Crystal Quartz Activation

To activate a quartz crystal you have to wake it up. First, cleanse it with a clear intent under running water, for a few seconds. Tap it dry with a clean cloth. Prepare a place for its activation - a small table with a tablecloth with no pattern on it. White is best. Choose an intention that you want to charge your crystal with.

Crystals exist in different densities at the same time. They are natural bridges between dimensions and different timelines. To activate the transcending capacity of a crystal you need to clear and focus your mind and intend Love into it. The frequency of Love is connecting everything in the Universe. 

Focus and Love creates a singularity vortex. This vortex projects your will and consciousness anywhere you intentionally want. The crystal will bridge the new pattern with the existing one. If the impulse is strong enough, it will force the old pattern to be replaced by the new intended pattern. 

In order to focus properly you need to get your brain into gamma waves. 

Gamma waves are the fastest brain waves. They occur when we are highly alert, intensely focused and ultra conscious. They range from 30 to 80 Hertz. They are the opposite to the Alpha or Theta brain waves when you work on a subconscious level, and your conscious mind is getting ready to sleep. 

A specific, intentional focus meditation with deep, rhythmic conscious breathing should get you into the gamma waves. Additionally, you may also use some steady music with solfeggio or binaural beats or tuning forks. 

To raise your vibrations to the Love frequency, use one of the loving kindness meditations. Strengthen the energy field around you and fill it with the highest quality of prana/qi. Sit in a dignified position. 

When you are in the gamma waves and have your crystal ready, press with your finger the receptive node or any area on the crystal surface you feel drawn to. Say or better - sing - your intention out loud. 

Start with small intentions and see how they work. Always have a common good in your mind. 

The energy of your focused mind and your heart connected to the Universal Field, projected through a crystal will structure the fabric of reality in a more convenient way for you.


The text is based on the work of Dr Marcel Vogel.