Focused Intention Exercises

Focused Intention is about inviting more of our own consciousness into our lives.

These are two exercises of immense power and value. 

First - they allow us to learn to direct our focus intentionally. We put little attention to our intentions during everyday routines.We are not taught how to do this, we have not been taught how important it is. We have not learnt how to use our minds properly. 

Second - they work for our benefit on many levels. They allow us to get in touch with the parts of ourselves that we normally are not aware of. They broaden our perspective and empower us. They teach us how to take conscious and intentional control over our own energy and mental processes, and have a healthy sense of being. 

Focused Intention I

Clearing and Energizing through Conscious Breathing  

Settle Yourself Down. Sit comfortably with your spine straight and your shoulders relaxed.
Breathe In. Take as naturally as possible - slow, steady and deep breath. Stop for a moment and fill your lungs even more. Take this top breath into the full capacity, expanding your lungs and stretching your diaphragm. 
Breathe Out. Exhale very slowly, and very quietly, making it longer than inhaling. Feel your diaphragm pulling lightly up, and squeezing gently to get as much air as possible out from your lungs. 
Balance your breathing. Repeat your breaths in the above manner three times so they become more natural and equal. Let your breathing flow in and out without much strain. Make it three times - no more, no less. You learn your system (your Will) to stick to a certain and particular routine. 
Relax. Continue breathing naturally. Observe how relaxed you are, and at the same time, how more energized you become. Feel even more relaxed and feel your own energy increasing and more clear. Bask in this feeling.
Energy Ball. See and feel yourself surrounded by the subtle living force of bright light. It extends above your head and is floating freely all around your body and through your body. It is a loving, joyful, intelligent energy, happy to assist you. Welcome it gracefully. Make a conscious connection with it. This is part of your very own energy system and it is part of the Universal Energy that permeates all things. 
Mental instructions. Now, while taking a relaxed deep breath in, see yourself taking in as much as you can of this pure energy and spreading it all over your body. 
Upon exhaling, say mentally - giving direct instruction to yourself: 
I am now purifying my Body. 
Feel your body lighter, more clear and more bright. Own your body.
Take another breath in with this light energy now going from your lungs towards your head, and say to yourself in a clear and fine statement: 
I am now purifying my Mind. 
Feel the space in and around your head being cleared, bright and light. Own your mind.
Take another breath in, with the feeling that you take this Universal Force Energy, and see it spreading all over and around your body - in your own energy bubble - your aura, your auric field. Say with a conviction:
I am now purifying my Soul / Vibes / Aura / Energy Field. 
Feel yourself and the space around you filled with bright, light, clear and pure energy. Own your energy. 
Closing. Centre yourself in your pure being. Move your attention back to your physical beingness. Feel your body. Allow it to move the way it needs. Gently move your head, hands, toes. Stretch your body. 
Own your energy. As much as possible, remain present and mindful of your own energy throughout the rest of your day and night. 

Focused Intention II

Empowering Your Energy

Get yourself into a safe place. At first, it can be a comfortable, physical space within your home. As you practice, you will be able to hold this safe space whenever you are.  
Make yourself most comfortable. Ask your body to breathe deeply for you. Spend some time in a loving presence, stillness and silence. Feel as comfortable as you can. If there are any tensions in your body, place your hands on the surface, and give it a loving touch. Fondle yourself into wellbeing. Spend some time caressing yourself, show your body, that you care.  
Centering. Feel the centre of your being. Physically, it can be around or just below your naval, and around your solar plexus area. Give yourself the intentional command: 
(I am) Centered.
Feel yourself and your own energy being deeply grounded and powerfully centered. Center your whole attention on this single point. Gather all your energy in this single point. You are now conscious of your physical energy centre. A feeling of natural pride may come to your mind. 
Strengthening. Move your attention to the surface of your body, where your skin touches the air. From these multiple points, stretch your attention and impression inwards - towards the inside of your body, and outwards - a few metres outside your body. While holding this whole space in your focus, say to yourself, intentionally:
(I am) Strengthened
Feel your whole space very firm, very reliable, very steady, very strong, and powerful. Feel the empowerment that comes from your conscious command. 
Alignement. Imagine a vertical line going through your body - from the top of your head (Crown Chakra) to the base of your upper body (Root Chakra).  It can be a silver or light cord of whatever width that suits you. It may be just a feeling of a strong column of energy that integrates everything around in a powerful and loving manner. Evoke its presence within the space of your body. Say, with a full meaning behind: 
(I am) Aligned.
Notice the pleasant and incredible sensations that come to your awareness while doing it. You may feel a surge of energy moving and dancing around this column. You may suddenly feel uplifted, in a strange way that you have never felt before. And each time you are doing this exercise, you may feel more wonderful sensations that bring your consciousness into more alignment of who you truly are. 
Presence. Now, from this single column, disperse your attention outwards in all directions, making it more subtle and expanding. Become aware of the infinite space in you and all around you. See and feel yourself as a point of strongly focused consciousness, aware of the vast sea of Infinity. Say to yourself, with loving kindness:
(I am) Present. 
Honour your Presence. Feel the incredible awareness of your own Presence, of your own energy field, and your body, immersed in the Universal Energy Field. 
Feel your own dignity, feel great respect for yourself, your own greatness in all possibilities. Feel yourself as an ever increasing possibility to even more self-directed greatness. Feel your divine responsibility and maturity with attire of Presence. Cloth your own awareness with Presence. Expand and lighten up your awareness. Have a clear vision of who you are. Feel the immense peace that comes with this awareness. Take this awareness and peace to your everyday life, as much as possible. 


After you have acquainted yourself well enough with this exercise, and your own empowering images and sensations are easily conjured up, you can use this formula to quickly gather and increase your energy and presence in whatever circumstances.
Become conscious of your regular breathing. Say:
Centered. Direct your attention to the Hara point (below and around navel), and feel yourself centered. 
Strengthen. Feel strength and power all around and within your body.
Aligned. Feel a straight vertical line going through the center of your body, from top to bottom, and from bottom to the top. 
Present. Feel your powerful presence, that is centered, strengthened and aligned. 
Breathe deeply to confirm the above. Love and honour your energy, mentally, and have ease and divine fun playing with it around. 


This is a part of a wellbeing series on developing your awareness of your mind-body-soul in a holistic way. 

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