Emotional Roller Coaster

It's not fun to be on an emotional roller-coaster. We feel like the emotions take us over, and we have no control over ourselves, at the moment. We are at the mercy of some unconscious forces. Pretty damn irritating. 

The reasons why those emotional roller-coasters happen to us are many, depending on what world-view we share. It may be some chemical or hormonal imbalances in our physical body. It may be some hidden emotional trauma. It may be a reproachful voice of our parents playing over and over again in our heads. It may be our sensitivity to people or subtle changes in weather conditions. And many more. And they all may be right. 

But let's say it does not really matter. We could spend a lifetime chasing the roots of our drama, sulken mood or erratic behaviour. Instead, let's work from - and on - an entirely different level. 

Let's say that the main reason why we feel out of control, where huge emotional overflow occurs - is that we simply do not own our energy. Perhaps even - we do not want to own it. Perhaps it feels ugly, shameful or arrogant. Most of the time, we are completely unaware that we do not own it. 

What is energy? Well, it is everything. Your body, your mind, your thoughts, your emotions, the air you breathe, the food you eat, the things you see, hear, smell, touch, and much more. Everything is energy. Some is very visible and sensory, some is not visible but sensory, some is invisible and non-sensory. 

You yourself are a bundle of a specific energy. Everything you are is nothing else but energy. It is a self-regulating energy system, operating on different levels and frequencies. Consciousness is a very refined kind of energy. 

Let's strengthen our sense of our own energy. Let's strengthen the relationship with our own energy, make it more steady, reliable, and flexible. It has to be quick, easy and effective. 

While you are in a more or less neutral emotional shape - not too down, not too up do the Activation of Self-Regulation.

Activation of Self-Regulating Power - Owning Your Energy

As it says 'activation' it involves some easy body movement. Whenever you feel comfortable, while you are sitting, or even better - standing, place both your hands on your head, and say to yourself clearly, vividly and intentionally: 
I own my Energy.

Place your right hand on your heart, and your left hand on your belly. Say to yourself clearly, vividly and intentionally:
I own my Energy.

Place your hands on the sides of your ribcage, next to the Solar Plexus.
Say to yourself clearly, vividly and intentionally:
I own my Energy.

Place both your hands on your lower back. Say to yourself clearly, vividly and intentionally:
I own my Energy.

These are the main energy and nerve centres. You may put your hands all over your body, whenever you feel like. But these four are the mains.

What happens, and what you may feel - is a tingling sensation on the surface of your skin and even deeper below - as the neurons that are all over your body, send electrical impulses to your brain - that you are safe, sound, and you do own your energy - and you are now in control of it. 

The best thing that may happen to you in response to your activation - is an urge to take a deep natural breath in, and breathe out with a sensation of sighs. Now, you may translate it as a chunk of not-your-own energy just being released. You may see it as a self-regulating system of your body, that sometimes needs some TLC (tender Loving Care) from your awareness centre.  

The more you practice it, the more grounded you will feel within yourself, more stable, more solid, more safe, more happy. The emotional roller-coaster will manifest itself with less and less potency. Chunks of this awry, uncomfortable energy will be transmuted and smoothed out through your gentle touch, and through your natural breathing. 

You are invited to experiment with the words you say, but start with owning your energy, for at least a few days. It is simple and straightforward. It goes downright into your subconscious mind and settles there, nicely and deeply. 

You may later add words, such as: I do Own and Love My Energy. I do Feel Comfortable with My Energy. I feel Safe and Secure with My Energy. 


This is a part of a wellbeing series on developing your awareness of your mind-body-soul in a holistic way. 

You may want to progress 

Happy Ownership!