and to be focused on what is important.
Part of grey in aura may be visible after a recovery. It is usually needed when we suffer and want to come back to ourselves after a tough or rough period. The best way to use it is in a silver-grey hue.
People with grey hues in their auras and those preferring this color in their surroundings are oriented on their professions and have a detached, business-like attitude. They can be quite monotonous in their approach to life, though.
Grey can be a sign of both elegance and modesty. As it perfectly matches with all the other colours it brings more balance and neutrality.
Of course the grey sky makes us a bit gloomy. Too much grey is depressing, restricting, emanating dullness and boredom.
On the scale of light/dark and warm/cold colors, the browns and their hues are very reassuring spectrum.
They are the bridge between the many colours on Earth. Their auras can vary from a light brown (beige, tan) to dark brown, a combination that encircles their body. Personalities are primarily pragmatic and practical.
On a more light level they are analytical, on a more dark level they are more physical.
Beautiful brown is a symbol of a well established intellectual capability and skills. It gives off reassurance, reliability with the knowledge and practice.
However it is easy to distract the beauty of brown. Dirty brown is a symbol of impurity and disgust. People with brown aura more often fall under the spell of dark than light, and this is not good for them, neither good for the world around them.
We see here lawyers, that should be the guarantee of the system, yet they may be corrupted. We see here honest, practical workers, that the system can easily corrupt into dishonest behaviour.
It is easy to change the hue of the brown by other colors, so they should avoid as much as possible too much outside influence, and believe strongly in themselves and their honest service.
In a balanced form, Brown is supportive to all. It gives off safety, security, by grounding, yet expanding in an orderly fashion.
To do that, they need to retreat inside to figure out the most practical solution.
Browns have a tendency to keep their feelings and thoughts to themselves, choosing carefully every step, with procedures to follow. They rely on strong foundations, and need to see all the data and all the facts. Reliability, practicality and predictability is the source of safety and security.
People who are 'out-there' often lack the grounding qualities of the brown color, and are often repelled by it.
If your life lacks the safety of stability and good rooting prospects that go along with it - surround yourself with pleasant brown colors.
Red is the color of strong energy and vitality. And Reds are very body-matter orientated, physical and instinctive. They love expressing themselves through their sensuality and their physical bodies. They like certain, habitual, instinctive movements, as red is closely connected to the autonomic nervous system.
They live their lives in the here-and-now with robust energy, vitality, strength and courage. It gives them natural self-confidence and adaptability.
Red is the color that loves to live in physical reality, to manipulate and play in it. The world must be felt through the senses - to see, touch, hear, taste and smell.
There is no need for intellectual speculation in red-colored environment. Reality is tangible, not some woo-woo ethereal or intellectually complicated. Things are simple. Friends are friends, and enemies are enemies. This is the way it is.
They remind us that we have bodies, that we are a matter of flesh and blood. The fantasy world is as good as it can bring sensual pleasure to them.
Don’t say to Red that life is an illusion. You will get their red-blood anger thrown at you. Being easily irritated and aggressive is the dark side of red.
In positive form it inspires courage, prompts us to strong (instinctive) reaction. It gives off heat and rises the blood pressure and thus libido - so it is good for those who have little energy and feel sluggish. Wearing red may boost up our confidence, it also attracts attention, so it may not be for everybody.
Too much red will cause too much stimulation, anger and feverishness. It is provocative and intense, and can mean danger.
Orange hue is very warm, invigorating and mood-uplifting. It is related to optimism, positivity, sincerity, and spontaneity. And people with Orange in their aura are the excitement of the crowd. They are thrill-seekers and often daredevils, loving the challenge of physical reality and going beyond physical limits. The color gives off encouraging vibes and stimulates brain activity.
Oranges may put their lives on stake only to feel more alive. The sense of accomplishment and satisfaction comes through overcoming their physicality. Gambling may also be common. It is all about adventure and adrenaline.
Adrenaline is one of life's essentials - it stirs the atmosphere when it is too passive. Too much orange can be overwhelming to thought processes. Unnecessary and unwise risk taking and frivolity may occur, so it is always good to balance it with other colors, and darker hues.
Orange is so stimulating that it can produce aggressiveness, arrogance and confrontational attitude.
This is one of the basic colours of the light spectrum. It has the most influence on others. It is the color of the will in action. Yellows are the most fun-loving, playful, free-spirited, spontaneous and energetic personalities. Wonderfully optimistic, bringing and experiencing joy - is what they are after. There is a great sense of humour as yellow loves to laugh. Easily driven, they can have an overwhelming ego.
Yellow is highly energetic and stimulant, it increases neuro-muscular reactions. Helps digestion, increases metabolism, and can help with weight loss. Quickly brings strong feeling of well-being and strengthens vitality.
Should be avoided in extent as it is highly stimulating. There has been a research of possible relationship between street crime and yellowish street lighting.
Bring more yellow, visualise yellow if you suffer from low energy and mood.
Green has lots of shades, more then grey and blue.
Green is a bridge between the physical reality and spiritual reality. Greens desire both security and stability, but offer a lot of com-passion. They operate in both worlds: of rules, boundaries, and of liberties and freedom.
Green are powerful personalities, yet not in a violent or oppressive way. The value cooperation and sharing. They are nurturing and supportive personalities, and caretakers of the planet. They constantly seek to help somebody, making sure that everyone feels loved and accepted.
They have the ability to measure an environment from an inner dimension and can intuitively analyse space and recognize patterns. They relate kinaesthetically to others and their touch can be healing.
They are really amazing people in the aura spectrum. Perfect volunteers, but they are also naturally drawn to money.
Green regulates the respiratory system, useful in calming the nervous system, reducing irritability and insomnia. It is a good color for the bedroom. A lot of green protects against a nervous breakdowns.
Green is often associated with abundance, and on the negative side it turns to envy.
It has an overall calming and soothing effect. Reduces blood pressure, calms breathing and heart-rate. It has anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxing effects. Reduces physical and mental tension. Used to assist in relaxation. The tranquilizing effect of blue reduces aggressiveness, anxiety and violence.
Blue light can be used in the treatment of a wide variety of psychological problems, but most commonly to treat pain, especially headaches, and also tension, inflammation, stress, shock, insomnia, fever. Blue light for up to 15 min can significantly reduce pain. The blue light was found to be successful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. It is also used in healing injured tissue.
It helps overcome jet lag, and the problems associated with night-shift work.
With too much accumulation of this colour, disease may appear, accumulation of metabolic products, obstructions.
People with a lot of blue in their auras are some of the most understanding, charitable, tolerant people. Not being easily upset, they bring a sense of healthy detachment and serenity.
They prioritise learning, mental activities, and communication. Good as teachers, counsellors, and doctors as they can easily detach themselves from a nasty energy field, and calm it down almost effortlessly. People turn to Blues for advise, as they are good judges of a situation.
They don't like to dealt with any sort of dirt, have to have clean space around them, almost clinically clean.
However if the Blue is compromised by some darker shades it may be a cause for concern - as they will worry themselves to death.
It is a very deep color of spiritual awareness, self-reflection and insight. Balances the mental processes, bringing confidence and integrity and opens up to the more sensitive perception of intuition.
Beneficial for eyes, ears and nose, it has a sedative effect, good for meditation and contemplation.
Indigos are the heralds of new (or ancient) wisdom, of peace and harmony, psychic development, and positive change. Some consider Indigos to be weird. They are assertive with their spiritual approach. They may appear androgynous, but their sexuality is not their primary focus.
Indigo encourages us to make wise decisions, based not only on our ego-needs but having a global perspective in sight. It is also a color of fearlessness and deep devotion to a cause.
Indigo is not for everyone. It has a very deep and strong connotation within our psyche, and may awaken inner demons. If we are not ready to face them, and do Shadow-work, it may put us on a tricky and negative path.
It is highly soothing colour with some anti-inflammatory qualities, regulating blood circulation. Used for nervousness, irritability, insomnia, headaches, sunstrokes, water retention and swelling.
Different shades of violet/purple with a pink tone such as lavender can help relax muscles and nervous system, however it is advised to be careful with applying this range of colours as they may have a varied effect on different people, depending on their overall energy balance.
Violet colours are useful in mediation, enhance spirituality, inspiration, nobility, higher harmony and inner integrity.
Violets are the inspirational visionaries, leaders and teachers who are here to help save the planet. Most Violets feel drawn to educate the masses, to inspire higher ideals, to improve the quality of life on the planet, or to help save people, animals and the environment.
All Violets have an inner sense that they are here to do something important, that their destiny is greater than that of the average person. Most Violets have felt this way since childhood. As children, many Violets imagined becoming famous, or traveling the planet, possibly joining humanitarian causes such the Peace Corp. Many of these charismatic personalities take on roles as leaders and teachers, while other Violets prefer to reach people through music, film or other art form.
Because this era is currently the “Violet Age,” any Violets who are not accomplishing what they came here to do are experiencing an inner “push” — even an inner “earthquake.” Inner forces seem to be shaking them up and pushing them to move into action, to fulfil their life purpose. Violets know they are here to do something significant. However, they aren’t always sure what that something is or how to accomplish it.
Many Violets were taught as children that their dreams and aspirations were unrealistic, so they have lost touch with their original visions. It’s important for Violets to reconnect with their life purpose and vision, and to take action. Otherwise they will always feel unfulfilled. They will always sense something is missing from their lives. Violets need to learn to slow down long enough to listen to their inner voice and to connect with their higher vision.
Magentas are rare and not commonly found on the planet these days. Magentas are the nonconformists in the aura spectrum. They are usually seen as bizarre loners. They see life from a different and unusual perspective. They don’t choose to abide by society’s mores, expectations or standards. They follow the beat of their own drummers.
Magentas love to shock people, to shake them from their ordinary, humdrum existence. For example, Magentas will walk down the street donning wild clothes and purple Mohawk hair cuts. Other people don’t usually have the nerve or the desire to live the lifestyle of the Magentas.
Because of their outrageous behaviour, Magentas prefer to live in large, crowded cities where they don’t stand out as much and aren’t pressured to conform. These free spirits aren’t usually concerned about what others think, but in large cities they are more apt to have the freedom to express themselves.
(Many Yellow/Violet aura combinations think that they are Magentas because they have so many similar qualities and experiences. Read about the life purposes of Yellows , Violets, and Magentas to discover which are your real Life Colours. Magentas tend to focus on and enjoy the strangeness of the physical world. They are not concerned about spirituality, humanitarian or environmental causes the way Yellow/Violets are. Magentas prefer to live in busy cities. Yellows prefer to live in more natural environments.)
Has a tranquillising and calming effect within minutes of exposure. It suppresses hostile, aggressive and anxious behaviour. Pink holding cells are now widely used to reduce violent and aggressive behavior among prisoners, and some sources have reported a reduction of muscle strength in inmates within 2.7 s. It appears that when in pink surroundings people can never become aggressive despite their desire, because the colour saps their energy.
More serious people are repelled by the pink as it presents itself as a childish energy. And it is. People with strains of pink in their aura or dominant color are the most childlike. This, of course can be in a positive or negative manner.
They are open, outgoing and naïve, frequently completely lost and detached from reality.
Very scattered energy. They do not proceed in an orderly fashion. They have random thought processes. Rather than proceeding step-by-step, they attempt to work on all the steps simultaneously. They do not sense that any step is a priority — the first step is just another piece in the project, as is the last one.
Pink see projects in much the same way as they see jigsaw puzzles. They see all the pieces laid out on the table, but are not sure where to begin to put the puzzle together. They will choose any piece of the puzzle and then jump over to another section of the puzzle for no apparent reason. Eventually, all the pieces are put in place and the puzzle is completed.
Good in treatment of chronic fatigue, physical exhaustion, rheumatism. It affects the heart and blood circulation by increasing pulse rate, blood pressure, and the muscles by increasing their tension. Increases vitality and body temperature. Strengthen the veins. Can be used to boost excitement and sensuality.
Red light has been shown to be effective in the treatment of constipation, some lower body cancers, and in healing wounds. Chromotherapy is now used to improve the performance of athletes; whereas red light appears to help athletes who need short, quick bursts of energy.
In Lavender there is fantasy, enchantment, dreams and fairies. And old grannies moth-balls.
Aura: Lavender People tend to live in a fantasy world. They prefer to spend their time out of their bodies, where life is pretty and enchanting. It is challenging for these airy beings to live in three-dimensional reality.
Lavenders prefer imaginary pictures of the world, seeing butterflies, flowers and wood nymphs rather than dirt, concrete and large cities. Physical reality seems cold and harsh to them. These sensitive creatures are fragile and frail, and their physical appearance is often weak and pale.
Lavenders’ skin is often alabaster white because they don’t like being outdoors, unless it is to be gently surrounded by beautiful flowers and gardens.
These child-like personalities are sensitive and simple. Lavenders would rather spend time watching clouds float by or daydreaming. They prefer to escape this reality with all of its demands and responsibilities.
The Lavenders behaviour tends to frustrate others who may expect them to be dependable and responsible. Lavenders have no understanding of what it means to hold a responsible job or to earn money. They are more familiar with other dimensions and imagined realities.
Lavenders even have a difficult time relating to or connecting with the concepts of time, space and physical matter. They tend to experience events in their imaginations, but they are not usually grounded enough in physical reality to actually accomplish anything tangible.
Auric Colours
Of course our auric colour(s) change due to many effects - situations, emotional and intellectual states, and as we progress on our life path. However we always may progress through events and develop a new state of being.
Please be aware that no complementary therapy should be considered as an alternative to professional medical advice where necessary and no properly qualified complementary therapist would suggest that, neither would they suggest that you stop taking your medication etc.
A Critical Analysis of Chromotherapy and Its Scientific Evolution
- a more in-depth relation to colours, sounds, culture, science and para-science of astrology and alchemy.