Obsessed and Possessed

It is of high intricacy, that people in general, especially those in power, and especially those in power of work and business but also those in political power - care more about things than people

How has it become that we, as humans, have lost our minds in ‘things’ - material objects and possessions (also experiences that we can show off on social media) more than in the care of our fellow humans?

‘Having’ has become an obsession

Ownership has become an obsession. Abundance of things that nobody really wants and needs. Preoccupation with possession. 

If a CEO and a company board cares only about profit for the shareholders and themselves, and does not care about the working conditions of the employees - there is something inherently wrong. 

People are commodities in this system

People are resources - managed by Human Resources departments - just like coal, copper, and other minerals. We, as people, have a market value, and we all have worth - those shown in our bank account. This is the reality in which we are born in most of the places on this planet. 

How it has come that we put profit first, ‘having’ first, 'possessing' first, before people’s well being, and Nature well being? We have forgot about ‘being’. What this 'being' is and what it wants. We employ ‘doing’ from the 'having' perspective, not 'being' perspective. 

Employees, workers and natural resources that bring profit should be the first and foremost aim of any company and corporation. Respect for the human being and Nature should be the first principle of any business and economy. 

We think we own things - whilst things own us - if we think that way

We become possessed - obsessed with possessions. We think we make room for the economy to grow by producing and buying myriads of things. 

The obsession with things goes into the political scene as a perceived ownership of the land, and the craze about it. Nationalism is a sickness of the human mind. 

We are stewards of the land, caretakers, not owners We do not own anything, even our bodies. We are supposed to take care of our bodies, everybody and everything around, especially the land - and treat it with respect. Treat everything with respect. 

Meanwhile we are taught to praise ‘things’ more than any other human being. We see them through the eyes of possession. Not only what they have (including a job), how they look (what they wear), but also to what extent we can use them (as objects) to meet our desires, goals, aims. 

Our profit is what matters most, the rest can go to hell

Well, we need them, people, so we don’t send them to hell, they are means to our profitable lifestyle. We treat them with superficial kindness, pretending that we care about them, whilst thinking they are mere objects hanging out in space. And they should be ready for us to use them when we need them. This is the kind of thinking most of us are infiltrated with.

We are souls that have been contracted into believing that ‘things’ are more valuable and important than others souls, self-aware parts of Consciousness, be it human, animal, plant or any other organic form of life. How sad it is. 

Things we possess and produce should be tools for improvements of the Souls and their material manifestation. Otherwise it is an infestation with a sick attitude and intention that does not understand the Spirit - an inherent value of unconditional Love. It is a mechanical force that makes our mind trapped in a mechanical circle, making our heart believe that possessions are more important than loving kindness, true care and gentle treatment of humans, animals, Earth. 

Ask yourself sincerely - do I treat people like objects?

A mere means to make my life feel better? A mere means to make my fantasy-life?Do I want them to be in a certain way so my glory can be revealed and admired and my will can be done upon them? Does my mind think of other people as quirky distortions, or those little poor things? Is this person an object of my interests, worthy of my attention, love? Can I discard people in my life like things? Can this person provide me the love and attention that I desire?

We crave to own things, the same as we crave to own people - so we can make ourselves feel better, to fill the void that is in our hearts. We praise ourselves for owning more than others (including talents) and thus can look at them with superiority and scorn - a vanity of feeling and thinking that I am better than others.

I am better than others 

We all secretly think this, and feel this way. We are taught to handle our lives in this way - to be better than others - and to chase things, because they are the most important thing in society. Showing off a new car, a better house, a lavish decor, an exotic holiday, a professional accomplishment, a societal level, a better job - is the sole and most prime aim of life for individuals. Chasing, rushing, running. Busy. Busy. Busy. (If we are not - there is a secret part in our mind that will fill us with guilt.)

To feel kindled by other people's presence - this is something we are truly not accustomed to. This feels weird and uncomfortable. ‘Things’ do not speak (unless it is Alexa) do not have feelings, thoughts, dreams. They are manageable (as it occurs - not always - things can be pretty annoying too).

So, how were we designed to live and to love? 

Surely not to love things. One part of our intention should go with care towards ourselves, this is obvious - as our mind has been hijacked. But the other side should go with care and compassion towards others, other living Souls. Not THINGS. It is pure common sense. Come on!

Of course, in the world when almost everybody is preoccupied with possessions, even possessing friends (getting self-importance for those who you know and mingle with) - it is difficult to function otherwise. Yet still we may use things as tools, to install a different kind of attitude. It starts a clearing process in our minds uninstalling the pitiful, robotic, false version of ourselves.  

Sit quietly for a few moments, and:

Praise and appreciate all the people that have made things you have - clothes, furniture, items. Do it consciously. Go to your house, office desk. Make a little quiet space in your mind. Run your internal resources to see in your mind’s eye all those people who have made an effort to deliver those things to you. See, with respect, the delivery man and dispatch team, see the production team, see the designer team, see the business team, see the miners team - and thank them with the sincerity of your heart. 

Praise every meal you have ever had, and all those people and Nature forces that provided it to you. Run through your mind and see with loving care - all those people picking the fruits and vegetables, see the farmers, see the animals, see the whole complex network of business that has provided every single food item into your mouth, to sustain your energy. Wish them all the best. Bless them. Bless your food and every being that has ever contributed to it.

Let yourself truly forgive all negative thoughts you have ever had regarding other people. Run through your life, and do feel sorry that there were moments of unconscious weakness - sending thoughts of hatred, scorn, disregard, even to the close and loved ones. Forgive yourself and forgive others - because they make the same mistake, unconsciously. 

Make a clear statement that you prefer to feel clear, lucid and loving intentions about other people. Use discernment and resonance instead of judgement and disapproval. It is hard because we are, again, not accustomed to it. But ask yourself a simple question - do you prefer to live in a dog-eat-dog society? No? Do you want to put blame on others? No? Start with yourself. Clear yourself first. And have fun with it. Damn-right seriousness is overstated. Don't be murky, be more light and bright. Allow more brightness into your mind. 

Those practises will not turn your inner and outer world around instantly, but it is worth exercising your own power (life-force energy) this way, whenever you can. 

We are pure Souls, not poor Souls 

We are pure Souls that have been tricked into seeing the world through a corrupted version of the Creation. The enslavement of the ego-mind goes on as long as we allow it. It slips through as we merely stay aware of ourselves, of our inner world, of our real intentions. 

Wake up. Be the change you want to see in the world. Put respect for yourself and others first. Respect things that are temporarily under your care (not possession).

Respecting others, when they are still asleep jerks - is difficult, yet possible. It requires an evolving level of compassion - on your side. 

Do not demand things. Ask what you can give. 

Slowly but surely a new world, a New Earth will emerge for you, and thanks to you, also for others. They will start to awaken and see where the real value is. We start to see, sense and feel what true Freedom is, what true Joy is, what true Love is. 


Who is an Awaken Person?

No longer obsessed/possessed 

by the obsessive/possessive program 

of obsession/possession.