“Magic comprises the most profound contemplation of the most secret things, their nature, power, quality, substance, and virtues, as well as the knowledge of the whole nature.”
H.C. Agrippa von Nettesheim, De Occulta Philosophia, 1533
The magic most people know of is a form of an illusion performed on stage. The real magic has the same 'word ingredients' - that life is an 'illusion' - a perception of our five senses, and that our is life is a 'stage'. Both claim to 'bent the reality', and 'make extraordinary things happen', living us in awe and astonishment. Both require skills and the use of the most magical tool we are equipped with - our brains.
How to start your adventure with real magic? First, as with all spiritual quests - allow it to happen. We are so immersed in physical reality and cold logic, in what our five senses can perceive, that we lost touch with the more subtle occurrences in our life.
Magic is an activity that connects other dimensions with our own reality. In order to perform it, you will need to learn a 'magical state of being', a different set of vibration than those you experience in your normal daily life.
You need to reset your brain to feel different energies, experience more subtle states of mind and being. A perfect feeling of integrity, unity, alignment, invincibility, certainty, creativity, combined with heightened self-awareness - this is how words would describe it.
The intention is the key. Intent to achieve this state, meditate, contemplate, ponder, stop your world to a short halt during the day and feel the environment you are in as well as your inner world, the whole body.
Different emotions live in different parts of our bodies. The way to deal with negative feelings is to accept them and see them from a very distant perspective. See if your body is tense in any part. You need to feel positive, comfortable and confident in your own body in order to perform magic.
The most important part of our bodies, apart from the brain, is the belly, our guts, literally. If you struggle with anxiety, low mood, consider changing your diet. There is a section related to how diet can influence our mood, check it out.
In order to exercise your intuition, it will be a good idea to learn meditation. One important thing to consider - if your life-style and work require a lot of sitting down, do not choose sitting down meditation. Walking or jogging would be better for you. If you have an active lifestyle and feel physically tired, sitting mediation is best.
See how intuition works best with you. There may be a different kinds, depends on what personality you are: more physical, emotional, intellectual or inspirational. Intuitive hints may come as certain physical sensation, feelings, ideas, or urges.
I am all against using a lot of magic equipment. Keeping magic private, to yourself is what in today world seems to work best. But if you are a very physical type of personality you may find working with magic tools interesting, inspiring and grounding.
Magic spells
The words you prepare have to ring a true bell within your whole being. You may choose lyrics from a song you particularly like describing what you would like to achieve. Invoke them in your imagination as often as possible.
Incantations are the old way of doing spell magic, of uttering the words that mean so much to you. Do not be attached to the outcome, let it fly in space and dance. Do what you need to do, do not bother yourself with taking too much action, wait until an visible opportunity will come. You will know when and how to act.
What we are trying to do here is to not live on a default system you were programmed to live. We all are programmed for the mere sense of basic survival. Life is not interested in giving us more than that, and sometimes it is even less than that when we need to fight with harsh circumstances.
Life forces are not really interesting in you, not even in humankind, life is interested in life itself - to carry on, regardless. These are non-human energies, and realising this can be quite scary. But do know that there are other possibilities available to us if we will awaken to them. Living a more conscious life, being more influential, seeing the little intention happening in your life, growing your awareness - these are substantial things that should matter to you.
Some people are born with extraordinary powers without realising them. We are not equal. Those people are big business personalities who have strong executive powers. Magic is really nothing else but a strong executive power - to make things you want to - happen.