My Story with the Crystal Stone Family

Crystal stones appeared in my life some 30 years ago, and I was touched by their natural beauty and variety of shape and color. I wouldn’t say I was hooked on them, it was an interest, yet some part of me said that there is much more to them than meets the beholder eye. 

I got some books and started to memorise and structure my knowledge around groups and families of stones such as clear quartz crystals, agates, jaspers and many others. With this came the knowledge and understanding of colors, chakras, and of metaphysical laws of the Universe. 

For some time I forgot - or have put aside crystal stones from my life, only to discover after many years that this was necessary - as my deep memory has been activating connections with the crystalline network of the Earth. I know - it sounds bizarre for the sceptical mind.

Anyway, when the time was right and ripe, I got some stones - those from a gem-shop and those from a wilderness, and started to wonder about their supposed powers. A part of me was still sceptical, a large part, yet I set off, regardless, to read and know as much as possible about their metaphysical use. 

A breakthrough came - to my down-to-earth mind - after reading about the work of Dr Marcel Vogel, a scientist involved in IBM company, and whose invention we use today such as the construction of hard drive discs. He later became interested in clear quartz crystals and their capabilities to store and project information. He presented that crystals connect us with higher dimensions and even the Source of all things, which he called Love. 

At this time I started to have very vivid dreams about crystal, vision of crystalline caves, vast networks of colorful crystal stones, otherworldly crystal palaces etc. In a way I read it as a sort of activation or an invitation to relationship with gemstones, and all stones, in fact. 

Well, yes, my husband was a bit taken aback when I started talking to the stones individually, or taking them on our trips and city breaks, yet he was tolerant, a bit curious and rather accepting this quirkiness - to such a point that he requested his share of stones - give me those that I need - he said. So I did and he did enjoy them and reported that they helped him in a time of stress. 

Yes, stones are first and foremost great stress relievers, as our mind can have something beautiful and mysterious to focus on and hold on in our hands. Their coldness and firmness soothes the nervous system, even if we do not believe in it. No quirky mystery there. However there is a deeper mystery. There is an aura of otherworldliness and we subconsciously feel there is something really precious or magical to discover. 

Indeed, when working with crystals it is required of you and us to be in a specific mode. Connecting to crystal stone energy requires a great deal of inner space that is clear of unconscious, disturbing intentions. They force us to awaken to a different perception, intuition and through this they are becoming awakened and activated. In the hands of our daily mind they are simply beautiful objects. We have to train ourselves in order to be able to tap into their deeper resources. 

I invite you to go on your own journey to see how crystal stones can enhance your self-awareness, give you wisdom about patterns of life and mysteries of the Universe.


Each crystal has its own unique energy and story. Each crystal is unique. To study their abilities, properties, what they have to offer is to attune yourself to your own inner guidance and to be crafty in a mindful observation, with respect, tenderness and care. A Spirit of Oneness is required to be present in our mind, so we can change our perspective from separation to unification of all things. On this level, a great Web of Life is communicating, sending unseen information about everything to everyone in the Universe, via pathways of creation. 

First, I suggest - collect your crystals, a bunch of rocks, polished or unpolished, whatever is pulled towards you, whichever stones you are pulled towards. When you have about twenty, make a time-window, perhaps over a weekend, to dedicate it to your own crystal work. Get them out for the night. This is a good cleaning technique. They come ‘rejuvenated’, robust, there is really a great difference between a stone that has been out on the ground for several hours, preferably overnight, for the purpose of clearing and activation - in comparison with any other method. 

Choose a nice spot in your garden or in a woodland, somewhere near the roots of a tree. Ask all the elemental spirits, the Source and all spirits and energies of the highest resonance to cleanse and clear and rejuvenate the stones. Meditate for a few minutes, send your deepest gratitude, and receive a sort of message: of joy, a vibe of excitement. 

Next day, collect them, and in your own privacy get in touch with each one of them. Have a looking glass and a notepad to write down any insights, suggestions while contemplating a particular stone. Give it a name, so you can easily recognize what you have discovered. Feel them, see them under the Sun, as this is perfect - no other source of light can give you the pleasure of looking at the stones at close distance. 

Look at the color, shape, heaviness, structure, feel how they lay in your hands, having a completely empty mind, only noticing what you feel on a subtle level. 

In my case, actually I never ever was even able to ask, the stones sort of revealed to me what their best purpose is. It was a co-creation at its best, as I know it was certainly based on my knowledge of crystal stone uses, but it was also quite beyond this knowledge, and often I felt surprised by what came. What is also important is to be able to be and stay in a very innocent, playful, appreciative state of mind-body-soul; very relaxed, yet focused, having fun, yet doing some serious internal job. 

The nature spirits, of which stones are a visible part of, are extremely caring and friendly, but they can also be offended and resentful, believe me or not. If we are not ready, they will do no good to us. We need to achieve a certain level of awareness, a certain level of being humble, pure, open, and willing - to get to know them and to work with them. In this they can provide us with such a great amount of knowledge, inspiration, facilitating positive changes, and reassurance in times of difficulties. The practical and spiritual ways we can work with the stones are endless. Literally - endless, vast and infinite. 

It was such an amazing experience that I decided - we decided - I and the stones in my temporal, corporal possession - to write down my experiences, to encourage other people of goodwill - to try to have fun with going beyond our strictly material worldview, and make friends beyond the Veil.