Divination is as old as humanity. Each culture had developed forms of mastering the art of foreseeing the future. People always felt that an unseen reality, unexplained, otherworldly forces, sometimes seem to have an influence on our life. Confirmation of this has been expressed most commonly as precognitions, premonitions, intuitions or gut instinct.
Most of us have experienced them.
Verification by science has not yet been fully developed, for a few reasons.
- First - This phenomena are not easily measured, as they occur without clear and logical pattern, randomly.
- Second - There is no real interests in scientific world due to bad press of such otherworldly things. Whoever decides to study the paranormal, does it on the fringe of their scientific career. There are quite a few studies and scientist that are engaged in researching human potential, consciousness, telepathy, energy healing etc with good results, but the scientific community is not publicly acknowledging it. There is still a fear of being laughed at.
- Third - Financial resources to conduct such studies are scarce. It is much more tangible to develop a new drug - not only it will ease a disease - it will also provide more profit. We know that pharmaceutical industry is one of the most prominent in our world-economy.
- Fourth - Life on Earth for us humans is often quite an ordeal, there is no enough time, not enough room to make space for the invisible when the visible is hard to deal with and takes all our attention.
Unless a person have experienced the touch of the paranormal, he or she are not likely to give it much thought. And even if there were hunches, gut feelings, ghost sightings, there is little encouragement out there to follow it further.
Of course if you read this article, you are more inclined to embrace the unforeseen and to develop a better understanding of intuition and divination. So, lets start with the most important hurdle in the subject of divination:
What is time?
Is our future predetermined?
Time Concept
Our life takes place on many levels, we are aware of only one. Our perception orders the world in a linear manner over time.
The key to understanding divination is to imagine time not as a straight line from A to B, but as a spiral spring in which cycles are contained.
This spiral spring can be stretched and then a wavy line appears - this is our perception. However, if we imagine that this line is a spiral spring, we will notice how the phenomenon of time works - it is linear-circular.
Here is a good example of how we imagined our Solar System, and how we may stretch the perception:
The same is with Time. We live in cycles within cycles, within cycles etc.
Fractals of time-space within fractals of time-space.
In practice, this means that events repeat themselves, although at a different point in time-space, and they are not exactly the same events, but are related to previous events through the factor of repetition or cyclicality. Everything in nature is cyclical, we are part of it, why would our life be different?
The two dimensional space that is our paper (or computer screen) can apply some of the concepts, but we have to use our imagination and dimensional thinking and visualising.
Day and night cycles are the most distinct symptom, the cycles of the year, from spring to autumn, everything repeats itself, of course, growing and changing its state at the same time - tree branches are getting longer and thicker every year. However, it is still the same tree. The tree eventually 'dies' but before it does so it will give out several copies to the world which will repeat the same process.
The spring contains the symbolism of a circle, a straight line, and a spiral - an ellipse. These are the most common symbols in the archaic world.
The Maya civilization had been most fascinated by time and its cyclicality. They could calculate great cycles that seem absurd from our individual lives.
They sensed that the world and life unfolded in an elliptical, elastic manner, and that the timeline can be stretched or pulled back to the point of singularity - the Eternal Now - the Zero Point.
The concept of Akashic record in Hindu tradition and theosophy is another way to figure out how the time is not really linear, but spiral, and there are cycles within cycles that can influence one another. Thus the knowledge about the past and the future events can be drawn from.
But the hard thing sometimes, more often than not - is the infinite singular timelines. It means infinite possibilities as to what the future holds, that depend on many singular choices.
The Timelines
Divination is the intention to look into future events that have managed to clearly form on an elastic band of any given timeline.
Some are of pure potential. Some are written in stone (have the greatest potential realizing in a material future, but still some event - decision - choice - may slightly diverge them).
Our law of cause and effect still applies on the spiral spring of time - events can take many forms, but their 'energy matrix of dependence' will be almost identical.
Only with time, under the influence of conscious effort, conscious decisions - our fate may run onto a different track.
The art of divination is not only about foretelling the future, but also, and perhaps most of all, the ability and willingness to look inside, subconscious, matrix of our behaviour and advice on how to best use our potential, how to live the best version of yourself.
Ultimately, divination serves as a tool of self development.
The Art of Interpretation
The art of interpretation remains - and this is the hardest part of divination.
If you are not gifted in this direction, you need to be patient and practice a lot. Start with simple things that are familiar to you and, using your chosen divination method, establish events from the past and the results of which you can quickly check.
Write down your experiences, but try to remember as much as possible and 'feel' into the situation you are investigating.
Divination is, after all, nothing more than a "study of time" and the only tool you have is a perfect instrument that surpasses all computers in complexity - your brain. Properly directed, may have access to the higher layers of awareness.
Tuning In
In order to be successful in the field of any esoteric practise, your life has to be in order. Not in a perfect order but easily manageable so you have enough spare energy to dive into difficult concepts and unusual practices. If this is yet not the case start with self-development or affirmation programme.
Clearing your mind - changing your brain waves - is the place to start. Treat your brain as an instrument. There are several brain waves that science has discovered and described:
[Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, Gamma]
Long term changes
If you are trying to tap into the spiritual world you may notice subtle changes to your tastes. Choosing a light diet with less meat, more organic vegetables.
Best water is spring water, also because of its natural flow. The quality of water has been wonderfully described by Drink water that is invigorated - briskly pour lukewarm water from one cup to another. It allows the molecules to dance around.
Choosing a Divination Tool
The most known tool in Western world is Tarot, cartomancy, rune oracle, Angels oracle. In Chinese we have I Cing, and there are many others.
It is good to have your equipment ready when you need it. It is also advised to use different Tarot decks for different purposes - ex one specific deck for yourself and family, one for other people who you do not know personally, and perhaps one for the world affairs if you want take your divination to another level
Knowing Your Trade
Your trade is life - in general. You are dealing with people and their lives so you have to gather real experience and knowledge about them. It is true that good fortune tellers are in their 50s. When you are young you tend to be inclined differently towards life.
The Art of Divination is the art of healing in its uttermost aim.
It is what should leave the person with - a sense of insight and relief. This sense of relief has a psychological aspect - of comforting to another person. This is hugely beneficial. Trusting the invisible forces - it also means connecting to the (Quantum) Field directly.
It is amazing what we can do by this interaction.
The moment you are laying out the cards is a magical moment in the purest sense - it means - there is no illusion. There is only an intention to 'help' and to 'listen and hear'.