Acupressure Points to release Anxiety and Depression

Acupressure is the Eastern Medicine tool for restoring balance in the energy flow inside and outside our bodies. For the Western Medicine it is merely a part of alternative approach to common ailments and dysfunctions. It slowly gathers some scientific data. 

Before it is graciously confirmed by the scientific studies and acclaimed by the academia, (and sniffed at by the Big Pharma - which wants to sell drugs - not to make people healthy) - we can apply this ancient practice to our use, and see for ourselves how we can benefit from it. 

Below are the main acupressure points that may help alleviate symptoms of both: anxiety and depression. Both mental states (or sometimes chronic illnesses) can be seen as imbalances in the person's mood. 

Before each step, allow your body to take as deep breathe as possible, and exhale slowly. Your body may want to take a few more breathes at any point, so do allow it as well. 

It is best to press with a round, rubbery object, a rounded quartz crystal, your knuckles or thumb. Put pressure - stimulate the point for at least 10 seconds. Repeat daily, for a week or month, and when required (after stressful situation). 

Acupressure Points for Anxiety, Depression and Mental Disorders

1.The Governor Vessel 20 point (GV/DU 20) is on the top of the head. It is one of the Cardinal Point of the Governing Vessel Meridian and it governs, sympathetic nervous system, memory, brain balance and skin. It is related to emotions, memory, behaviour, among other things. May help with anxiety, irritability, hypertension, headaches, eyesight, clenching jaw or fists, low energy, movement issues.  

2. The acupuncture point (BL/UB 8) clears nasal congestion, blurry vision, dizziness, tinnitus, calms  depression, withdrawal, heavy head, vertex pain.

3. This point is commonly called the Third Eye. It lies between the eyebrows. Applying gentle yet firm pressure to this point is said to help with anxiety and stress.

4. GV/DU  26 is one of the Cardinal Points at the Governing Vessel Meridian. Located above the midpoint of the philtrum, near the nostrils. 

Helps in governing unconscious behaviour, mental disorders, epilepsy, hysteria, apoplexy, the eyes, teeth clenching and puffiness of the face. It also benefits the lower back and lumbar spine, reducing pain and stiffness.

5. Located in the upper shell of your ear, at the tip of the triangle-like hollow surface. Stimulating this point is said to help relieve anxiety, stress, and insomnia.

6. GB20 is one of the Cardinal Point on the Gallbladder Meridian and it governs many brain functions, it is said it clears the brain. May reduce some mental disorders, vertigo, helps to clear nasal congestion, blurred vision and stiffness in the neck area. 

7. LI 4 is one of the Command and Cardinal Points of the Large Intestine Meridian. This acupressure point is on the upper palm, in the webbing between the thumb and index finger. 

It governs mental functions, sensory organs, head, facial expression. Applying massage can reduce pain, stress, headaches, neck pain, discomfort of the eyes, nasal obstruction, toothache, earache, sore throat.
It removes obstructions from the channel, tonifies and harmonizes Qi. 

8. LU 9 (Great Abyss) - It is a Command and Source point of the Lung Meridian. Located at the end of the crease of the wrist, in the vallecula. Avoid puncturing the arteries while pressing this point. 

It promotes blood circulation, improves skin, tonifies and clears lungs. It helps with persistent cough, asthma, heart palpitation, pain in chest, prolonged stress, worry. Improves wrist and arm mobility. 

9. HT 7 (Spirit Gate) - Source and Command Point of the Heart Meridian. It is located at the opposite end of the crease of the wrist, in the vallecula of the tendon.

Recommended in cardiac pain, palpitations, irritability, weak memory, dementia, insomnia. Gentle pressure calms the mind, nourishes the heart, improves well-being. 

10. P/PC 7 - It is the Cardinal and Source Point of the Pericardium Meridian. Located in the middle of the crease of the wrist, between the tendons. 

Traditional indications are palpitations, heartache, stomach ache, heaviness in the chest, mental disorders, insomnia, irritability, foul breath. It has calming effect on the mind.

11. P/PC 6 (Inner Gate) - One of the Commands Points and the sole Cardinal Point of the Pericardium Meridian. Located 2 cun (width of your thumb) above the crease of the wrist, between the tendons.

Recommended for chest pain, palpitation, nausea, hiccups, mental disorders, insomnia,  irritability, pain in elbow and arm. It harmonizes Heart Qi and and the Triple Burner, calms the mind and abdomen. 

12. P4 - One of the Command Point of the Pericardium Meridian. It is located 5 cun (width of your thumb) above the transverse crease of the wrist, between the tendons. It helps with palpitation, chest pain, nervousness, blood circulation. It calms the heart, and nerves, opens the heart and strengthens the mind.

At the end you can put a slight pressure at the Chest Centre Ren/CO/CV 17 of the Conception Vessel Meridian. You can find it easily - on the line between the nipples. It relaxes the Qi, and let you get things of the chest. 
