Coming from a Limitless Space
We have to come from a different foundation than our everyday mind.
Our stream of consciousness has to come from a different baseline than our narrow, limited state of mind, the ego-mind, that is always busy being busy, constantly commenting on everything that our attention is directed towards.
We have to come from the Inner Being, the Essence, God within, Infinity, Eternity.
This is the space within that some call the Void, Inner Space, Inner Universe.
There is an immeasurable Peace, and by this quality we will find this Space within us, and by allowing it to emerge, we will know that we are there.
Finding this depth and vastness of Space within, the all encompassing Inner Peace, is the foundation of any healing procedure.
There, we will find the knowledge of all possibilities, with the feeling that all is well. There, our intentions become pure and loving and can re-create a more desired and attuned state of being. This, we can translate as unconditional happiness. Here, we can shift our attention, and thus our whole energy field to a different, better timeline of our life.
Asking for Permission
Ask your subconscious mind, your subconscious guard, and all your sub-personalities to agree to the healing procedure.
Take a few deep conscious breaths, and say out loud or in your mind:
I ask for permission - all my conscious, semiconscious and subconscious parts of my mind and my whole being - to agree for this healing procedure to take place.
Wait a few moments, take a few relaxing breaths and feel yourself into a deep state of relaxation, inner agreement and peace.
All contradictory thoughts, influences, feelings, beliefs lessen their activity. They become calm and in a receptive, listening, attentive state. They are curious and want to help you. All of them want the best for you, right now.
Connecting with your Physical Body
Our bodies are built out of billions of cells. Try to figure out how you can feel them now, and how you can communicate with them now.
Feel your whole body as an huge organism made up of those intelligent cells that always perfectly know what to do, and they all cooperate, exchange information, produce effects that sustain your body in the best order and balance possible.
Evoke within yourself a feeling of gratitude and consciously thank all those cells of yours that work so joyously to maintain your health and well-being.
Set aside for now any thoughts or feelings of discomfort about this experience.
Perhaps your relationship with your body, this huge and complicated organism, is not the best one. It does not matter now, because for now - you choose to focus on acknowledgement, on gratitude and on appreciation - for those little beings that make up your whole body.
Connecting with your Energy Field
Our Energy Field permeates our physical bodies and extends outwards at least a meter wide, all around.
Take a few deep breaths in the most natural, relaxed way for you, releasing any tension. Imagine, visualise, and feel this energy field all around you.
Your Energy field, also called Aura, holds all mental and emotional activity and many subtle tones that we are normally not aware of. This is the field that allows you to perceive - through your physical senses and also through your inner senses. This is the field that makes you - you.
Realizing the existence of this energetic bubble helps us to tune into more subtle levels of our awareness.
Imagine this field being strong and bright.
Clearing the Energy Field
There are multi-layers of any individual Energy Field. In any of those layers there may be an awry, crumpled, stagnated energy and thus the Flow cannot flow naturally and effortlessly.
Those awry energy formations block our sense of freedom, of inner power, of unconditional happiness, and they may reach a variety of aspects in our lives. This often makes our existence on Earth a rather miserable experience.
The Energy Field holds in its many layers everything that you have done, felt or thought in your life. It holds every bit of your experience. Some, you may call good, some you may call bad, some you may call boring etc. It does not matter as they all are made of one energy fabric.
In order to clear those awry formations, that are also more often than not - not of our direct making - we need to evoke and focus on the inner sense of innocence.
With all your emotional ability and skills - feel yourself being as pure as possible. Dive into the pool of purity, of lightness and brightness; of all encompassing love, all encompassing forgiveness; of the purest intentions, of unconditional expectations and all embracing clarity and reverence.
Evoke and see everything in your life - in the light of purity, innocence and ready willingness.
Evoke and see everything in the life of others who you have ever encountered - in the light of innocence, forgiveness and redemption.
Now, take into the mental plane of your Energy Field. In your mind - or out loud - say several times - that you forgive - and are forgiven. You choose to make peace with what is. You choose to make peace with your life. You don't see any sense in making something or somebody feel or be worse. You realize how futile it is. You sense that any arrogance is futile. You let go of any arrogance that may be within you and you let the sense of pure innocence settle in your mind.
You realize that from this sense of innocence comes pure unconditional power. You realize that the vibe of arrogance dissipates and makes space for the vibe of pure, empowered sense of innocence, of freedom, and unconditional willingness to share and express what is best. What is loving and caring. What has a tremendously hilarious sense of humour. What is eternally understanding and compassionate. What asks for your forgiveness - to give and receive. What always supports you.
Realize, that everything and everybody asks for your forgiveness. You reflect on this and are willing to give it freely. It feels generous, soothing and blissful. You feel like you are receiving a lot of your own personal power back.
You realize that you are also forgiven for any misplaced intentions and actions. You feel even more freedom, and almost supernatural strength coming from the undeniable sense of pure innocence.
There comes a graceful moment when you realize you have so much connection with every fibre of the vast Universe - from galaxies, to single atoms, through all living beings. You allow yourself to rest in this knowledge. You allow yourself to see everything as sacred, pure and glowing. You appreciate everything you see as if you have new eyes. Your Energy Field is filled with freshness, rejuvenation, clarity and purity.
Connecting with the Universal Force-Field
In this state of clarity and purity you can enter the realm of Interconnectedness. Reduce your sense of being to a single dot. See yourself surrounded by infinite single dots.
All this starts to play around and dance around and it forms beautiful waves and patterns. The Universal Force-Field that you are in now - emanates vibrations and frequencies of even more purity and clarity, of joyous expansion, happy anticipation, and freedom of effortless creation.
Setting Your Intentions
You feel charged with the quality of Source of all things. You place your pure and clear intention for the general betterment of your life. You feel yourself expanding and choosing the best path, the best timeline to follow - where there is more fun, more playfulness, more wealth, more joy, more love, more freedom. You feel the ever-increasing sense of wellbeing that permeates every aspect of your life.
You feel thankful for this new pattern in your life. You allow yourself to be wonderfully surprised by the unknown. You let yourself be led by this new powerful timeline of your life.
You have established a different, better energetic configuration of your life. Congratulations!