What is Evil?

Before we ask the question - Why is there evil? - we need to ask the question - What is evil?

In its pure context - it is everything that makes a disturbance in energy flow, a distortion. 

Pure Consciousness, purely in Love and Light, perceives/feels/sees/ a disturbance in the energy field. There is disharmony, a feeling of unease, contraction, tension, entrapment even.

We also see it on our human level. It is anything that makes us feel uncomfortable. For this reason we tend to avoid it. It is a natural process - avoiding suffering. How we do this process makes all the difference. We can look into the eyes of the beast, whatever it is - knowing it does no good, but not be moved emotionally/energetically because we are rooted in a strong foundation of pure spirit. We meet this evil with compassion, grace, understanding, forgiveness, neutrality, and action if necessary or possible.

Evil is anything that feels oppressive. 

Here comes the misconception of Freedom - doing whatever one wants, including doing evil - being oppressive, repressive - in any way - to other creatures. It seems to us there is no freedom when we can only do good, when we cannot choose evil. Absolutely true. This is what Freedom is. But if we want to take a step in the evolution of consciousness we must choose Freedom from evil, from negativity, from negative polarity. The downward spiral is thinking that evil is equal to goodness. The upward spiral is knowing that you want to be free from evil, that is - from disharmonious thoughts,attitudes, feelings and deeds. We all want that, but the truth is we do this by looking at the externals instead of the internal, where evil hides. 

Evils is anything that thinks that it can do whatever it wants, including bringing suffering to others. 

Evil is a big life's misery. Something troubling you - you feel bad, it is evil for you. The question is how are you going to deal with it. Because clearly there is some disturbance in your life, and you feel this way. So what are you gonna do about it?
Anchoring yourself in the Love and Light frequency allows evil to dissipate, to dissolve, to melt away, to transform, to dim and diminish. 

So, the most important thing is - how you perceive and conceive Freedom. 

Freedom to do anything you want, thinking anything you want, regardless of consequences, regardless of how the other ‘I’ feels? 


Freedom from anything that is not pure Love & Light? 

Both are valid in the process of Creation, but the first one is a distorted Creation, and the second is pure Creation. But as we incarnate here, we are confused about the two options.