British Royal Family in astrology

Below, are astrology charts for the days the British Royals were born. It is particularly interesting to have a glimpse at astrology in the context of a family. 

All charts are in the same, universal position to allow easy reference point between different people. 

One of the most amazing things about astrology is that often family memebers have a particular trait running in their family - the planetary placement are similar, especially between parents and children, or grandparents and grandchildren.

King George VI (father) Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Scorpio, Jupiter in Leo (starting a Role of dynasty) 
Queen Mother (mother) Sun in Leo, Moon in Scorpio
Queen Elisabeth II - Sun in Aries,/Taurus, Moon in Leo, Saturn in Scorpio
Princess Margaret (sister) - Sun in Leo, Moon in Crab
Prince Philip (husbnad) - Moon in Leo, Sun in Gemini
King Charles (son) - Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Aries/Taurus (exact as his mother), 
Ann, Princes Royal (daughter) - Sun in Leo
Prince Andrew (son) - Moon in Scorpio
Prince Edward (son) - Jupiter in Aries

Prince William has similar position of his Sun and Moon to Princess Diana - around Summer Solstice.
Prince Harry has Moon in Taurus, similar to hif father Moon, and grandmother Sun.

Kate Middleton - Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Crab
Prince George - Sun in Crab, Moon in Capricorn (this is a very strong relation!)
Princess Charlotte - Sun in Taurus, Jupiter in Leo
Prince Louis - Sun in Aries/Taurus, Moon in Leo (strong connection to grandfather, and greatgrandmother), also Saturn, Mars in Capricorn - his mother Sun sign.


Let's start with Queen Elisabeth's father:

King George VI, born 14 December 1895, Sandringham

The Sun, Moon and most planets are in the III quarter - OTHERS. This is a transformative part of the Zodiac, and having relationships that matter, both close and distant ones, is crucial. Read more about it at Zodiac Wheel and its Parts

Jupiter is standing out in the royal and loyal Leo sign, and as we see later - this really is the marking sign of the Royal Family, not only British (together with Scorpio). 

Next, Queen's Elisabeth mother


Queen Mother, born 4 August 1900, London

The couple's Moons are in similar Scorpio position - this always makes a great bond. King's Venus is in Scorpio, meaning he was attracted to strong, powerful, magnetic, passionate women - such traits are in Queen's Mother astro-chart - Moon being her private side. 

We know she was reluctant to marry Prince Albert - she has Saturn nearby his Sun's position, however the royal Jupiter matches perfectly her native bright Sun in Leo, and her Jupiter (growth and role) is where is Bertie's Moon

A couple that shares their passions and secrets, and grows together in power.


Now, Queen Elisabeth II, herself, born 21 April 1926, London, the first child of the above couple.

Straightaway we see an alignment of her natal Moon in Leo, with her mother's Sun in Leo. This is often a case in astrology with mother-child relations. 

Elisabeth chart has Saturn where all her father's astro-gravity lays - in Scorpio, and Saturn is often a representation of paternal authority, our Lore, and in the Scorpio case it often means inheritance


Her younger, and only sister, Princess Margaret, born 21 August, 1930, Angus, Scotland.

We see Sun in Leo, connection to her mother's Sun and father's pronounced Jupiter. Margaret's Moon (and Jupiter) in Crab, relates beautifully to her mother's Venus. We may presume she has taken a lot of Queen's Mother self-image and adopted it her ways of being. 

They both also have Mars in the exact same Gemini position. Very interesting. An active, busy-bodies, doing a lot or rather meeting a lot of people. Gemini character was also their favourite masculine type - bright, confident, prominent. 

There is certainly less connection to father, and it shows a rather stern relation. Her Moon and Venus shows a strong need to be a wife and a mother, with all the playfulness and responsibility that comes with it. A quite outward, romantic character, with a sense of protection for her privacy.

Let's have a look at Queens Elisabeth's husband.


Prince Philip, born 10 June 1921, Corfu.

Wonderfully placed Moon, same as Queen Elisabeth's, and same situation as with her parents, heralding a happy, intimate relationship. This is the best position a couple can have. And as it is in Leo - a fun loving creature, they certainly did enjoy each other company (not without some power-struggle). 
Now we have a remarkably interesting situation with Venus. It is in almost exact position where Elisabeth's Sun is. As it goes with the Venus in male horoscopes - it is what kind of women they are attracted to (Moon being wife). Perfect match - again!

Elisabeth's Mars is in Aquarius - together with Jupiter. This beautifully describes her preferred male companion and partner. Duke's Sun is in Gemini, with Mars, a lofty character similar to Aquarius, with quite a grand ego, which may translate as will and sturdiness. 


Now, their first son, now King Charles III, born 14 November 1948, London:

And now we can see, what not only astrologers are saying - that many of our character traits we take from our grandparents. Here, we can see it perfectly. A Scorpio Sun, strong Sagittarius - this relates to King George VI and his wife, Queen Mother.

And of course, straight into our eyes is the position of the Moon on the verge of Aries and Taurus - exactly in the same place as his mother! So again - mother-child relation often come with Sun-Moon conjunctions. 

Saturn, as father, meets the known story about Prince Charles childhood. Rather harsh, disciplined and challenging. 

Let's have a look at his siblings.


Queen's Elisabeth and Prince's Philip second daughter, Anne, Princess Royal, born 15 August 1950, London:

She is the firm hand in the Royal Family - her Sun in Leo relates to her parent's Moon, and grandmother's Sun. 

Her Moon matches her father's Jupiter and Saturn in Virgo - a strong sense of duty and service. There is a strong Mars in Scorpio, another family trait, a strong drive and passion for power. 


Prince Andrew, born 19 February 1960, London:

His Sun is where his mother's Mars and Jupiter conjunct - in Aquarius. This is why Queen Elisabeth felt such a strong affinity with the troubled Andrew. 

Moon in Scorpio gives a soul a lot of power or dark desires, it is aligned with his grandmother's Moon, and with his mother Saturn - another sign of a strong relationship between them. 

We have not seen a lot of Capricorn, here it is with Andrew's Venus, Mars and Saturn. An interesting combination, a stern trait, that makes him look down at those below, have fun with those who are above him. A perfect for royal courts and high establishment, where all the intrigue is going on. 


And their last son, Prince Edward, born 10 March, 1964, London:


Let's have a look at the chart of Princess Diana, first wife, of then Charles, Prince of Wales.

Princess Diana, born 1 July 1961, Sandringham:

Remarkably, she has Moon and Jupiter where Queen's Elisabeth Mars and Jupiter.  Her Sun is in Crab, making her a perfect mother, with Mars on the verge of Leo/VirgoVenus in prosperous Taurus, and her Mars where Prince Charles Saturn is, in Virgo, making it a somewhat father/daughter relationship. 

All looks well from the point of Royal astrologer, and we can assume that the family did look at the chart, at some point. 

However, as we know, it was not a perfect match. Princess' Diana strong Moon in Aquarius is what made her off the Royal protocol, and what made her a People's Princess. A strong inner drive for independence and genuine interest in others was a clash for a tight fit family. She was the outsider, breaking the status quo of royalty also through Uranus (the rebel) in Leo.  


Their first son, Prince William, born 21 June 1982, London:

His natal Sun and Moon (New Moon) are very close to his mother, Princess Diana Sun, and Venus is almost in the same position in Taurus. He has naturally adopted a caring attitude from her, that also finds comfort in material pleasure. 

A strong Libra with Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and even Pluto, connects him well with father, Prince/King Charles, on a mental level. Relationships, marriage and status quo are very important for him. A good chart for a future king that will seek balance and means of communication with others. He is like a spokesperson, a PR for the Royal Family, seeking justice above all, even in private matters.    


And their second son, Prince Harry, born 15 September 1984, London:

His Moon is in Taurus - same as his father, Prince Charles, his Mercury and Sun match his father's Saturn position, that of authority, and Harry's Saturn is where his father's Sun is! 

That's not the end - their Venus is in Libra - a strong need for partnership., and Mars is in Sagittarius, a need to enjoy oneself through adventures, broadening horizons, going beyond boundaries. 

I mean, this is really a strong astrological bond! 

On the other hand - of the maternal line - Harry's natal planets make only a match with Princess' Diana Venus (Taurus) - through his Moon, and Mercury/Mars combination in Virgo, which would rather suggest quarrels and grumpiness in such relationship.  

Prince Harry and his father, Prince/King Charles are more similar in character, and close to each other, than one or another would ever imagine.

So what happened, and why Harry is such an outcast, that fluctuated so strongly towards his mother's energy, rather than father? 

As it often happens - we don't like what we see in others as a mirror, and we want to escape it. It is too straight in our face. 

It also means, that astrology is not destiny-based, we have free will to explore.  

If I could advise Harry on anything, it would be to make the best from his relationship with his father, and be as close to him as possible, working through all misconceptions and grievances. 

The strong pull from Meghan's Moon over his Sun, as we see down below, may not be enough in the long term. Especially, as Uranus, which is now in Taurus for several years, makes its transition to Gemini, and Harry, who is living now mostly through his Moon (wife) may see more clearly what is missing in his life. 

But first, let's have a look at Kate Middleton, born 9 January 1982, Reading:

As mentioned above, the Moon-Sun match in couples astro-charts is the best. Kate's Moon is where William Sun is, and also his Moon, in protective Crab

As they are of similar age, the peer-group planets: Jupiter and Saturn, are in similar positions, but Mars being in exactly the same place is rare. It does mean a strong sexual pull towards each other.  

Her Sun in Capricorn makes her very elegant, easily following the established rules, keeping up with the protocol, making herself looking dignified and serious, but with a hint of natural fun and genuine interest in others as Mercury and Venus are in Aquarius


Prince George, Katherine and Prince William son, next in line to the throne, was born on 22 July 2013, 16:24 BST in London. Because of the precise time, we can add Ascendant and Medium Coeli to the chart.

What come in the view straight away - is the South Node in similar position to his great-grandmother, Queen Elisabeth II, and his grandfather, King Charles II. South Node is about heritage, in general. 

Even more important, as mentioned above, is the placemen of Sun and Moon - relating quite precisely to his mother - Princess Katherine, Kate Middleton. 

There is Jupiter and Mars relating to his father, Prince William's position of the Sun and Moon. 

And Saturn, North Node and Asc in Scorpio are where grandparents' charts had importnat placements.

He is a bit shy boy, full of undercurrent emotions. He does need a special treatment and attention from his parents, not neceserily the public eye.  He likes to hide and be on his own or in close family circle. 

The Fullmoon phase he was born with only adss to a very intense feelings, emotions. tha he has to be cut off from (Moon in Capricorn have difficulties in understanding and feeling their emotions. 

All this in later life may develop into great insights, intuition, and imagination. But for the most of his life he will need protection, care, save haven. 

His role in life - MC and Jupiter - quite clearly states that he has a life of service, duties in the spotlight, yet there is tension and struggle around it, because of Mars Jupiter conjunction. 

Let's have a look at his sister, that seems to be more outgoing, bold, and a bit cheeky.


Princess Charlotte was born on 2 May, 2015, at 8:34 am in London.

Here is completely different story, indeed. She is very extrovert, naturaly confident, if not over-confident. She know how to stirr a crowd, has to royal tratis of Jupiter in Leo, and her life purpose (North Node) is well aligned with graceful Moon position in Libra, a couple of days before Fullmoon.

Sun in Taurus resembles the position in her gradnfather chart, King Charles, and her great-grandmother, Queen Elisabeth II.

Venus in Gemini, near the top point of the Zodiac Wheel means that she will shine with her beauty, good look, prettiness. Outspokne - Mercury in Gemini and ahead of the Sun (notice Mercury position in her brother's chart, Prince George, it is behind the Sun), but with Mars influence which means she may be blunt and uncaring what other think of her speech. 

Interestingly she does not have such ties with her mother, as her brother does, 

What about the yongest of the three offsprins of Kate and William?


Prince Louis was born on 23 April 2018, at 11:01 am. 

It is quite astounding - here we have the same position of Aries Taurus Sun as his great grandmother, Queen Elisabeth II, and Moon of his grandfather, King Charles. So the ties with the grandparents are very strong. 

Another strong link is of course with his Moon - same as Queen Elisabeth II. 
Jupiter in Scorpio where his grandfather Sun is - he will be a role model for Louis.

Venus ahead of Sun - he will shine with his good looks, not as outspoken as Charlotte, Mercury is behind the Sun, yet he will be quite clear in what he wants, as there is a proximity of MC. 

Sun conjunct Uranus means that he has a strong influence of his generation to shape his personality, and it can sometimes be disturbing to him or others. He may have a few personalities, depending on who he is dealing with. 

Asc in Leo say that he will have a royal presence in him, natural and not forced.

The three malice planets are all in Capricorn, his mother's Sun Sign. So there will be quite a tension between them, needing a lot of resolve, patience, reaprochments. 


Let's now have a look at Prince Harry's wife.

Meghan Markle, born 4 August 1981, Los Angeles:

Before we start with Sun and Moon, let's see the Mars position in Crab - this very often brings quarrels in home and household, a bit aggressive, grumpy energy. This Mars is where Kate's and William Moon is. In short - they felt Meghan like an invasion of their privacy. They simply could not help it. 

Her Moon is somewhere near Harry's Sun is - so again, a good match - a pull for Harry. And  - as there is also Jupiter and Saturn nearby - it makes her sort of natural authority in women's affairs, how things should be for women, and it is her who has a deciding role in marriage. 

This 'decisive role' also confirms Sun in Leo, who likes to rule, and be in the spotlight. Venus is in Virgo, another trait to make things my own way, in disguise of service, and falling in love with people who are in service (of whatever kind). Venus is where Harry's Sun and Mercury is. It does look like she has a seductive power over Harry, it is a fact. And nothing wrong with that. 


Prince Charles love-wife: Camilla Parker Bowles, as she was known for the most part of her life, born, 17 July, 1947, London

Camilla is a vulcan of Cancerian energy. A very strong gathering of planets in this sign makes her a very strong woman, with sharp wit (Mars in Gemini) and a sense of authority (Saturn in Leo). However, strong Cancer also indicates a need for hiding and protection, of which we know Camilla had been experiencing for a long time in her life. 

The only planetary connection with the Prince/King Charles chart is with her Jupiter and his Sun. As it seems - it also can be enough to make such a strong pull, especially on the intimate side. Scorpio also means 'secrecy' - they had to hide their affair. 

Of course, Scorpio and Cancer are of similar qualities, and this is what made her appeal to the depths of Charles' soul. 

Saturn in Leo also means to have a noble role in the late years of life, which in the case of Camilla - made her a Queen Consort.