Working with our bodies is essential to restore our internal system to full functionality.
How do we do it?
By self-soothing and taking care of the body, paying attention to what and how it feels. Not running away when there are bad feelings or sensations, when the body feels tired and forcing it to do more.
We stop and we look at it like a loving mother on her disturbed child. We show care, compassion and we caress, touch and hug (yes, you CAN hug yourself) and do whatever feels good and soothing. In this, and only this way - we regain trust.
Trust is a pivotal point in our existence; it is basically the root of our self-belief and faith. As we practice self-soothing, self-care, self-compassion, self-nurturing - more and more of this internal energy comes up. It is instinctive - it does not understand words (without feelings), so affirmations work only on a very shallow surface-level, if said in a mechanical way.
We need gestures, movement, touch, vibes that will stir the emotions to more smoothness and trust. Our inner being needs a lot of unconditional love and care, and our job is to gain mutual trust. In psychology it is called - re-parentig yourself.
Our parents have gone through a lot of trauma and they have passed it on us, unconsciously. This inner trust is a key to our coherence, to our integrity, to function in this world in a healthy and whole way, through our whole, not fragmented Self.
What happens when a person with emotional trauma wants to connect with the deeper part of Self - there is pain and suffering so he/she will avoid looking there, at all.
The person will look outside, to the outside world, grasping, craving for any good feeling, for objects that are supposed to bring those good feelings, disconnecting even more from the Inner Self. It is not pleasant to look into a devil’s den. But there are treasures there, anyway. This is where the hero journey starts.
But hero can go on a journey when he/she knows what they are doing. They needs to gather some knowledge, a map, and an understanding.
If we encounter harsh brutal forces of unknown emotions, it feels downright uncomfortable and even dangerous, and we cramp back into our daily life. We first need to comprehend how anchoring our consciousness in higher ethics and values will guide us on this journey.
Applying self-soothing techniques, discovering and connecting with unconditional love and being good at it, to tame the little raging beast, step by step, with divine patience, to gain, to develop, to discover the inner unshakeable trust. This lower Self needs re-connecting with the Higher Self.
The trust-techniques are in my private session and some are here, in the blog.