Planetary Tuning Forks

Tuning forks were invented in 1711 by John Shore, English trumpet player in the orchestra of Friedrich Haendel, the orchestra of Queen's Anne and a member of king Georges I royal band. 

The frequencies of the planetary tuning forks use calculations made by astronomer Hans Cousto, presented in The Cosmic Octave. They have been played by classical musicians and used in music therapy.

With the tuning forks we can tune musical instruments and also ourselves.  

While holding the base of the stem of the vibrating tuning fork over our bodies we can feel a subtle energy moving in and around us. It has a profound calming effect. 

We can also choose an acupressure point or tapping point. The vibration travels through the whole meridian, and activates it or ublocks it. This may have a stimulating effect.

The acupressure points in this therapy run through Conception Vessel (Yin) meridian and Governing Vessel (Yang) meridian in the midline of the torso, front and back, forming a circular loop. They hold our whole posture together and initiate our innate abilities and predispositions that come from the mother and father ancestral lines. They carry the ancestral Qi (subtle energy) that affects our consciousness and our DNA.

According to ancient Chinese medicine, the Conception Vessel runs from the bottom of the pubic bone to the bottom of the lower lip. It is also called Sea of Qi/Yin, storing, nourishing and carrying all the 'yin' fluids (blood, lymph, deeper tissue).
The Governing Vessel meridian, starts at the top of the upper lip and runs vertically through the center of the head and down the spine. It is also called the Sea of Yang, and moves the 'yang' energy within the body, controlling all meridians, and influences our will power.

Those meridians and their points correspond with the chakra system and nervous system. During the planetary tuning fork session both lines are soothed and activated, bringing more balance (homeostasis) within the mind-body-soul system. It also reminds us that we are a part of a larger unit of the Cosmos, linking us directly to the Earth and Solar System cycles.  

A combination with colour therapy multiplies the effects during the tuning fork session.

194.18 Hz

Synodic Day - Root Chakra

The word "synod" means coming together. The tone 'G' with 194.18 Hz is the 24th octave of one Earth day. That means the tuning fork oscillates 194.18 times per second back and forth. If we duplicate this vibration at 24 octave lower, the tuning fork would need exactly one day to oscillate back and forth. Corresponding to the 'G' there is the colour orange-red with a wavelength of 700 nanometers.

This frequency tunes to the weather system, the Earth atmosphere, as well as to the molecular level of proteins in our bodies. It brings us into greater harmony with ourselves and Nature

It is advised to press this tuning fork to the coccyx, the lowest point of the spine, and and the top of the pubic bone, corresponding with the first chakra. Stimulation of these points with Synodic Day tone gives energy and kindles its 'fire'. The body gets stimulated, we may feel more alive, dynamic, active, even aroused.  

It is especially suitable in the mornings, for dynamic meditations relating to body movement awareness and dance. It is recommended to visualise lively red-orange colours. 

210.42 Hz 

Synodic Month - Sacral Chakra

The synodic month is the duration of one lunar phase - from new moon to new moon, or from full moon to full moon. It is variable. The calculated average is about 29.53 days. It is called a synodic month, where from the months in our calendar originate.

In the 29th octave the Moon oscillates with 210.42 Hz, wich is a G#. The corresponding colour is an orange with a wavelength of about 650 Nanometer.

This frequency stimulates deeply sensual energy. Especially good for women as it regulates the period, glands and hormones, and lymphatic system.

The water ebbs and flows, the seasons and sexual activity of many species are directed by the Moon. Moon and fertility cycles are closely related. Great festivals in many cultures have been celebrated at Full Moon. 

Many acupressure points can be treated with the tone of the Synodic Month. They are located around the lower back and abdomen. The main point is called Hara, three finger widths under the navel.

126.22 Hz 
Solar System - Solar Plexus

The Sun is the energetic and gravitational center of our Solar System. An imaginary planet that would circle around the center of the Sun within the distance of its gravitational length and with approximation to light speed would do that about 32000 times in a second. The corresponding colour is yellow to bright green - with a wavelength of 540 Nanometer.

Called a “Vibration of Life”, this frequency acts as a powerful energy, giving a sense of centring, alignment, transcendence, and magical ability. It enhances the feeling of willpower and focus. It also activates joy, strength, sense of triumph, ease and regeneration
It relates to the area called Solar Plexus, where the stomach is, bordering between Yin and Yang energies, harmonising them, and bringing balance. Press the middle back points and the bottom bones of the rib cage. It gives a sense of expansion after releasing blocked energy, which initially may be expressed as anger, resentment, pain or fear. 

The Solar System tone is very strong, and is best used after having worked with all the other tones, and for advanced practitioners. It has a multidimensional character and we may experience being catapulted into new fields of existence, beyond space and time, to a state where all-is-one, and one-is-all, and the power that stems from it. 

This can be an overpowering experience, hence the upper three chakras tend to tone down and direct this energy in a more compassionate, reasonable and spiritually active manner. 

136.10 H

Earth Year - Heart Gateway

The base of this tone is the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. The frequency is tone C with 136.10 Hz in the 32nd octave. The corresponding colour is a light green turquoise, a wavelength of about 500 Nanometres. This is the second cosmic rhythm of our planet. As the frequency of the day influences the body, the frequency of the year is said to influence the soul.

Indian sitar music, most sacred temple music, and mantra OM is tuned to this tone. It refers to the Tao and "Amen" in Christian churches, which means "so be it" or 'let it be so'.  

Meditating with this tone has a calming, sedative, relaxing and balancing effect.
'Letting yourself be' uncovers the power that lies within it.

Press the tuning fork against the breastbone and on the back, on the dorsal vertebrae of the spine. It relates the Heart Chakra.

You can feel the thorax vibrating, having a wonderful relaxing quality. It is easy to start humming oneself to attune to the tone and enhance the effect. Slowly, the whole body becomes the tone, and it calms the soul and restores emotional balance.

By this we bring ourselves into harmony with the Tao, and cosmic Om. We become much more receptive in a delicate, pleasant way.

In Medicine this tone is used for sedation, relieving stress and muscle spasm. It has also proved effective for migraines and headaches. Recommended for nervousness irritation, and restlessness. Regular practice with this tone may decrease the need for sedatives.

141.27 Hz 
Mercury Cycle - Mental Plane

Mercury rotation around the Sun lasts about 88 days. Its tone oscillates in the 30th octave with 141.27 Hz. This tone is a C. The corresponding colour is blue with a wavelength of about 480 Nanometers.

Mercury is connected with mental activity, intellect, communication, verbalisation of ideas. Improves communication on all levels, supports the speech center, elevates the mind beyond the parasitic low frequencies. It strengthens our expression, persuasion and creativity. It resonates with the frequency of higher Intelligence. Attunes our mind to higher Reason
We can forget about the 'Mercury in retrograde syndrome' while using this tone regularly during the retrograde period of this planet, which often brings a lot of confusion.

Acupressure points are on the shoulder and neck area. Reliefs tense shoulders and neck.

This tuning fork vibrates longer and louder and is and is preferred by many therapists. Particularly suitable for group work. 

The tones of the planets are heliocentric tones and they have less influence for the  physical life on the Earth than the oscillation of our own planet and that of the Moon. However their subtle energies are linked to a higher consciousness that allows  humans not to be mere 'animals'. 

221.23 Hz

Venus Cycle - Third Eye

Venus is the second inner planet of our solar system and its rotation around the Sun lasts about 225 days. The color is indigo-blue-purple-rose. Supports higher love energy, empathy, sensitivity, creativity, imagination, inspiration, vision and intuition.

Hold this tuning fork on the forehead where Third Eye is to let in a greater flow of love energy. It can help open the sixth sense with peace & harmony in our inner mind.

172.06 Hz 
Earth Precession Cycle - Crown Chakra

This tone is the 48th octave of the precession of the Earth's axis, a rotation that lasts around 26000 years., which is also called a Platonic Year. The tone is F with 172.06 Hz and the corresponding colour is purple with a wavelength of about 400 Nanometer. F is the tone of the spirit. In ancient China it was the fundamental tone  of great importance. 

Acupressure to the Crown Chakra, the central point at the top of the head activates connection to the spiritual realm of higher love and joy, clarity and purity, and divine inspiration, raising our consciousness to the level of cosmic unity