Imagine you are standing in the open air, facing the Sun at its highest point - at noon. As Sun is in front of you, you are facing the direction South. On your left is East, on your right is West. Behind you is North.
Because the Zodiac Wheel turns every day, and every month, the Zodiac Sign that you will be facing (though - not seeing) will depend upon the season.
Below is the configuration of Zodiac Wheel in Summer Solstice, 21 June in the Northern Hemisphere, as it perfectly represents what Zodiac Wheel is all about.
On your -front-left you have the rising Spring Signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini.
On your front-right you have the peaking and descending Signs of Summer: Crab, Leo, Virgo.
On you back-right you have descending Signs of Autumn: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius.
On your back-left you have ascending Signs of Winter: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
The highest point of the Sun in the sky is similar to its daily route. We have days and nights - as we have bright and dark season.
Mornings are like Spring.
Afternoons are like Summer
Evenings are like Autumn
Nights are like Winter.
In this way we can now feel each quarter of the Zodiac Wheel, its vibe. What happens in the morning and up until noon? What happenes in the afternoons? What are evening? And night is of course for most of us - the time of sleep, rest and dreaming.
The Wheel of the Year (which is Zodiac Wheel) rules Seasons, and this we can see directly in nature, in the symbolic Tree of Life, a sacred and meaningful symbol around the world.
If we place is in the center, we will have an early Spring twigs on the left (East) where the sign of Aries is.
A month later, those twigs turn into flowers (as this is a garden tree, bearing fruits). This is the month of Taurus.
In late May and in June, the tree is flush with fresh greenery, and the air is buzzing with life (insects, birds)
More about it: Journey Through The Year - the Zodiac Circle.
As with the Seasons observed in Nature, there is a time for growth and there is a time for rest. Each sign of the Zodiac has a particular vibe, that we can decode, observing what is going on in Nature, and what people tend to do when they live in tune with the changing Seasons, the turning of the Wheel of the Year.
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Spring quarter is more focused on Self Summer quarter is more focused on Home Autumn quarter is more focused on Others Winter quarter is more focused on the World |
Starting with the East and Aries - this was for centuries a sign of New Year, Rebirth and Renewal, and Easter holiday comes always within this Zodiac sign. It takes its name from the lambing season - the promise of survival. Aries is sometimes a Lamb, sometimes a Ram.
From this observation, insights and intuition, people have notices, over the ages, that people and events being born during the Aries month (when Sun is in Aries) have similar attributes. This we can translate to our modern understanding:
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Sun-Wheel and Zodiac Characters copyright Rena Sance |
As of above character traits, there is also a correlation to material matters in each sign and this is very helpful when you want to consider placement of other planets and the Moon in any given astro-chart.
Below is a quick-view description of what each Zodiac sign represents in astrology:
Our Moon and other planets play an important role in astrology. Each of the planets have a vast range of meaning but for an easy grasp - it may come down to one simple and single term:
SUN- Core (Persona)
MOON- Mood (Emotions, Habits, Shadow)
MERCURY- Mind (Thinking)
VENUS- Heart (aka Soul, aka Love)
MARS- Will (aka Action)
JUPITER- Role (Inspiration, Guidance)
SATURN- Lore (Heritage, past and future)
As it happens, those seven main celestial bodies corelate to the chakra system in our bodies.
The Solar System is a big Chakra System:
Sun is the Crown, shining over us and around us, and when we awaken - also through us.
Moon is the Third Eye. In a dormant state - it rules over our emotional life and moods - hence women and men with stron Moon - are so variable in their behaviour and reactions - because of the Moon cycles. When person is awakened - it gives Intuition and contact with upper planes.
Mercury is the Throat Chakra. Communication. Speech. Thinking. Inteligence. In dormant state it tends to tell lies.
Venus is the Heart Chakra. In unawaken person it is usually full of likes and dislikes (grudge), and the pursuit of happiness, pleasure and material love. When awaken it is unconditional love to all.
Mars is the Solar Plexus. The name is somewhat incoherent, yet the Will sits in our stomach.
Jupiter is the Sacral Chakra. Here, ideas and babies are born. And we know with our gut feeling what is right for us - this is the guidance - if we are awakened.
Saturn is the Root Chakra. What we have inherited from our ancestrors, our lineage, and what we will likey leave when the body goes into ashes, into the ground.
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are generation planets, and they bring a vibe, an aura and issues related to whole generations of people. Having such a planet near one of the other, more personal ones, means that you are somehow involved in generational aspects of life.
The main seven celestial bodies are rulers of one or two Zodiac signs. This means they 'feel' at best there. For example, Mercury (Mind) 'rules', and 'feels' very good in Gemini and Virgo.
As the Sun, Moon and other planets go round the sky (the ecliptic) they pinpoint a segments of time (vibe) where we are born. It is interesting to know what they tell about our personalities.
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Zodiac Signs and their Benefactors. |
With such knowledge and approach, it is easier to understand the complexities of astrology and an individual astro-chart. It becomes easier to interpret the various positions and aspects and relate them to our life - for better understanding, for inner growth, for Knowing Thyself.