The Ultimate Affirmation Set is about helping us achieve a better mindset, encourage to motivate ourselves positively, hinder limiting beliefs, and trust in our inner resources and potential.
It works for everyone as it underlines the most important need - that of safety. Only when we feel safe can we experience a better quality life.
It is designed to override our inner critic, inner doubts, reluctance, and inner constraints that have been enforced upon us, whatever the life circumstances.
Dedicate a short amount of time and space, where you can relax, where there are no distractions, and do this in a sitting or standing position.
Tune yourself in, by noticing your breathing, your body, your feet on the ground. Roll your eyes left and right, and say to yourself that you are now doing an important activity that will positively influence your mind, body and soul. Say to your subconscious mind to listen and support you in the process.
While reading it, stay relaxed, present, and focused. Notice your body response, any feelings and sensations, and encourage those that feel good.
Right now, I see my surroundings (pause and look around slowly).
I can feel my body position, my feet firmly on the ground.
I can feel my hands pressing gently against each other (press them in the praying position in front of your heart, a few times)
As I turn my attention to my natural breathing rhythm, I sense myself feeling safe in this moment. All seems fine, actually. No danger around. I can feel completely safe. I can allow myself to feel safe. I can notice how safe I am, at this moment. It is a pleasant feeling. I do actually feel safe, right now, and I simply choose to notice the pleasant and subtle feeling of safety. It is effortless. Yes, it is pleasant to feel safe.
I am safe, right now.
There might be many different thoughts in the background of my mind, but right now I allow myself to cherish the feeling of safety, at this moment. I notice how my body naturally relaxes to this realisation of being safe and feeling safe.
Perhaps there are some intrusive thoughts that prompt me to worry about something, but right now I choose to feel safe, secure and relaxed. My breathing deepens. It is good to connect to my breath this way.
It is a pleasant feeling, and conjuring it up consciously, makes me feel better. It makes me realise that I can make my body and my mind feeling safe, feeling quiet, pleasantly still, peaceful and relaxed. Whatever is going on in my life, I choose to feel safe, right now. I choose to accept what is. I choose to be at peace with what is. As I relax in my inner well-being, I can sense that I can trust myself more. The feeling of trust is important. Perhaps I lost it somewhere, but it is quite easy and pleasant to be able to trust myself, because I naturally do. I simply need to be more aware of this, and cherish the idea. Feeling trust towards myself and towards the world is possible and pleasant. It is certainly more pleasant than feeling hostile or angry, or sad. Whenever I seem to rush into unpleasant thoughts or emotions, I can turn myself to my sense of safety and trust. It is quite amazing to feel trust, and there is no need for external confirmation. I simply choose to trust myself. I dont need to force myself to feel anything difficult. Trust simply is, and we have it naturally.
Life is about our ability to enjoy the little, simple things. If I can learn to enjoy the little things, I will be able to enjoy the big things and changes. I choose to trust life and myself in it. I choose to enjoy myself little more, to be more playful, more relaxed. Enjoying simple moments, simple activities makes my life richer.
I can choose to worry about something or to trust that it will turn out well, eventually, and I will be in a better position. I choose to see my life situation in a better light and better perspective. I choose the mindset that allows more joy in my inner space. Nobody can make me feel good, only I can make myself feel good.
It is nice and wise to make myself feel safe, and trust myself. No one can tell me how to trust myself, only I can do it for myself. There is nothing more precious in this life and after physical life that to trust oneself, to
I give myself a tap of reassurance
I set the Intention - that I am now on a safe ground. to be guided today for the best, and by the best version of Myself. Today I vibrate with Presence and my own personal power. Today I am focused and purposeful. Today I direct my energy intentionally. Today I have a powerful and resourceful mindset. Today I master my circumstances well and even better. Today I live even in more prosperous and happy ways. Today I attract good vibes. Today I activate generosity, gratitude, greatness, prosperity and wellbeing.
Today, and always, I choose happiness, prosperity and love.
Today, I am attracted to all the things that require my attention. Today I allow the successful outcomes. Today I am motivated to do the right things. Today I bring good luck and a loving presence to my life and the life of others. Today I realize the potential of boundless possibilities. Today, I am open to new opportunities. Today I know exactly what to do. Today I have the winning attitude.
Today I allow myself to be surprised. Today I am thankful for who I am. Today I touch the lives of others - in a positive way.
Today - I live gracefully and respectfully.
Today, happiness, health, wealth and success is my natural state of mind. Today, happiness, health, wealth and success are my natural vibes. Today my life is well organized. Today I am a good vibe magnet.
Today I am the embodiment of Who I Am to Be.
Today, my Inner Wisdom is realized in material and spiritual ways. Today I can be the source of happiness. Today I can attract all good things that are for the best of my life and all involved. Today I can create a positive money circulation and flow.
Today I feel grateful for many things in my life - those - I may yet not recognize.
Today - good things are happening in my life. Today I am blessed with good fortune. Today I am devoted to results. Today I am proud of my small and big achievements. Today - I emanate - good vibes and willingness.
And it is so. For the benefit of all.
Beware that this is a very powerful set of affirmation, indeed :)