Sun 11’ Leo
Moon 20’ Scorpio
Mercury 6’ Leo
Venus 8’ Crab
Mars 26’ Gemini
Jupiter 30’ Scorpio
Saturn 29’ Sagittarius
Uranus 8’ Sagittarius
Neptune 28’ Gemini
Pluto 17’ Gemini
At a glance: Very cheerful, potent, ardent personality. Enjoyable, entertaining, fun loving. Intense, powerful, domineering, determined. Strong presence, very noticeable, theatrical. Inclinations for social pomp and prominence. Seductive, sexual appeal plays important role. Curious, broad minded, extrovert, proud, popular, will not shy away from the limelight, even craving for attention. Can be quite jealous, suspicious, vindictive. Rich family life, nurturing for family. Loves her own home environment, it has to be pleasant. Patriotic. A lot of travels during live, loads of people met.
Sun - Persona
Sun 11’ Leo
Conjunct Mercury. Square Moon.
Sun is our overall external personality which we usually take from a father figure in our formative years. To some extent it shows our father's personality (or rather how we perceive it). It shows our vitality, areas of life-interest and how we approach life in general. It has the most important influence on all the other planets.
Sun 11’ Leo always produces an impressive demeanour. Sense of grandeur, poise, style, distinction.. Gracefulness, kind-heartedness, virtue. Unpretentious pride, can be pompous, extravagant. Refinement, distinctiveness, cheerful approach, goodwill. Self-command, self-willed, wilful, a product of her own creation, to honour and admire. Not shying away from responsibilities but prefer leisure activities. Life is a stage.
Executive flair. Achieving whatever goal is set. Searching for new challenges and conquest.
Square to Moon in Scorpio - it gives more willpower and some of the manipulative qualities, strong emotions and perhaps a bit of possessiveness or/and vanity.
Lovely father/husband, with royal like qualities; support in marriage.
Moon - Soul
Moon 20’ Scorpio
First Quarter. Square Mercury. Conjunct Jupiter.
Moon is our internal personality. Moon is connected to what we have learned from our Mother in the very early age of our childhood. Thus it is directly responsible for our programmed instinctive behaviour, care, nurture and support we need and give away, and level of intuition. It shows - to some extent - our mother's character (or how we have perceived it), how and when we feel most safe and secure, and in what areas lies our innate sense of belonging.
Moon 20’ Scorpio, relates to the Scorpio Moon of her husband, king George VI. It seems like they had their secrets and share them between them, as Scorpio is rather secretive character. The privilege of power actually suited them well, and although this sign is very passionate, it can - as no other - be in control of the inside and outside circumstances.
Emotionally supercharged. Passion - but hiding true feelings. Firmly protecting own privacy, especially at home.
As for every women with Moon in Scorpio, there always will be at least a wee sense of slight dissatisfaction, a yearning, a sorrow, a resentment, if not bitterness. This is overcome with powerful tenacity if not obstinance. The enormous Inner Strength, coupled with the influence of mighty Jupiter, allows for much independence in relationships, and more command over it. Able to influence others and strong in the face of adversity, knowing no fear.
The First Quarter Moon generates 'doers', focused on themselves, on their own creation, proud of themselves, their achievements. The emotional commitment is high as well as the desire for autonomy.
Full self-expression is somehow blocked, however. Too arguments and too defensive, may become “one’s own worst enemy”. Early life was likely to be over-stimulating and tense. Relationships can be turbulent until the native learns to compromise.
Mother had a strong personality, sense of obligation and tremendous amount of self-confidence.
Mercury - Intellect
Mercury 6’ Leo
Conjunct Sun.
Mercury is how our mind works and its influence is most pronounced in our late childhood years - when we start to learn and recognize things. We are surrounded by many people but most of all we are interested in our peer group or siblings. We learn from them, we are interested how the 'dynamics' of this larger community works and how we can communicate with it. Thus, Mercury shows - the early age environment, ability to learn, areas of interests, and communication skills.
Mercury 6’ Leo likes gregarious fun, is exuberant to the point of being extravagant. Likes engagement with the public, speaks with pride and dignity. Can be a bit patronising and theatrical.
The early environment was full of fun and pride, spending time among boys, male members of the family such as brothers and cousins. Many interesting, creative friends.
The mind is triggered when there is a potential for glory and self-expression. The way he/she communicates can be a bit childlike, likes to hear appreciation. Adores sharing information about others, tendency to gossip.
Venus - Heart
Venus 8’ Crab
Venus is the planet of love and attraction - in broad terms - what we love, how we love, and who we love. We are quite early aware of what we are appreciative of - in things and people. It tells us about the early teenage years when we were growing up to learn about love for the first time - and how this carries out on through our life. It tells what we value in love relationships.
Venus 8’ Crab gives strong femininity and quite high level of emotions on the domestic scene. There is a strong bond with mother, family home. Caring, attracted to a peaceful and luxurious home, oozing affluence. Sentimental, nostalgic, cherishing the past, gathering or collecting beloved objects. Likes to entertain people at home.
Attitude toward relationships is one of nurturing or "mothering," may cling tightly to those loved, being very protective. A partner needs to provide stability, warm, intimate romance, be kind and sympathetic.
Can be easily hurt, but will hide this vulnerability behind a somewhat dignified exterior.
Mars - Will
Mars 26’ Gemini
Conjunct Neptune, Pluto. Oppose Saturn.
We meet Mars energy in our late teen years - when we learn to be confident in our behaviour and participate in life through in action. Mars describes how we act and behave while facing the life challenges and everyday situations.
Mars 26’ Gemini announces a confidence in behaviour and much self-reliance. There is highly spirited physical vitality, and much activity going on. Somewhat lofty in the gestures, high-flown. self-conducting, even ostentatious.
Desire to be engaged in many and multiple activities. Likes to shine through action; social connections are important. Apt to get into arguments with peers and can be quite fidgety at times where there is little to do.
Jupiter - Role
Jupiter 30’ Scorpio
Conjunct Uranus.
Jupiter is a planet of our growth, expansion, encouragement, allies. In the young years we are inspired by a particular set of values or roles we imagine to play in life. When we reach maturity - the Jupiter years - we should be able to play this role - it is part of our natural calling.
May become a person of considerable influence and importance. Courageous attitude towards crisis, trauma, strong self-belief. Ability to turn bad experiences into positive ones.
Good for inheritance. Progress up the ladder. Often an indicator of great wealth. Bountiful resources.
There may be a power struggles in relationships, involving individual beliefs.
Saturn - Lore
Saturn 29’ Sagittarius
Oppose Mars, Neptune.
Saturn is a planet of Destiny. The primal 'Lore' is what we are born with,. This is where we start our life: in what background we grow up (hardly we can choose it), and what is the main task 'to master ' in our existence. The second 'Lore' is what we are becoming in our old age, and the 'Lore' we are eventually leave behind. Saturn has to be always carefully considered with the Sun and Moon Sign and its aspects.
Learned to thinks and acts in large terms, large-scale goals. Multi-generational views. Taking into account grandchildren, in-laws.
Authority figures or cultural influences placing some restrictions. Moral and social censorship. Versatility and adaptability.
Uran - Neptune - Pluto
Generational Planets
Uranus 8’ Sagittarius, Neptune 28’ Gemini, Pluto 17’ Gemini
Uranus was in Sagittarius in years 1897-1905, Neptune in Gemini in years 1889-1902, Pluto stayed in Gemini since 1885 until 1915.
Queen Mother Personality
The Rows:
Upper Row - Moon - Sun - Mercury - when you first meet a person, you sense the configuration of this upper layer. A great flamboyance, playfulness, dignity and pride of Leo with a reserved, secretive yet passionate Moon in Scorpio.
Middle Row - Venus - Jupiter - Mars - is what you get to know about a person when you spend some time around them. This is a family/friends circle. Playing a dominant role in the family circle, showing strong will and caring attitude. Can be vindictive or manipulative in order to obtain control and own goals.
Under Row - Neptune - Saturn - Uranus - is what is most hidden, and you know the Shadow of the person when you know them really well (we consider Pluto position as well). The presence of bright and intellectual signs of Gemini and Sagittarius may have impact on her own self image as very gorgeous person. Narcissm, loftiness or at least some sort of vanity were the main negative traits.
The Columns:
Left Column - Moon - Venus - Neptune - the soft, feminine, inner side, when a person is relaxed and in private. No doubt, Queen Mother was a very strong female. She had all it takes to provide her family with the necessary protection and privacy, delivering vast emotional range.
Middle Column - Sun - Jupiter - Saturn - the person's public image, often a career. A powerful signs, the self-rule here is evident, position of self-command and the rule over others.
Right Column - Mercury - Mars - Uranus - the harder, masculine side, showing the outside dealings with the world, communicating, doing, behaviour, what others in close circle experience while with the person. Very strong masculine side, not afraid to take risk, to show off, to be courageous, and lead as an example.
Notes of what other people said about the Queen Mother in one of a TV documentaries:
Dignified and cheery appearance in public. She had genuinely good time. Always smiling, cheering people up. Natural, empathetic, in theatrical way. She was a celebrity, and she loved it. She played her role well. Softness, warmth, flirtatiousness.
She had firm role in the royal family. She showed her steely resolve not sending children away during the WWII. She had PR strategy. Supporting and guiding her husband. She was tower of strength to George. She was angry and bitter about Edward abdication and death of George. She lost her position and had to enter a different role. She would never get over it and was forging a new life for herself as a Queen Mother. She did a lot in absence of Elisabeth, as a queen. Seemingly tireless. She had special bond with Charles, left in charge of him. She forbade Margaret to go for Townsend. They lived together in Clarence House, and became more separate.
She did not go well with Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
Naughty and mischievous side to her. Waspish but not too vicious. Never good at facing unpleasant facts. She could be quite severe. Strong person within her. Inner core of her was resolute. She was against changes and modernity. Old fashioned but great fun.
Enjoyed leisurely lifestyle later in life. Charming, aristocratic, snobbish, nostalgic. She liked to amuse and be amused. Every day was an adventure. She liked nothing more then to entertain guests. Wide and varied social circle. Very gregarious, terrific hostess. Used to scrutinise the menus. She had natural curiosity about things.
Her family was very wealthy of Scottish royal origins.
She was very fond oh her brother. She was specially adored, an apple in her mother's eye, very charming. she had an idyllic childhood.
First World War broke out on her birthday.
Always caring and considerate for others.
She was a girl guide, met Princess Mary, sister to Edward VIII and George VI who in love with her and thought to be his wife. A lot of men were in love with her. She refused three times to future king, Edward VIII, did not want to be caught in the royal cage, did not want to live a restricted life.