King George VI personality astro-chart

King George VI was born on 14 December 1895, Sandringham. His birthday was the 34th anniversary of the death of his great-grandfather Albert, Queen Victoria's beloved husband, the Prince Consort.

It is not uncommon to be born on the date of your ancestor birthday or departure - grandmother or grandfather, and even those of great grand-ancestry. We usually do. Our ancestral lines are our bloodlines and we are connected to a generations of people that has come before us - in our bodies through the code of DNA

Your psyche, your emotions, your opinions, your behaviour and your life-situations can be grandly influenced and is - by your ancestral line. They are literally speaking through you. If you are interested in healing your ancestral line, contact Rena Sance. 


King George VI first name was Albert. He later changed it to honour his father, king George V. 
This is an astro-chart for noon, 14 December 1895 when he was born. As you see many character traits are strait to the line even if we do not know exact birthday time. 

Sun 22’ Sagittarius
Moon 30’ Scorpio
Mercury 18’ Sagittarius
Venus 6’ Scorpio
Mars 30’ Scorpio
Jupiter 8’ Leo
Saturn 14’ Scorpio
Uranus 22’ Scorpio
Neptune 16’ Gemini
Pluto 11’ Gemini

Most celestial objects are in the late Autumn quarter, the deeply reflective and philosophical signs of Sagittarius and Scorpio. The quite poisonous and paralysing nature of Scorpio often compels to intoxication, facing inner fears, and many transformative challenges in life. 

Only Jupiter stands out in the royal Leo, indicating an important role to play in life, at some point.  

There is no planet in front of the Sun, most of them are behind its path - pointing to a more introverted nature - the internal activity of thoughts and emotions is very high. A sense of mission propels inner drive (Mars), and a sense of betterment of the world and people through association - Venus and Saturn in XI Mansion

Pluto and Neptune in the VI Mansion indicate a huge turn of events in the area of one's job. This of course is the case with King George who suddenly had to step up to the throne after his brother, King Edward VIII, abdicated. Similarity of this position is seen with Jupiter - in the VIII Mansion - of unexpected inheritance. 

Sun - Persona
22’ Sagittarius
Conjunct Moon
Conjunct Mercury
Oppose Neptune, Pluto.

Sun is our overall external personality which we usually take from a father figure in our formative years. To some extent it shows our father's personality (or rather how we perceive it). It shows our vitality, areas of life-interest and how we approach life in general.  It has the most important influence on all the other planets. 

Sagittarius is a sign that connects Heaven and Earth, or what is far-away to what is nearby, thus having a relation to foreign travel, foreign affairs, or philosophy - outreaches of the mind. It is a sign of freedom of purpose, that needs to be aligned with both lower and higher vibrations, simultaneously. Nobility comes hand in hand with some animalistic desires, for example.

The Sun conjuncts Mercury, as it often does, being aware of one's own self-expression. The conjunction with Moon which is the No Moon on the night sky, strengthens one's own purpose in life, often deploying working closely with the public. In men, it also produces a strong need for security through mother or wife, as the confidence fluctuates. A periodic darkness, even if there is a lot of encouragement and support from women and being the centre of attention for good or bad, wanted or unwanted. 

Sagittarius, in other terms, is the signs of Knowing and Exploring - of Beliefs, of Possibilities - all this swirls around the expansion of one's horizons. From the early years the person is looking for own independence through erudition (Mercury), intelligence, of being honourable, ethical, versatile and - in control of one's own path. There is a quite amount of optimism and positive motivation in the developed Sagittarius, and combined with the Moon energy - a sort of fascination and cumulation of ideas or better - a great solemnity

Sagittarians are not very socialising, preferring to spend time on their own, although life is throwing people at them, and they can handle them very well, for a limited amount of time. They can be of very festive attitude at those times, enterprising, even prankish. However, the need to look for answers engages them into inner pursuit of truth. This sometimes produces uneasiness or unhappiness due to excessive preoccupations on chosen subjects. 

The opposition from generational planets - Neptune and Pluto would go unnoticed for most of the time, but they do bring inhibition on some levels of self-expression - like being misunderstood. Challenges of one's own generation had to be dealt with, their fears and illusions play heavily on one's sense of reason. Creating a generational trends, also - to have some power of influence over others is the remedy. 

Moon - Soul
30’ Scorpio 
New Moon
Conjunct Mars
Conjunct Uranus

Moon is our internal personality. Moon is connected to what we have learned from our Mother in the very early age of our childhood. Thus it is directly responsible for our programmed instinctive behaviour, care, nurture and support we need and give away, and level of intuition. It shows - to some extent - our mother's character (or how we have perceived it), how and when we feel most safe and secure, and in what areas lies our innate sense of belonging.  

 Mother in 30’ Scorpio or on the cusp of Sagittarius and Scorpio, anyway having much more Scorpio energy. No Moon often gives a sense of eccentricity, a visual stand-out from the familiar background. Conjunctions with Mars and Saturn - two infamous malefics - planets of great challenges, and additionally - chaotic Uranus suggests a difficult childhood, difficulties on the Soul-Path, anger, tremble, limitation or even some discrimination.  

Moon close to Mars gives some vigour to the physical types, a certain charisma, strong emotional drive, emotional anxiety, that can be transformed into courage

A sense of bitterness, pain or a deep yearning, started a difficult emotional route through life with Saturn. True feelings had to be hidden or literally buried (Scorpio). Periodical outbursts of anger or depression (Mars/Saturn). 

Moon relates to mother and wife in man's horoscope. They both had a strong individual character, emotionally very powerful, demanding, discerning. See Queen Mother's (his wife) astro-chart, where Moon is in Scorpio, and Sun in the position of King George's Jupiter, beautifully fitting in her role of great support to the role of the king. 

Opposition from Pluto may have charged his inner personality with even more traumatic experiences but let's not forget that Scorpio has a great transformative prospects. They can be use for good o bad, but the sense of self-control is tremendous. 

Mercury - Intellect
18’ Sagittarius
Conjunct Sun
Oppose Neptune, Pluto

Mercury is how our mind works and its influence is most pronounced in our late childhood years - when we start to learn and recognize things. We are surrounded by many people but most of all we are interested in our peer group or siblings. We learn from them, we are interested how the 'dynamics' of this larger community works and how we can communicate with it. Thus, Mercury shows - the early age environment, ability to learn, areas of interests, and communication skills.

 in 18’ Sagittarius conjuncts Sun. The mind is keen to develop higher thinking, needing some mental stimulation. Learning, knowing, broadening horizons and seeing the world from a different perspectives is a must. Quite a philosophical attitude; storytelling or public speaking is often undertaken under this position. 

We know that king George the VI had stammer; if this was the nearby obscure Moon that influenced the trepidation  or the opposition from Neptune and Pluto, we of course cannot specify, but this aspects make it difficult to formulate or express own thoughts in any way. 

Mercury in Sagittarius does cherish honesty, sincerity, frankness, and the innate curiosity connects well with the world as a sort of a teacher. 

The dilemmas and thoughts of his own generation are of importance, and there is advice to look out for any signs of deception with generational planets, Neptune, Pluto in opposing Gemini sign. This active, curious mind has a lot to say about the day-to-day affairs. 

Venus - Heart
 6’ Scorpio
Conjunct Saturn
Square Jupiter

Venus is the planet of love and attraction - in broad terms - what we love, how we love, and who we love. We are quite early aware of what we are appreciative of - in things and people. It tells us about the early teenage years when we were growing up to learn about love for the first time - and how this carries out on through our life. It tells what we value in love relationships. 

in 6’ Scorpio is in a passionately naughty position, forging deep meaningful relations - but the conjunction to Saturn and square to Jupiter does keep this passion under some sort of control. The love-life  can be very powerful, intimate; on the outside - very controlling and proper. 

Concealing and hiding feelings or simply keeping secrets is necessary in order to get what one's wants but not without afflictions. There is some sadness or limits to the fully expressed love-life due to presence of Saturn. Venus in Scorpio loves and hates with the same intensity but Saturn may have a taming effect and produce a long lasting relationship

Men with Venus in Scorpio are attracted to strong, passionate women. The heart needs someone who will be fully committed. In this case, women of his life will be much in control of his heart and he may often feel a reverent intimidation. Partner more mature and demanding.

Mars - Will
 30’ Scorpio
Conjunct Moon

We meet Mars energy in our late teen years - when we learn to be confident in our behaviour and participate in life through in action. Mars describes how we act and behave while facing the life challenges and everyday situations.
Mars in 30’ Scorpio  is about strong desires, sexual tension, emotional force. Obscured by Moon this may have a number of effects on this turbulent energy regarding power, sex, death. 

Mars is reaching into the depths of human experience and to the depth of any matter - his will and his actions often of dead-serious nature. Making all kinds of rules and goals, the lesson here is to embrace one's own animal instincts and fears. It is a formidable force that can achieve a lot after conquering the hidden enemies.

Jupiter - Role
8’ Leo
Square Venus
Square Saturn

Jupiter is a planet of our growth, expansion, encouragement, allies. In the young years we are inspired by a particular set of values or roles we imagine to play in life. When we reach maturity - the Jupiter years - we should be able to play this role - it is part of our natural calling.  

Jupiter in 8’ Leo is well connected with  prestige, nobility, recognition and fame. There is a substantial self belief and high expectations, from oneself or from society. Big-hearted and generous, Leo energies are channelled here through one's own role in life.  

There is a thrill of a big adventure and much good fortune. The path to growth is to celebrate life but also to follow a strong ambition to succeed and be a leader.

Jupiter in Leo gives a good understanding of young people, the ability to teach and encourage others.  Allies come from the sphere of Venus and Saturn in Scorpio - a symbol of mature and powerful female. 

On the less positive side the square aspects tell that the role is taken with great trepidation and reserve. One has to learn to love his role. 

Saturn - Lore 
14’ Scorpio
Conjunct Venus
Conjunct Uranus

Saturn is a planet of Destiny.  The primal 'Lore' is what we are born with,. This is where we start our life: in what background we grow up (hardly we can choose it), and what is the main task 'to master ' in our existence.  The second 'Lore' is what we are becoming in our old age, and the 'Lore' we are eventually leave behind.  Saturn has to be always carefully considered with the Sun and Moon Sign and its aspects. 

Saturn in 14’ Scorpio is lying comfortably back in the midst of this immense Zodiacal sign. It does stick to a hidden power. Even if George the VI was not contemplating a huge amount of having power in his early life, there was a destiny to take a position of power, eventually. His daughter, Queen Elisabeth II has Saturn in Scorpio, too. 

It gives a sharpness of focus and more determination to overcome obstacles. Can sacrifice the short-term happiness to meet end goals. Intensity pursuing own goals and objectives. Self-control over passions. Sanctioned intimacy. Repressed desires. Knowing secrets. Being an insider in secretive and powerful circle. Normally, on its own there will be a solitude in the place of power but with close Venus there is a support from loved ones. 

Saturn in Scorpio in combination with Sun also relates to a father figure who wants to influence others, to be in control and he means serious business, even through oppression. Saturn in Scorpio can get quite fanatical about own position, objectives, desires. 

On the best site, there is this self-enduring hard work usually leaving a great legacy. Transformative powers. Being a corner stone in a position of power. Grandparents powerful. Quite substantial inheritance. 

With the conjunction to Uranus, there is a generational turmoil that needs to be dealt with, again - with all the power and intensity. 

Uran - Neptune - Pluto
Generational Planets

Generational planets give us a social and historical background. They stay in one Zodiac Sign for several years, shaping the views, opinions and general vibe of a generation. They have less personal influence but if they are engaged in primary aspects, they have an impact on our psyche. 

Uranus 22’ Scorpio, Neptune in 16’ Gemini, Pluto 11’ Gemini. 

Uranus was in Scorpio between years 1891-1897.
Neptune was in Gemini, (1889-1902)

Pluto was in  Gemini between years 1885-1915 - gorgeous and gregarious years for the European aristocracy. 

Personality Astro-Table

A quick look to compare one's astro-chart and personality traits with other people in family or circle of friends. It shows our inner and outer personality, and we can understand ours's or someone else's preferences here quite clearly.

The Rows:
Upper Row - Moon - Sun - Mercury - when you first meet a person, you sense the configuration of this upper layer. The openness, curiosity and physical activity of Sagittarius with a reserve and fearfulness of Moon in Scorpio.
Middle Row - Venus - Jupiter - Mars - is what you get to know about a person when you spend some time around them. This is a family/friends circle. A strong father-figure, with huge determination and self-control, with some shady emotions that are hard to grasp and understand. Fears and tears had to be overcome. Passion and privacy are great determining factor in personal relationship. 
Under Row - Neptune - Saturn - Uranus - is what is most hidden, and you know the Shadow of the person when you know them really well (we consider Pluto position as well). There is much generic trouble inside due to Scorpio dominance - a piercing pain, a hidden trouble, but an affirmative connection of the circle of female energy (Neptune in Gemini) can ease some of the tremble. 

The Columns:
Left Column - Moon - Venus - Neptune - the soft, feminine, inner side, when a person is relaxed and in private. King George the VI was in private a very private person. Scorpio is a profound and mysterious sign - there is a lot to hide, a lot of paralysis, but it is also a transformative power in life allowing to take control over troubled emotions.
Middle Column - Sun - Jupiter - Saturn - the person's public image, often a career. Sagittarius, Leo and Scorpio are signs of power, and whatever he would do in his life, the power of command would always be present. 
Right Column - Mercury - Mars - Uranus - the harder, masculine side, showing the outside dealings with the world, communicating, doing, behaviour, what others in close circle experience while with the person. The masculine side also penetrating the depths of hidden resources, finding there first - fears and some sort of oppression, eventually developing it in a great sense of self-control, and a magnetic charisma of a deeply caring leader. 


Biography note:

King George VI was unexpected to be king and quite reluctant to be one but said he would do his best.  He was a shy and diffident boy, easily frightened, overshadowed by his more glamorous elder brother. Public speaking was somewhat of a torture for him, because of his stammer that he overcame by grit and sheer determination. Despite his diffidence, he had strong unbeaten spirit. 

Involved in the Royal Navy, he also qualified as a pilot in RAF. He played tennis in his spare time and was the only member of the Royal Family to had competed at Wimbledon. His interests was industrial welfare - he visited factories that gave him the first hand knowledge and he emphasized the human conditions and relations in this environment. Because of this, he was nicknamed the 'Foreman'. 

He instituted boys camp from different background to break down the artificial social barriers; carried his public duties quietly and efficiently, living the life of the country gentleman with sporting interests, until becoming the King. His political views were completely unknown and it helped him to be an impartial monarch, but he was not particularly interested in politics, anyway. 

Elisabeth, his wife, had a charming personality, even he hard to please George V liked her very much. Because he felt he was completely unprepared to do the king's duties, George VI made sure that his daughter did not have the same problem and gave her a rigorous training for the future role of the constitutional monarch. On the other hand he also gave her a happy family childhood, being a great role model to her. 

King George VI was happiest living quietly with his family. He feared that the monarchy could crumble after the shock and strain of his brother abdication and his kingship. His brother behaviour after abdication added to his troubles. His father, king George V, wrote to him: 'you have always been so sensible and easy to work with, ready to listen to my advise, and to agree on opinions of people and things, that I always felt that got on well together'. He supposedly resembled him in his character and mind - to some extent.

His reign was marked by Second World War and he was known to have a great relationship with Winston Churchill, another Sagittarian spirit.