What is Your Character?
In terms of biology, it is a connection of neurological pathways that run in our brain and nervous system in a specific and unique way.
All our experiences, memories, beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, emotions, feelings, sensations, intuitions create a very complex biological and electromagnetic structure that is unique to every person.
How we see ourselves (self image), how we interact with the world, how happy or unhappy we are able to be, what are our reactions to everyday occurrences - depends on those neurological pathways.
Our conscious mind is at the tip or ‘surface’ of this very complex structure. Most of the processes occur in what we call the subconscious or unconscious. This is why it is difficult to change a habit in one wish or command - we need to change a certain neurological pathway that created the pattern (reflected in our behaviour) and build another one. For this we need a persistent and regular practice, a deep emotional changeover (a shock) and/or a session of self-reflection and insight.
How to Change Our Life for the Better?
Our nervous system remains constantly in a more or less intense tension. We are wired in a certain way that forces us to think, feel, and behave in a certain way. It is often a very narrow set of pathways, that is not open to other experiences.
If our neurological pathways are ‘narrow and tense’ we experience unease and/or disease. We may also cause a sense of unease in others. Healthy and happy relationships are one of the most important subjects in our life. We don't want to be a burden to others, though very often we unconsciously send 'signals' of tension - and thus others feel 'unease' in our presence.
To enhance our ability to feel truly happy with ourselves, others and in every corner of our lives - is to first learn to release the tension. Sessions of deep breathing and relaxation techniques allow access to a deeper state of mind, where positive changes can occur more naturally.
This rebuilds our neurological pathways - switching off those that cause us suffering, misbehaviour, misfortune - to those that are more in alignment with our true sense of Self - and true sense of health and happiness.
Because the old neurological pathways had been created a long time ago, due to certain events in our life or recurring experiences - it can initially be a difficult process. Old pathways are deeply rooted in our nervous system. Old habits die hard.
To change them we need a clear and solid motivation and intention. We will not change if we don’t know why we want to change or what we want to change.
Our life will not change, if we ourselves do not change, if we stick to the old ways of thinking, feeling and behaving. We cannot expect our life to be better if we do not want to better ourselves - what constitutes our character.
Also - our life may change in an undesirable way - if we are not fully aware of what we exactly want to represent in this life. We need to explore whether it is only a 'folly fancy' of our lower ego-mind or whether it is with congruence with our higher-spiritual-mind. This often is a journey in itself - of self-discovery.
A set of personal affirmations which are coherent with both - the ego-mind and the spiritual-mind - is another working tool that will explore and direct these changes in a more comfortable, specific and desirable way.