If a Major Arcana card appears in a Taros spread, it is of paramount importance, and all the Lesser Arcana cards are assigned to it and the reading should be determined by the presence of any Major Arcana card.
If there is more than one Major Arcana card - see how they interplay with each other first, them carry on with the Lesser Arcana, and add the meaning of Major Arcana Cards to the whole situation spread at the end. It is usually clear how they act out in the questioned moment of life.
MacGregor Mathers (1888): Folly, Expiation, Wavering; Reversed: Hesitation, Instability, Trouble arising herefrom.
The Fool
MacGregor Mathers (1888): Folly, Expiation, Wavering; Reversed: Hesitation, Instability, Trouble arising herefrom.
A.E. Waite (1911): Folly, mania, extravagance, intoxication, delirium, frenzy, bewrayment. Reversed: Negligence, absence, distribution, carelessness, apathy, nullity, vanity.
I. The Magician
Know-how. Willpower. Big impact. Amazement.
II. The Priestess
Receiving a potent information. Knowing secrets.
Accessing knowledge. Researching.
Intuition. Tuning in. Connecting with the unknown.
Paying attention to hunches, hints, dreams, symbols.
Spiritual experiences.
Reversed High Priestess
Conceit. Hidden agendas. Secretive, evasive powers.
III. The Empress
Home. Nature. Garden. Earthiness. Physicality. Sensuality. Desire.
IV. The Emperor
Father figure. Leadership. Worldly Power. Government.
Adopting fatherly role. Providing.
Sticking to plans, procedures. Applying law.
World knowledge and expertise.
Valuable wisdom and life experience.
Reversed Hierophant
Rebellion. Anti-institutional activities.
Conflict with an authoritative figure.
Commitment. Compromise. Consideration. Choice.
Request. Promise. Offer. Deal. Draw.
VII. The Chariot
VIII. Strength
Fortitude. Virtue. Courage. Confidence. Trust.
Success. Honours. Maturity.
Healing. Health. Recovery. Therapy.
Reversed Strength
Trending towards light or dark.
May be damaging. Rawest form of power.
Overflowing with self-confidence.
Prone to explosive behaviour. Lashing out.
Solitude. Privacy. Discretion. Withdrawal.
New beginning. New journey. Taking new course.
Taking first step into the unknown. Daring.
Leaving everything behind.
Feeling like the world is your oyster.
Excitement, adventure, extravagance.
Immaturity. Naivety. Carefree spirit. Overly optimistic.
Living ‘in the moment’. Being overly spontaneous.
In disregard of the consequences. Not being serious.
Playing, having fun. Treating life like one big experiment.
Does not know what the future holds and does not care.
Does not know what the future holds and does not care.
Acting like a child. Believing that anything can happen.
Trick of fate. Leap of faith. Being under a spell.
Taking risks. Putting everything at one stake.
Vagabond. Traveller. Jester. Joker.
Reversed Fool
Carelessness. Misadventures. Falling.
Carelessness. Misadventures. Falling.
Not moving forward. Fear of the unknown.
Apathy. Absence. Vanity. Negligence.
Frenzy. Bewilderment.
I. The Magician
MacGregor Mathers (1888): Will, Will-Power, Dexterity; Reversed: Will applied to evil ends, Weakness of Will, Cunning, Knavishness.
A.E. Waite (1911): Skill, diplomacy, address, subtlety; sickness, pain, loss, disaster, snares of enemies; self-confidence, will; the Querent, if male. Reversed: Physician, Magus, mental disease, disgrace, disquiet.
Making things happen. Being in control.
Master of the circumstances. Impressive command.
Executive powers. Making dreams come true.
Turning ideas into reality. In quest to manifest.
Turning ideas into reality. In quest to manifest.
Supreme confidence. Displaying talents.
Practical Skills. Accomplishments.
Skills and resources at own disposal.
Reversed The Magician
Fraud. Delusions. Greed. Manipulation. Trickery. Disgrace.
Not having the right executive powers.
Fraud. Delusions. Greed. Manipulation. Trickery. Disgrace.
Not having the right executive powers.
Uncertain, unsure about how to make things happen.
Real potential has been wasted.
II. The Priestess
MacGregor Mathers (1888): Science, Wisdom, Knowledge, Education; Reversed: Conceit, Ignorance, Unskilfulness, Superficial Knowledge.
A.E. Waite (1911): Secrets, mystery, the future as yet unrevealed; the woman who interests the Querent, if male; the Querent herself, if female; silence, tenacity; mystery, wisdom, science. Reversed: Passion, moral or physical ardour, conceit, surface knowledge.
Secret. Mystery. Silence. Unrevealed future. Undercover.
Hidden knowledge.
Profound, deep, unknown influence. Intimacy.
Concealed facts. Secretive nature of a situation.
Hidden agenda. Undiscovered or repressed information.
Some facts that are not taken into consideration.
Concealed facts. Secretive nature of a situation.
Hidden agenda. Undiscovered or repressed information.
Some facts that are not taken into consideration.
Receiving a potent information. Knowing secrets.
Accessing knowledge. Researching.
Intuition. Tuning in. Connecting with the unknown.
Paying attention to hunches, hints, dreams, symbols.
Spiritual experiences.
Reversed High Priestess
Conceit. Hidden agendas. Secretive, evasive powers.
Concealing something. State of confusion.
Denying possibility to know the answers.
What is is different to what it seems.
Denying possibility to know the answers.
What is is different to what it seems.
A situation is in contrary to what is right.
Missing, yearning. Surface knowledge.
III. The Empress
MacGregor Mathers (1888): Action, Plan, Undertaking Movement in a matter, Initiative; Reversed: Inaction, Frittering away of power, Want of Concentration Vacillation.
A.E. Waite (1911): Fruitfulness, action, initiative, length of days; the unknown, clandestine; also difficulty, doubt, ignorance. Reversed: Light, truth, the unravelling of involved matters, public rejoicings; according to another reading, vacillation.
Femininity. Fertility. Fecundity. Fruitfulness.
Motherhood. Nurturing. Nursing. Caring. Cherishing.
Looking after something, somebody. Comfort.
Home. Nature. Garden. Earthiness. Physicality. Sensuality. Desire.
Venture into nature. Grounding energy.
Connecting with the physical world. Touching.
Pregnancy. Birth. Nativity. Produce. Breed. Origins.
Connecting with the physical world. Touching.
Pregnancy. Birth. Nativity. Produce. Breed. Origins.
Natural growth and expansion. Bounty. Abundance. Trust. Gratitude.
Destiny. Gravity. Sturdiness.
Female teachers.
Reversed The Empress
Negligence. Decay. Descent. Decline. Stagnation.
Negligence. Decay. Descent. Decline. Stagnation.
Difficulty. Doubts. Darkness. Ignorance.
Something's going against Nature. Something is counterproductive.
In need of care. Self-love. Self-care.
Problems with health, pregnancy, creativity, productivity. Impotence.
Lust. Prostitution. Degradation. Fall. Collapse. Comedown. Bankruptcy.
Issues around body. Blocked energy. Waste.
Overprotective. Co-dependent.
Lightness. Carnival. Public rejoicings. Overturning natural order of things.
IV. The Emperor
MacGregor Mathers (1888): Realisation, Effect, Development; Reversed: Stoppage, Check, Immature, Unripe.
A.E. Waite (1911): Stability, power, protection, realization; a great person; aid, reason, conviction; also authority and will. Reversed: Benevolence, compassion, credit; also confusion to enemies, obstruction, immaturity.
Authority. Employer. Official body. Council.
Law and Order. Principles. Regulations. Procedures.
Law and Order. Principles. Regulations. Procedures.
Stability. Solidity. Security. Status.
Recognition. Reputation. Respect.
Honour. Discipline.
Virility. Integrity. Loyalty.
Leading. Protecting. Defending.
Firm but fair.
Teacher. Boss.
Adopting fatherly role. Providing.
Advancement. Promotion.
Taking control. Acting responsibly.
Directing others. Having the final say.
Asserting authority. Domination.
Directing others. Having the final say.
Asserting authority. Domination.
Sticking to plans, procedures. Applying law.
World knowledge and expertise.
Valuable wisdom and life experience.
Reversed The Emperor
Abuse of power. Tyranny. Possessiveness. Authoritative powers.
Overbearing boss. Inhumane hierarchical organisation.
Wrong relationship with authority, responsibility.
Deep insecurities. Father issues. Irresponsibility.
Deep insecurities. Father issues. Irresponsibility.
Shying away from a role. Hiding in the shadows of power figures.
Big change is coming. Overthrowing of power. Breaking free.
Being own boss, working independently.
Being own boss, working independently.
Preparing to submit or to resist.
V. The Hierophant
V. The Hierophant
MacGregor Mathers (1888): Mercy, Beneficence Kindness, Goodness; Reversed: Over-kindness, weakness, Foolish exercise of generosity.
A.E. Waite (1911): Marriage, alliance, captivity, servitude; by another account, mercy and goodness; inspiration; the man to whom the Querent has recourse. Reversed: Society, good understanding, concord, overkindness, weakness.
Tradition. Heritage. Customs.
Social norms. Morale. Ethics.
Religion. Conformity. Convention. Routine.
Established institutions, norms.
Religion. Conformity. Convention. Routine.
Established institutions, norms.
High office. Prominence.
Moral Authority. Guidance. Teacher. Mentor.
Leading by example.
Leading by example.
Following the rules. Orthodox approach.
Staying on the tried path.
Higher Education. Period of formal study.
Regular practice.
Reversed Hierophant
Loosing faith. Depravity. Sinfulness. Moral corruption.
Going against tradition, convention.
Challenging the status quo. Questioning traditional ways.
Seeing alternative ways. Making own rules.
Unorthodox approach. Outcast.
Rebellion. Anti-institutional activities.
Conflict with an authoritative figure.
Failing exams.
VI. The Lovers
VI. The Lovers
MacGregor Mathers (1888): Wise Dispositions, Proof, Trials Surmounted; Reversed: Unwise Plans, Failure when put to the test.
A.E. Waite (1911): Attraction, love, beauty, trials overcome. Reversed: Failure, foolish designs. Another account speaks of marriage frustrated and contrarieties of all kinds.
Agreement. Arrangement. Allegiance.
Coupling, connecting, blending. Matching, marrying, merging.
Bringing together. Connecting. Accepting duality.
Harmony. Balance. Union. Marriage.
Love as a sacrifice and surrender.
Serving each other. Building trust. Being truthful.
Strong bond. Complimentary energies.
Foundation for healthy relationships.
Intimate knowledge. Intense affection. Kindred spirits.
Making a deal. Sign of commitment.
Signing a treaty. Tying the knot.
The importance of being earnest.
An irreversible choice. An unbreakable bond.
Requiring obedience. Facing a dilemma.
Reversed Lovers
Frustrated union. Commitment is not mutual.
Frustrated union. Commitment is not mutual.
Failure of commitment. Not keeping up promises.
Conflicts. Disharmony. End of relationships, agreement.
A need to make amends. Uncomfortable choice.
Being out of sync. No return from decisions made.
Being out of sync. No return from decisions made.
Consequences of innocence lost.
Falling into temptation. Fleshy sensuality.
Heart problems. Palpitation.
VII. The Chariot
MacGregor Mathers (1888): Triumph, Victory, Overcoming obstacles; Reversed: Overthrown, Conquered by Obstacles at the last moment.
A.E. Waite (1911): Succour, providence also war, triumph, presumption, vengeance, trouble. Reversed: Riot, quarrel, dispute, litigation, defeat.
Journey. Travel. Progress. Pursuit.
Conquest. Victory. Triumph.
Driving force. Moving forward.
Strength of purpose. Clear direction.
Destination. Course of Action.
Charging ahead. Fervour. Desire to succeed.
Support is coming. Taking charge of a situation.
Pushing past obstacles. Not an easy route.
Overcoming challenges. Determination. Willpower.
Overcoming challenges. Determination. Willpower.
Material Success. Triumph of Reason.
Reversed Chariot
Defeat. Obstacles. Accident. Fatalities.
Bumpy ride. Long and difficult road.
Long uphill slopes. Dead ends.
Returning. Going back. Giving up.
No will to go on. Loss of control, direction.
No will to go on. Loss of control, direction.
Change of directions.
Riot. Aggression. Frustration.
VIII. Strength
MacGregor Mathers (1888): Power, Might, Force, Strength, Fortitude; Reversed: Abuse of Power, Overbearingness, Want of Fortitude.
A.E. Waite (1911): Power, energy, action, courage, magnanimity; also complete success and honours. Reversed: Despotism, abuse if power, weakness, discord, sometimes even disgrace.
Success. Honours. Maturity.
Civil powers. Civilising others.
Soothing a savage situation.
Mastering a situation. Taming instincts.
Taking control. Being in charge.
Ruling with heart. Love conquers all.
Ruling with heart. Love conquers all.
Commitment. Consistency. Composure.
Resilience. Fearlessness. Endurance. Patience.
Healing. Health. Recovery. Therapy.
Inner strength. Great stamina. Enduring life obstacles.
Reinforcement. Encouragement. Feel the fear and do it anyway.
Reversed Strength
Trending towards light or dark.
May be damaging. Rawest form of power.
Overflowing with self-confidence.
Prone to explosive behaviour. Lashing out.
Becoming aggressive.
Vulnerable hurt and lacking in self-confidence.
Repressing raw emotions.
Disease. Circumstances beyond own power.
Seeking professional help.
Despotism. Abuse if power. Weakness. Discord. Disgrace.
IX. The Hermit
MacGregor Mathers (1888): Prudence, Caution, Deliberation; Reversed: Over-prudence, Timorousness, Fear.
A.E. Waite (1911): Prudence, circumspection; also and especially treason, dissimulation, roguery, corruption. Reversed: Concealment, disguise, policy, fear, unreasoned caution.

Introspection. Reflection. Contemplation.
Prudence. Cautiousness. Watchfulness.
Being with the wrong crowd. Feeling alone, out of place.
XVII. Star
Hope. Healing. Renewal. Blessing.
Welcome rest after a period of turmoil.
New sense of self. Bright prospects.
Time of uncertainty. Something is not what it seems.
Reversed Moon
Negative influences. Dark shadows lurking.
Sense of fulfilment. Life feels good.
Radiating positive energy. Positive vibes.
Pure innocence. A child brings happiness.
In alignment with true self. Nothing to hide.
A moment that has the potential to change life.
Travel to a country with a warm climate.
Reversed Sun
Miracle. Wonder. Great Transformation. Transition.
Worldly affairs. Large scale of things. Big impact.
Triumph. Luck. Huge success. Fulfilment. Completion. Wholeness.
Reversed World
End of a cycle. The world is against or upside-down.
Big success slipped, or brought hindrance.
Breaking from everyday life. Retreating into private world.
Leaving behind the mundane. Turning away from the society.
Clearing the mind of all clutter. Choosing loneliness.
Leaving behind the mundane. Turning away from the society.
Clearing the mind of all clutter. Choosing loneliness.
Going through an anti-social phase. Not interacting with people.
Guidance. Spiritual mentor. Inner voice.
Wise, mature, knowledgeable person.
Seeking a counsellor, a therapist.
Developing inner wisdom. Journey of self-discovery.
Looking for a deeper understanding.
Searching for enlightenment, revelation.
Sacred pilgrimage. Celibacy. Abstinence.
Sacred pilgrimage. Celibacy. Abstinence.
Studying diligently. Researching. Self-education.
Being with the wrong crowd. Feeling alone, out of place.
Involvement in something not suitable, causing loneliness.
Feeling shy or apprehensive in social situations.
Feeling abandoned.
Feeling abandoned.
Someone is looking for you.
Reversed Hermit
Desolation. Seclusion. Separation.
Reversed Hermit
Desolation. Seclusion. Separation.
Isolation. Loneliness. Fear.
Reversed Wheel Of Fortune
Luck and fortune taking a turn. Unexpected change.
Resistance to change. Feeling helpless.
Trying to stop events from running their course.
Breaking a negative cycle in life.
Things may need to hit rock bottom before they change.
Being at the top bottom. Misfortune. Devastating blow.
XI. Justice
XII. The Hanged Man
Suspension. Surrender. Reversal. Waiting.
New perspective. Seeing world from a new perspective.
Taking time away. Separating from everyday life.
Philosophical study. Magic. Witchcraft.
Reversed Hanged Man
XIII. Death
XIV. Temperance
Carefulness in any major decisions.
Taking the middle path. Accommodating all perspectives.
Avoiding any extremes. Not rushing things along.
Being at peace. Patience.
Reversed Temperance
Disruption in balance. Warning signal. Uncomfortable compromise.
Obsession. Oppression. Repression.
Entanglement. Enslavement.
Lust. Seduction. Excess. Delusions.
Roguery (lajdactwo, dranstwo). Corruption.
XVI. The Tower
Unexpected change. Upheaval. Burst. Blast.
Event that shakes to the core.
Alone, forlorn, trapped, unreal.
Cutting oneself off from others. Stuck in own world.
Feeling shut out, rejected by others.
Concealment (ukrywanie, skrywanie), disguise.
Path inward may be filled with danger. Madness in the abyss.
Unconscious filled with strange images. Paranoia. Paralysed by fear.
Fixated on something. Too rigid and restricted.
Cannot see beyond own nose.
Forgotten to listen. Being apart from each other.
Not mindful of other people’s needs. Absorbed in yourself.
Starting looking for love after being single for a long time.
Looking for someone. Getting back.
X. Wheel of Fortune
Looking for someone. Getting back.
X. Wheel of Fortune
MacGregor Mathers (1888): Good Fortune, Success, Unexpected Luck; Reversed: Ill-Fortune, Failure, Unexpected Ill-Luck.
A.E. Waite (1911): Destiny, fortune, success, elevation, luck, felicity. Reversed: Increase, abundance, superfluity.
Change. New phase. Surprise.
Life is about to turn. Turning things around.
Entirely new direction. Starting over. Renewal.
Critical turning point.
Life roulette. Cyclical change. Beneficial change.
Forces of fate and destiny. Ups and downs.
Factors beyond control.
‘What goes around comes around.’
Rise or Fall. Opportunity or warning (depends on the other cards)
Surprise. Good fortune. Miracle. Luck.
Synchronicity. Signs.Sometimes the master plan is concealed.
Don't try to know everything in advance. It's not allowed right now.
Greater forces outside of human control are at work here.
Don't try to know everything in advance. It's not allowed right now.
Greater forces outside of human control are at work here.
Reversed Wheel Of Fortune
Luck and fortune taking a turn. Unexpected change.
Resistance to change. Feeling helpless.
Trying to stop events from running their course.
Breaking a negative cycle in life.
Things may need to hit rock bottom before they change.
Being at the top bottom. Misfortune. Devastating blow.
A shock to the system. Unpredictable energy.
Out of your control. Everything is left to chance.
Out of your control. Everything is left to chance.
Anything can happen. Fate plays tricks.
XI. Justice
MacGregor Mathers (1888): Equilibrium, Balance, Justice; Reversed: Bigotry, Want of Balance, Abuse of Justice, Over-severity, Inequality, Bias.
A.E. Waite (1911): Equity, rightness, probity, executive; triumph of the deserving side in law. Reversed: Law in all its departments, legal complications, bigotry, bias, excessive severity.
Equality. Balance. Fairness. Equity. Rightness.
Clarification. Judgement. Evaluation.
Truth. Facts. Objectivity. Impartiality.
Legal matter. Institution. Law. Justice.
Weighing up all options. Balancing the scales.
Moral principles. Account for actions.
Integrity. Honesty. Prudence.
Important decision. Long-term outcome.
Finality of a choice.
Reversed Justice
Travesty. Something isn’t morally right.
Hiding evidence. Not taking accountability for own actions.
Blaming others. Being dishonest. Bigotry.
Prejudice, bias. Unfairness. Criticism.
Unfair outcome. Calling into question.
Prejudice, bias. Unfairness. Criticism.
Unfair outcome. Calling into question.
Legal complications. Justice is not being served.
Excessive severity.
XII. The Hanged Man
MacGregor Mathers (1888): Self-sacrifice, Sacrifice, Devotion, Bound; Reversed: Selfishness, Unbound, Partial sacrifice.
A.E. Waite (1911): Wisdom, circumspection, discernment, trials, sacrifice, intuition, divination, prophecy. Reversed: Selfishness, the crowd, body politic.
Everything is on hold. Everything is upside down.
Activities coming to a halt. Tangled up. Trapped.
Activities coming to a halt. Tangled up. Trapped.
New perspective. Seeing world from a new perspective.
Taking time away. Separating from everyday life.
Feeling stuck or restricted. Period of indecision. No plans.
Certain actions or decisions are to be postponed.
Certain actions or decisions are to be postponed.
Sacrifice needs to be made.
Hidden manipulation of a situation.
Hidden manipulation of a situation.
Insidious nature. Enemy. Unnoticeable repression.
Masking the reality. Going cold turkey.
Foreclosure. Limitations, humiliation.
Inconvenient, embarrassing situation.
Masking the reality. Going cold turkey.
Foreclosure. Limitations, humiliation.
Inconvenient, embarrassing situation.
Feeling helpless, hopeless, suspended.
The energy is arrested. Awaiting outcome.
Patience and passivity are advised.
Philosophical study. Magic. Witchcraft.
Reversed Hanged Man
Hitting the pause button. Resting. Resisting.
Everything is on hold. Being blocked, stuck, restricted.
Everything is on hold. Being blocked, stuck, restricted.
Frustration. Losing grip. Useless gesture. An empty move.
The situation is turning upside down.
The situation is turning upside down.
Finding power within. Eventually released, refreshed.
Renewed energy. A new mindset.
XIII. Death
MacGregor Mathers (1888): Death, Change, Transformation, Alteration for the worse; Reversed: Death just escaped, Partial change, Alteration for the better.
A.E. Waite (1911): End, mortality, destruction, corruption also, for a man, the loss of a benefactor for a woman, many contrarieties; for a maid, failure of marriage projects. Reversed: Inertia, sleep, lethargy, petrifaction, somnambulism; hope destroyed.
Major Change. Transformation. Transition.
Loss. Breakup. Split. Upheaval.
End of a major phase. Clearing the ground.
Letting go of outworn and outgrown ways.
Perfect card to break a bad habit or behaviour.
Purging the old belongings.
The old needs to ‘die’ to allow the new to be created.
It can be a scary time. Unsure of what will happen in the future.
Little redemption, resentment.
Reversed Death
Purging the old belongings.
The old needs to ‘die’ to allow the new to be created.
It can be a scary time. Unsure of what will happen in the future.
Little redemption, resentment.
Reversed Death
Resisting change. Reluctant to let go. Lethargy. Inertia.
Harmful situation. Stagnated energy. Stuck in limbo. Little hope.
Experiencing pain of loss.
Harmful situation. Stagnated energy. Stuck in limbo. Little hope.
Experiencing pain of loss.
XIV. Temperance
MacGregor Mathers (1888): Combination, Conformation, Uniting; Reversed: Ill-advised combinations, Disunion, Clashing interests, &c.
A.E. Waite (1911): Economy, moderation, frugality, management, accommodation. Reversed: Things connected with churches, religions, sects, the priesthood, sometimes even the priest who will marry the Querent; also disunion, unfortunate combinations, competing interests.
Harmony. Moderation. Tranquillity.
Peace. Tolerance. Trust. Patience. Equality.
Natural Flow. Fluency.
Natural Flow. Fluency.
Blending. Mixing. Combining.
Content and consent. Composure.
Content and consent. Composure.
Alignment. No resistance. Recovery. Calmness.
Recognising the opposing forces. Balanced opinion.
Recognising the opposing forces. Balanced opinion.
Carefulness in any major decisions.
Taking the middle path. Accommodating all perspectives.
Avoiding any extremes. Not rushing things along.
Patiently listening and following.
Being at peace. Patience.
Thoughtful, measured, considered action.
Including others. Bringing together diverse people.
Creating harmony and cooperation. Working together.
Learning. Mix of talents, experiences, abilities and skills.
Creating harmony and cooperation. Working together.
Learning. Mix of talents, experiences, abilities and skills.
Adapting to a situation. A divine intervention.
Reversed Temperance
Disruption in balance. Warning signal. Uncomfortable compromise.
Indulgence. Over-eating. Overspending.
Stress and anxiety. Imbalances. Turbulence and excess.
Lack of purpose. Negative patterns. Life is not flowing easily.
Lack of purpose. Negative patterns. Life is not flowing easily.
Need for necessary adjustments.
Self-evaluation. Re-examining priorities.
Change in living arrangements, relationships, career, daily habits.
Call for self-healing.
XV. The Devil
Self-evaluation. Re-examining priorities.
Change in living arrangements, relationships, career, daily habits.
Call for self-healing.
XV. The Devil
MacGregor Mathers (1888): Fatality for Good; Reversed: Fatality for Evil.
A.E. Waite (1911): Ravage, violence, vehemence, extraordinary efforts, force, fatality; that which is predestined but is not for this reason evil. Reversed: Evil fatality, weakness, pettiness, blindness.
Entanglement. Enslavement.
Lust. Seduction. Excess. Delusions.
Roguery (lajdactwo, dranstwo). Corruption.
Physical bondage. Overindulgence.
Greediness. Exploitation. Overwhelment.
Abusiveness. Fierceness.
Contempt, disdain, scorn, despise.
Abusiveness. Fierceness.
Contempt, disdain, scorn, despise.
Underworld. Attraction to the dark side of life.
Danger of materialism, sexual obsession.
Rampant consumerism. Shamelessness.
Extraordinary efforts, force, fatality.
Hints at enormous power. Potential of liberation.
Potential for freedom and abundance.
Ravage (dewastacja, zniszczenie), violence, vehemence.
Evil fatality, weakness, pettiness, blindness.
Danger of materialism, sexual obsession.
Rampant consumerism. Shamelessness.
Extraordinary efforts, force, fatality.
Hints at enormous power. Potential of liberation.
Potential for freedom and abundance.
Ravage (dewastacja, zniszczenie), violence, vehemence.
Evil fatality, weakness, pettiness, blindness.
Living in fear, domination, control. Being caged.
Depression. Addiction.
Feeling powerless and victimised.
Experiencing negativity manipulation, abuse.
Trying to manipulate or control others.
Negative surrounding. Toxic codependency.
Confronted with beastly fears.
Prisoners of a lifestyle of their own choosing.
Reversed Devil
Depression. Addiction.
Feeling powerless and victimised.
Experiencing negativity manipulation, abuse.
Trying to manipulate or control others.
Negative surrounding. Toxic codependency.
Confronted with beastly fears.
Prisoners of a lifestyle of their own choosing.
Reversed Devil
Power to be liberated from inhibitions, repressions.
Becoming aware of the things that have been trapping.
Starting to see the light. Taking back control. Breaking the chains.
Initial pain. Difficult journey of self-improvement.
A near miss with a negative, harmful or dangerous situation or person.
Great card for anyone battling an addiction, illness, harmful behaviour.
Great card for anyone battling an addiction, illness, harmful behaviour.
MacGregor Mathers (1888): Ruin, Disruption, Over-throw, Loss, Bankruptcy; Reversed: These in a more or less partial degree.
A.E. Waite (1911): Misery, distress, indigence, adversity, calamity, disgrace, deception, ruin. It is a card in particular of unforeseen catastrophe. Reversed: According to one account, the same in a lesser degree also oppression, imprisonment, tyranny.
Event that shakes to the core.
Sudden pain, anxiety, turmoil.
Change that affects on many levels.
Something hits and throws everything of the loop.
A situation comes crashing down.
Change that affects on many levels.
Something hits and throws everything of the loop.
A situation comes crashing down.
Ground-breaking change.
Letting the structure fall to pieces.
Letting the structure fall to pieces.
No choice but to surrender.
New perspective, new life situation on the horizon.
Destroying what is bad. Sudden spiritual awakening or revelation.
A warning. Taking action before the whole structure comes tumbling down.
Something big is about to happen. Like a bomb going off.
Something big is about to happen. Like a bomb going off.
Life-altering event. Warning to be mindful of own safety.
Natural disaster.
Natural disaster.
Reversed Tower
Significant personal transformation, upheaval.
Significant personal transformation, upheaval.
Calling everything into question.
Changing beliefs. Can no longer support old models.
Going through an existential crisis.
Unsettling time.
Going through an existential crisis.
Unsettling time.
XVII. Star
MacGregor Mathers (1888): Hope, Expectation, Bright promises; Reversed: Hopes not fulfilled, Expectations disappointed or fulfilled in a minor degree.
A.E. Waite (1911): Loss, theft, privation, abandonment; another reading says-hope and bright prospects, Reversed: Arrogance, haughtiness, impotence.
Welcome rest after a period of turmoil.
New sense of self. Bright prospects.
New sense of clear direction.
Cleanliness. Transparency.
Renewed hope and faith. Recovery.
Peaceful, blissful phase in
Renewed hope and faith. Recovery.
Peaceful, blissful phase in
Calm energy, stability, tranquillity.
Being ready to receive the gifts of life.
Anything is possible. Magic is flowing.
Heart is full of hope. Soul is being uplifted.
Calm energy, stability, tranquillity.
Being ready to receive the gifts of life.
Anything is possible. Magic is flowing.
Heart is full of hope. Soul is being uplifted.
Deeper sense of meaning, inspiration, purpose.
Making some significant changes in life, transforming.
Making some significant changes in life, transforming.
Fresh perspective. Positive omen.
Generous spirit. Open heart. Spiritual connection.
Reversed Star
Lost hope. Lost faith. Test of faith.
Lost hope. Lost faith. Test of faith.
Need for purification.
Disengaged and uninspired. Boring and dreary.
Disengaged and uninspired. Boring and dreary.
Ill health.
MacGregor Mathers (1888): Twilight, Deception, Error; Reversed: Fluctuation, slight Deceptions, Trifling Mistakes.
Rider-Waite: Hidden enemies, danger, calumny, darkness, terror, deception, occult forces, error. Reversed: Instability, inconstancy, silence, lesser degrees of deception and error.
Night time. Night work. Other-world.
Dreams. Illusions. Delusions. Fantasies.
Imagination. Intuition. Psychic Vision.
Imagination. Intuition. Psychic Vision.
Strange place. Wonderment. Marvel.
Dealing with dark emotions. Upsetting scenes.
Confronting fears. Nightmares. Confusion. Depression.
Confronting fears. Nightmares. Confusion. Depression.
Emotional distress. Worry. Oblivion.
Painful memories. Haunting places.
Separating truth from illusion.
Withdrawal. Loneliness. Alienation.
Overcoming fears. Facing inner demons.
Falling out of touch with reality.
Time of uncertainty. Something is not what it seems.
Searching for hidden secrets. Hidden truth.
Manipulation. Dodgy deal. Illegal behaviour.
Hypnosis. Therapy. Inner healing.
Time for reflection. Journey into Inner World.
Can be a source of creative inspiration.
Negative influences. Dark shadows lurking.
Struggling to understand what is happening.
Self-deception or delusions. Mental health.
Dealing with illusion, fears, anxiety.
Forces of the dark are starting to dissipate.
Releasing fears, negative imagery.
Liberating experience. Inner guidance needed.
Secrets or lies being exposed. Finding what has been lost.
Positive side emerging.
XIX. Sun
Luck. Happiness. Contentment. Success.
Secrets or lies being exposed. Finding what has been lost.
Positive side emerging.
XIX. Sun
MacGregor Mathers (1888): Happiness, Content, Joy; Reversed: These in a minor degree.
A.E. Waite (1911): Material happiness, fortunate marriage, contentment. Reversed: The same in a lesser sense.
Radiance. Abundance. Brightness. Optimism.
Enthusiasm. Confidence.
Sense of fulfilment. Life feels good.
Radiating positive energy. Positive vibes.
Sharing warmth with other people.
Being in a very good position.
Very energetic time. Celebration. Holiday season.
Increased physical energy, vitality, good health.
Feeling inspired, carefree, liberated, self-assured.
Experiencing good luck, good fortune.
Being in a very good position.
Very energetic time. Celebration. Holiday season.
Increased physical energy, vitality, good health.
Feeling inspired, carefree, liberated, self-assured.
Experiencing good luck, good fortune.
Pure innocence. A child brings happiness.
In alignment with true self. Nothing to hide.
A moment that has the potential to change life.
Travel to a country with a warm climate.
Reversed Sun
Lesser luck. Struggling to see the bright side of life.
Slower enthusiasm and optimism. No longer enjoying a situation.
Feeling only
slightly happy. Clouded optimism.
There is hope. Success when things get better.
Too much confidence. Over-optimism. Vanity.
Too much confidence. Over-optimism. Vanity.
Over-concern with public appearance.
Out of touch egoism. Arrogance.
XX. Judgement
Out of touch egoism. Arrogance.
XX. Judgement
MacGregor Mathers (1888): Renewal, Result, Determination of a Matter; Reversed: Postponement of Result, Delay, Matter re-opened later.
A.E. Waite (1911): Change of position, renewal, outcome. Another account specifies total loss though lawsuit. Reversed: Weakness, pusillanimity, simplicity; also deliberation, decision, sentence.
Great Awakening. Great Accomplishment.
Summoning the Higher Force.
Prayers are answered. Adoration. Ecstasy.
Resurrection. Renewal. Revelation. Refreshment.
Reunion. Return. Relief. Release.
Great Significance. Power of Intention.
Judgement. Scrutiny. Epic decision.
Result. Resolution. Outcome.
Naked Truth comes up. Hidden will be revealed.
Purging process. Legal matter resolved.
Purging process. Legal matter resolved.
New possibilities. New phase. New cycle.
Following a call. New mission.
Awe-inspiring sound. Creative power of sound.
Creative sharing with others within a group.
Having experienced an important event with others.
Rising together. Meeting rejuvenated people.
Reversed Judgement
Apprehension. Fear of judgement.
Following a call. New mission.
Awe-inspiring sound. Creative power of sound.
Creative sharing with others within a group.
Having experienced an important event with others.
Rising together. Meeting rejuvenated people.
Reversed Judgement
Apprehension. Fear of judgement.
External restrictions. Criticism. Blockages.
Regret. Guilt. Shame.
Clearing past mistakes. Forgiveness. Reflection. Self-evaluation.
Deliberation. Decision. Sentence.
In need of transformation.
XXI. World
XXI. World
MacGregor Mathers (1888): Completion, Good Reward; Reversed: Evil Reward, or Recompense.
A.E. Waite (1911): Assured success, recompense, voyage, route, emigration, flight, change of place. Reversed: Inertia, fixity, stagnation, permanence.
Citizen of the world. World travel. Living abroad.
Triumph. Luck. Huge success. Fulfilment. Completion. Wholeness.
Everything comes together in the right place, at the right time.
Having the world at your feet. The world is your oyster.
Being in a magical time. Place of wonderment.
Celebrating life journey. Basking in the joy.
Graduation. Marriage. Birth.
Achieving a long-held dream or aspiration.
Universal understanding. Global awareness. Enlightenment.
Understanding how the world operates. Everything is connected.
Graduation. Marriage. Birth.
Achieving a long-held dream or aspiration.
Universal understanding. Global awareness. Enlightenment.
Understanding how the world operates. Everything is connected.
Reversed World
End of a cycle. The world is against or upside-down.
Strong opposition.
No consideration for others.
Losing the bigger picture. Missing essential piece.
Detachment from the current affairs.
Big success slipped, or brought hindrance.
Time for recovery. There is still power and importance.